Portfolio of the Week

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Only good news today. Runner's AUO up 1.23%


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      My two picks are doing great!....not.

      At least my real portfolio is in cash.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Websman
        Don't worry. Stenz and me are in the running for last.
        Were we supposed to pick stocks to go up? I must have misunderstood.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          I think I'll start shorting stocks exclusively. I seem to be better at picking losers...lol


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Mid-day movers:

            ARS +4.58%
            DTSI +3.63

            TZOO +1.85
            FOXH +1.52
            CMC +1.63

            Winning portfolio announced tonight, Runner looking strong, but vulnerable.


            • #36
              Hey, you forgot PRFT -5%.

              It's a mover, just not upwards.


              • #37

                Neat idea, billyjoe, for the picks. Thanks for your posts.


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  We have a winner and I think you'll be surprised. First , some stats. Of the 24 stocks picked in the 5 different portfolios, only 4 advanced for the week, 20 declined. Runner had 3 of the advancing stocks:AACE, AUO, and EIX. RL had the other one, BBW. Unfortunately, Runner and RL also had the biggest losers in AUGT and TZOO.

                  Runner AACE +3.6%
                  Runner AUO +2.4
                  RL BBW +1.5
                  Runner EIX +1.2

                  TOP LOSERS
                  Runner AUGT -13.6%
                  RL TZOO -12.3
                  Stenz PRFT - 8.8
                  Stenz DIOD - 6.2
                  Stenz SYXI - 6.0

                  And the winner is, the sage of South Dakota, Scifos, who managed to retain 98.06% of his money or $9806. I'd have been happy to get away with 98% this week.
                  2nd Runner $9770

                  3rd RL 9632

                  4th Websman 9565

                  5th Stenzrob 9338

                  Portfolio, Stock, open, close, %

                  HUM 33.02 32.86 -.48%
                  ARGN 4.70 4.54 -3.4

                  AACE 27.86 28.87 +3.6%
                  ARS 15.80 14.96 -5.3
                  ABR 23.96 23.95 -0.04
                  AUGT 9.25 7.99 -13.6
                  AUO 13.90 14.24 +2.4
                  CNET 10.78 10.63 -1.4
                  DTSI 19.30 18.62 -3.5
                  ELNK 10.59 10.06 -5.0
                  EIX 31.24 31.60 +1.2
                  EWW 24.25 23.91 -1.4

                  TZOO 83.65 73.38 -12.3%
                  BXG 20.25 19.23 - 5
                  FOXH 29.72 29.31 -1.4
                  DHB 15.49 14.82 -4.3
                  CMC 27.57 27.49 -.3
                  BBW 35.25 35.78 +1.5

                  DHB 15.49 14.82 -4.3%
                  XMSR 35.68 34.10 -4.4

                  PRFT 7.58 6.91 -8.8%
                  NANO 13.40 12.66 -5.5
                  SYXI 9.99 9.39 -6.0
                  DIOD 22.38 21.00 -6.2

                  Thanks to these brave contestants who are the first contestants in the "Portfolio of the Week" . Lets try to get 5 new vict I mean contestants for next week. Send in your entries by Sunday night. The first 5 are in the running.


                  • #39
                    Billyjoe, great thread. I’m looking forward to the next contestants picks. We all know it was ugly, but not bad considering the undertone of the market. My initial scans are not very promising for next week!


                    • Gatorman
                      No Posting allowed; invalid email
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 448

                      Portfolio of the Week

                      Here are my choices for next week's portfolio I will call the "Time to Be HUGE Portfolio"


                      • New-born baby
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 6095

                        Good job all

                        BillyJoe, Runner, Webs, Scifos, Stenz, RL

                        Nice work for a tough, tough week. I like this thread. Thank you BillyJoe!
                        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                        • scifos
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 790

                          I feel so, humble. Its just really been my day. I just got back from a poker tourney where I finished first, with my good friend Leondard second. And now this. I don't like to brag much.

                          Picks for next week: (I thought maybe the reigning champ could defend his crown)
                          First, I predict the down market to continue.
                          If I'm allowed to short stocks: CRA, DAL, and CRGN
                          If I must be long: WZEN and TRA
                          Last edited by scifos; 01-22-2005, 02:58 AM.
                          Buy Low
                          Sell High
                          STAY FROSTY!


                          • RL
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 1215

                            Congrats to SCIFOS

                            Nice going SCIFOS Not sure If I'm supposed to enter again this week but If I can here goes. SYNA FFIC BBW ILSE AGH
                            Ray Long


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              RL and Scifos,
                              Lets see if we get other new contestants. I'm sure we'll run out eventually and everyone will get multiple chances. Scifos, I like the idea of you defending your title. Nobody has ever won two stock picking contests on Mr.Markets site as far as I know.


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                At least my Beatles record auction made money. Bought for a dime and sold for $1,250.
                                Now if I can get my stock picks to so the same.

