If you have retirement mutual funds in IRA's , 403b , or sep plans, I hope your year end statements are getting close to their highs of 1999-2000.
Mine dropped at least 33%, but as of January1st, have recovered about 96% of that loss.This works out to around 50% in the last 30 months.
The American portion of investments is seriously lagging behind Europacific funds which are up 200%.
I'm gradually getting more control of these funds by transfering to cash and an online trading account and diversifying. While the funds total is almost even, some individual funds are down 80%. That's one reason the broker isn't making decisions with my money anymore. Hope all you that suffered through 2001-2002 are getting back on your feet and getting control of your own finances.
Mine dropped at least 33%, but as of January1st, have recovered about 96% of that loss.This works out to around 50% in the last 30 months.
The American portion of investments is seriously lagging behind Europacific funds which are up 200%.
I'm gradually getting more control of these funds by transfering to cash and an online trading account and diversifying. While the funds total is almost even, some individual funds are down 80%. That's one reason the broker isn't making decisions with my money anymore. Hope all you that suffered through 2001-2002 are getting back on your feet and getting control of your own finances.