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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971


    Net Income Up 60% in the Nine Months Ended November 30, 2004; Up 81% for Third Quarter as Reported By ACR Group, Inc.
    Wednesday January 12, 1:06 pm ET
    Company Sustains Earnings and Sales Momentum

    HOUSTON, Jan. 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ACR Group, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: ACRG - News), a leading wholesale distributor of air- conditioning, heating, and refrigeration equipment and supplies, today reported record operating results and sales for the nine months and quarter ended November 30, 2004, the third quarter of fiscal 2005.

    Net income for the nine-month period ended November 30, 2004 rose 60% to $3,812,000, or $0.35 per diluted share, from $2,387,000, or $0.22 per diluted share, for the nine-month period ended November 30, 2003. The increase in income from fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005 continues to be attributable to strong sales growth and gross margin improvement. Each of the Company's six business units, except for the Texas-based unit, generated operating income at least 60% greater than the previous year. Unusually high rainfall and relatively mild temperatures from late spring through summer continued to adversely affect sales at the Texas-based unit.

    For the nine-month period ended November 30, 2004, the Company also reported sales of $156.9 million, an increase of 15% from sales of $136.0 million for the nine-month period ended November 30, 2003. Same-store sales in the first eleven months of calendar 2004 increased 14% over 2003, compared to a 5% increase in industry-wide product shipments during the same period based on data compiled by a leading industry trade association. Same- store comparisons exclude four new branches opened since June 2003, two non- core business units that were sold in fiscal 2004, and a branch in Texas that was closed in fiscal 2004.

    Net income for the quarter ended November 30, 2004 increased 81% to $618,000, or $0.06 per diluted share, when compared with net income of $341,000, or $0.03 per diluted share, for the quarter ended November 30, 2003. Same-store sales for the quarter increased 10% from 2003 to 2004, and consolidated sales increased 12%, to $47.3 million in 2004 from $42.2 million in 2003. Third quarter sales growth was greatest in Colorado and Florida. Although the hurricanes that hit Florida in early September negatively impacted business early in the quarter, sales recovered there during the last half of the quarter from the inception of renovation and reconstruction. Gross margin in the third quarter increased from 21.6% in 2003 to 23.3% in 2004, as the Company took advantage of certain pricing and payment discount opportunities with its suppliers and continued to refine its customer pricing models.

    Commenting on the Company's third quarter results, Alex Trevino, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of ACR Group, stated, "Our third quarter results of operations exceeded our best previous third quarter by over 60%, as we again sustained the impressive sales and earnings momentum that we established last year. Notably, the sales and earnings growth we have generated in this fiscal year has occurred without a significant contribution from our largest business unit, which is based in Texas. We have, therefore, successfully diversified our business geographically to help insulate our business from unfavorable weather or economic conditions in a particular area of the country. The Company also continues to benefit from the pace of business activity in the states where our business is concentrated. Over 95% of our sales are in states that are among the 15 fast-growing states in the country. Finally, our expanded credit facility that we closed at the beginning of the third quarter has paid immediate dividends, as the significant improvement in our gross margin percentage was attributable in large part to our ability to negotiate more favorable purchase and payment terms with our suppliers."

    About ACR Group, Inc.

    ACR Group, Inc. is a wholesale distributor of air-conditioning, heating, and refrigeration ("HVACR") equipment and supplies. The Company owns and operates 6 business units with 45 locations in 9 states.

    Statements in this news release that relate to management's expectations or beliefs concerning future plans, expectations, events, and performance are "forward-looking" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Actual results or events could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation, weather conditions, the effects of competitive pricing, general economic conditions, and availability of capital.

    (financial data to follow)

    (in thousands of dollars, except per share amounts)

    Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
    November 30, November 30,
    2004 2003 (A) 2004 2003 (A)

    Sales $47,339 $42,187 $156,922 $136,047
    Cost of sales 36,289 33,057 121,065 106,264
    Gross profit 11,050 9,130 35,857 29,783

    Selling, general and
    administrative expenses 9,745 8,194 28,653 24,709
    Depreciation and
    amortization 227 231 700 744
    Operating income 1,078 705 6,504 4,330

    Interest expense 252 262 787 805
    Interest derivative
    loss (gain) 4 21 (19) 41
    Other non-operating
    (income) (121) (139) (434) (365)

    Income before income
    taxes 943 561 6,170 3,849

    Provision (benefit) for
    income taxes 325 220 2,358 1,462

    Net income $618 $341 $3,812 $2,387

    Earnings per share:
    Basic $.06 $.03 $.36 $.22
    Diluted $.06 $.03 $.35 $.22

    Average outstanding
    Basic 10,707 10,681 10,690 10,681
    Diluted 11,030 10,681 10,846 10,681

    (A) Restated
    Last edited by mrmarket; 01-12-2005, 03:33 PM.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    Once they hurdle their debt, this stock is really going to zoom if they can keep up this growth. Seems to be a well managed company, based on their earnings progression.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      wow...all it does is go up!

