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  • Cme

    Any concerns regarding the big drop in the share price for
    CME?? I realize it is happening in the midst of a down market, but
    still am looking for your thoughts on it (I got in at $226 and it is now
    under $200).

  • #2
    I bought in around those levels too. I would prefer if my stocks always went straight up after purchasing them. But this one is not working like that. If I was invested in a small company with one major client I would be scared too or some other terribly risky situation I would be much more worried.

    The HUGE one posted during the first drop that it was the lemmings jumping off the cliff that caused it. This may be another lemming run.

    One question I have that someone mentioned on the Yahoo board was that the evil MM and fund would like it down to this level to affect option expiration. Is their any possibly truth to this or is this someone just making excuses for another lemming run? I tend to think the last one, but would be happy to be educated.
    Last edited by Guest; 01-20-2005, 11:45 AM.


    • df21084
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2004
      • 258

      CME is an earnings machine. There are as many reasons to buy or sell as there are people who buy and sell, so who knows why people are selling.

      I say hang in there, unless you want to sell for a loss. Because CME's going to go up.

      Remember ... earnings earnings earnings in the stock world is like location location location in the real estate world. And CME has earnings earnings earnings.

      Happy investing,

      My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        Originally posted by df21084
        CME is an earnings machine. There are as many reasons to buy or sell as there are people who buy and sell, so who knows why people are selling.

        I say hang in there, unless you want to sell for a loss. Because CME's going to go up.

        Remember ... earnings earnings earnings in the stock world is like location location location in the real estate world. And CME has earnings earnings earnings.

        my sentiments exactly

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          Maybe this is too simplistic, but wouldn't high levels of bears selling benefit CME as well as high levels of bulls buying?

          Call me crazy but I can't resist CME at 198.60. It just takes a while longer to confirm a 3 share purchase.
          Last edited by billyjoe; 01-20-2005, 12:23 PM. Reason: had to buy


          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5319

            Originally posted by dlb53151
            Any concerns regarding the big drop in the share price for
            CME?? I realize it is happening in the midst of a down market, but
            still am looking for your thoughts on it (I got in at $226 and it is now
            under $200).
            I see this as a buying opp. Once ACRG ticks up a few more % I'm selling it and buying more CME as long as it's still under $200!

            Nothing about CME has changed since I first bought it except the price.


            • #7
              I remember someone posting that 188 would be a good entry point on this one. At that time I though no way. Now I just hope it doesn't go alot under that. Maybe I will have to take that TA stuff more serious to determine my entry points. I have no intention of selling, but just wish my stocks always went up.

              The only thing I can see affecting CME for the long haul is if the market dips and people lose interests in the market. With CME the recent selling has been good for its volume, which equals earnings. We just need to keep that volume moving.

              Earnings on Feb. 1st will be good and hopefully the outlook will be good.


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                CME , Wow! I've never had a stock go up 24 points in 2 days. I guess everybody realized the price drop was stupid and uncalled for with this "cadillac" of a stock. If this continues and Mr.Market makes a quick 15% I'd call this one of his greatest all-time picks.


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  On Dec.15th , Mr.Market told us the story of CME. Again stressing earnings, earnings, earnings, the huge one said that CME was an earnings machine.
                  One site I visit, Starmine Investors, now reports that 8 of 8 top analysts have revised CME's earnings upward since Jan. 3rd. Our Mr. Market knew this at least 2 1/2 weeks earlier. Mr. Market is not a professional analyst. He isn't paid a 6 figure income for his estimates, yet he is as good as or better than the professionals. How does he do it?


                  • #10
                    I have been happy with the movement with CME the last two days. I look forward to my target of about $250. I wish I would have waited to buy this one. It sucks watching my account go down, but their was no way I was selling. I may not have 19 inch biceps but I do have a good set of brass ones.


                    • #11
                      CME - I agree that this will be one of MM's best pick. Not only because its fast move from the bottom, but this is also probably one of the safest stocks in the growth stock land. I just wished I would have loaded up more when it was down. But I did pick up a nice piece anyway. EARNINGS BABY !!!


                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5319

                        Originally posted by ytown12
                        CME - I agree that this will be one of MM's best pick. Not only because its fast move from the bottom, but this is also probably one of the safest stocks in the growth stock land. I just wished I would have loaded up more when it was down. But I did pick up a nice piece anyway. EARNINGS BABY !!!
                        yeah baby! go CME!

                        my $1 call is now going for $5.


                        • jiesen
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5319

                          Originally posted by billyjoe
                          CME , Wow! I've never had a stock go up 24 points in 2 days. I guess everybody realized the price drop was stupid and uncalled for with this "cadillac" of a stock. If this continues and Mr.Market makes a quick 15% I'd call this one of his greatest all-time picks.
                          quick, any BS experts (Black-Scholes) know what the Mar230 calls would be worth if CME went up 24 points in 2 days again?


                          • mimo_100
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 1784

                            Originally posted by jiesen
                            quick, any BS experts (Black-Scholes) know what the Mar230 calls would be worth if CME went up 24 points in 2 days again?
                            I used a strike price of 230 at the link below. It computed $ 3.9354 for

                            the Mar 230 call at a price of $209.49. At $233.49 (24 points higher), the value was 13.9583.


                            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                            • jiesen
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5319

                              Originally posted by mimo_100

                              I used a strike price of 230 at the link below. It computed $ 3.9354 for

                              the Mar 230 call at a price of $209.49. At $233.49 (24 points higher), the value was 13.9583.


                              awesome! Thanks, Tim. much appreciated!

                              did I mention that this site ROCKS?!