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5319


        ACRG is picking up where it left off, closing only 0.03 off it's 52 week high.

        Maybe we'll see this one again in the dump, after ARLP hits!


        • jiesen
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 5319

          At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.

          go ACRG! making new highs again today... sure wish I'd picked up some more of this at 3.2 now, instead of putting it into NGPS.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jiesen

            go ACRG! making new highs again today... sure wish I'd picked up some more of this at 3.2 now, instead of putting it into NGPS.
            Hey, Pinky, ever consider picking up some NARF? Dumb joke, but couldn't resist.


            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5319


              Originally posted by B.J
              Hey, Pinky, ever consider picking up some NARF? Dumb joke, but couldn't resist.
              yeah, good one. actually, I've never heard of NARF, but I did remember taking a look at NRPH once...

              as it turns out, that would have been a perfect time to buy it. NARF!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                There's actually no such stock as NARF, but it fit in as sounding like the four letter stock symbol that provided the Pinky punchline.


                • jiesen
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5319

                  Originally posted by mrmarket
                  wow...all it does is go up!

                  no kidding! look at this thing go, showing no respect for the bear. I wish all my stocks could do this.


                  • scifos
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 790

                    ADX/SAR system applied to ACRG

                    Just thought I'd share my thoughts on this stock and how ADX/SAR trading works in my mind.

                    Point 1: All the DMI crossovers in the circle are ignored because ADX is below 20, meaning the stock isn't trending and the signals are useless. Meaningful DMI signals come only after Nov 8 when ADX moves up high enough to know that it is trending (albeit downward).

                    Point 2 and point 5: This comes a little more than a month before MrMarket posts ACRG here. Dec 1 sees SAR signal a buy, and Dec 2 we have the DMI crossover (point 2). The agressive buy would be market open on the 6th (not waiting for the crossover but inferring it by seeing the +DI and -DI converging) and the conservative buy would be market open after the crossover, on the 3rd, at a much higher price I might add.

                    Point 6: we get a SAR sell signal, which lasts for 2 days. Conservatives would probably bail and re-enter in the next day or two as the SAR signal goes back to buy. Agressive longs would hold, noting that there was no significant price drop, and +DI hadn't crossed below -DI. This is about when MrMarket started this post.

                    Point 7: Conservatives would again get out when the SAR goes above the price. Agressive longs would wait for the +DI to cross below -DI a few days later, this time paying a pretty good price for waiting.

                    Point 3 and 8: we see SAR and a DMI crossover occur together again, green light to buy.

                    Points 4 and 9: would be sitting on a small gain from pts. 3&8, the SAR and DMI signals are ignored because ADX is below 20, providing unreliable signals. They are just whipsawing back and forth.

                    I've been posting some stuff I've found that meet the buy criteria shown above on this thread:
                    Buy Low
                    Sell High
                    STAY FROSTY!


                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5319

                      ACRG is now trading over 4.00 and if it closes above 4.00 today, that'll be the first time since the 80's. There's no stopping this one now... imo. They must have that debt thing licked, eh?

                      Spike, isn't this some sort of breakout through resistance, or the like? How far do the charts say it can go now?


                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5319

                        anyone else own ACRG around here? this stock just continues to go straght up! if nobody cares about it, though, I'll shut up.


                        • grebnet
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 389


                          Ive just been a deer caught in the headlights watching this....have given up now...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jiesen
                            anyone else own ACRG around here? this stock just continues to go straght up! if nobody cares about it, though, I'll shut up.
                            I'm still holding from 2.98. Added some when spike called 50% retracement. Sold 1/4 at 3.80 and I'm happy now.


                            • jiesen
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5319

                              ACRG posts 4Q profit for the first time and record EPS

                              the recent drop and lack of information had me worried for awhile, was about ready to sell today... glad I didn't!!!

                              go ACRG!
                              At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.

                              Press ReleaseSource: ACR Group, Inc.

                              ACR Group, Inc. Reports First Profitable Fourth Quarter and Record Earnings for Year February 28, 2005
                              Thursday May 26, 6:45 pm ET Income Increases 76% Over Previous Year

                              HOUSTON, May 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- ACR Group, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: ACRG - News), a leading wholesale distributor of air- conditioning, heating, and refrigeration equipment and supplies, today reported record net income and sales for the fiscal year and fourth fiscal quarter ended February 28, 2005. For the first time in the Company's history, it reported a profitable fourth fiscal quarter, a quarter in which the Company has historically incurred losses because weather conditions at that time of the year result in relatively low business activity.

                              Net income for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2005 rose 76% to $4,211,000, or $0.38 per diluted share, compared to $2,395,000, or $0.22 per diluted share, for the fiscal year ended February 29, 2004. The increase in income for fiscal 2004 to fiscal 2005 was attributable to improved operating results at all of the Company's business units, driven by strong sales growth and gross margin enhancement.

                              Sales for fiscal 2005 were $199.6 million, compared with sales of $174.4 million in fiscal 2004, an increase of 14%. Same-store sales increased 12% in fiscal 2005, led by the business unit based in Florida, where a strong construction economy boosted sales. For calendar 2004, the Company recorded a 14% increase in same-store sales, compared to a 9% increase in industry-wide product shipments based on data compiled by a leading industry trade association. Gross margin percentage on sales increased to 23.4% in fiscal 2005 from 22.1% in fiscal 2004, as increased availability of working capital enabled the Company to take advantage of opportunities to improve purchasing and payment terms with suppliers, and the Company maintained its customer pricing disciplines to pass through increases in the cost of products manufactured from certain commodity raw materials.

                              In the fourth fiscal quarter ended February 28, 2005, the Company earned net income of $399,000, or $.04 per diluted share, compared to $8,000, or $0.00 per diluted share, in the prior year fourth quarter. Sales for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005 increased 11% to $42.6 million, from $38.3 million in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2004.

                              Commenting on the Company's year-end and fourth quarter results, Alex Trevino, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of ACR Group, stated, "For the second consecutive year, our improvement in financial performance was very impressive. Sales, gross margin and net income all improved markedly as most of our business units gained market share. Our Florida and California operations sustained the growth momentum they generated in fiscal 2004 and managed their growth very profitably. Strong economies in these two market areas continue to make them our best prospects for organic growth. We also regained sales momentum in Colorado and Georgia, as favorable summer weather helped boost aftermarket sales. We are most pleased, however, with the significant improvement in our gross margin percentage. To improve gross margin by over a full percent in a single year is actually a remarkable achievement. Our operating managers have worked diligently not only to rationalize customer pricing, but also to utilize preferred vendor arrangements and improve inventory management. Importantly, we believe we can maintain these initiatives and generate continuous improvement."

                              The Company also announced that it has begun distributing the Haier brand of HVAC equipment in substantially all of its market areas and has discontinued selling the Goodman brand of equipment at its business units based in Georgia and Colorado. The Company will initially be the sole distributor of Haier equipment in each of its market areas, whereas in the areas where the Company previously sold Goodman equipment, it was one of several distributors that sold the same branded product. On the change in equipment suppliers, Mr. Trevino remarked, "Haier is a $12 billion leading global manufacturer of consumer appliances and HVAC industry products. We are proud to be chosen to help introduce their products to the HVAC market in the U.S. The Haier brand name is recognized globally, and they have invested millions of dollars in the development of product lines specifically designed for our markets. We believe that consumers in the U.S. will quickly appreciate the high quality of the products as well as the value proposition that the Haier brand represents. As with most transitions of HVAC equipment brands, there are initial dislocations, and this is no exception. In particular, our Georgia business unit has experienced a significant decline in equipment sales at the beginning of fiscal 2006, as operating management worked to get the right inventory mix at each location and to educate customers about the benefits of the Haier product line. We are likely to continue to experience some attrition in sales at that business unit for the entire fiscal year, although we certainly expect to regain some momentum during the summer selling season. This dislocation will adversely affect consolidated earnings for the first quarter of fiscal 2006, and perhaps later quarters, but we believe that the availability of this product line across our entire Company provides a very attractive long-term growth opportunity. Such opportunities are difficult to find in the HVAC industry, where there are many distributors and few differentiated products."

