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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by peanuts View Post
    I don't think you're missing anything. Technically speaking, this stock has a long history of declining value.

    I'll go on to say, however, that this is not a technical play... And should only be "played" with losable funds
    "Losable"...Thanks...I always like to learn a new word a week
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      i still want to know what he sees there that interests him.


      • peanuts
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 3365

        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
        i still want to know what he sees there that interests him.
        I see that the company is going to begin buying back shares. They have authorized $4 million to do so. That equates to 28% of the company's current market value.

        Ed, the stock price is cheap. I think it will go up because of the buyback. Based on the reports, they are undervalued. A division of the company that only accounted for 1/10 of the revenue was sold for more than half of the current market value for the company. The rest of the company's divisions are showing increases in revenue.

        Also, I own shares, and I don't mind sharing my ideas to make money in the market with Mr. Market grazers. It's not a trade for everyone... you've got to have nuts
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        What's a sundial in the shade?

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        • New-born baby
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 6095

          It's been a long time

          Yeah, it's been a long time. But today I decided, in honor of MM's Hugeness, to post a HOT TIP for February 5, 2009. And it involves my very favorite drink, Coca Cola (KO). KO reports earnings Thursday, Feb 12, before the open. That report will likely change the look of the KO chart. Either it will become even more bearish, and plunge to possibly $32, or else KO will bounce to $49. The sentiment is very bearish when you look at the put/call ratio. Watch that $40 marker. If it fails, she goes down to possibly $32-$30. I expect KO to fall and not bounce here.

          pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


          • New-born baby
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 6095

            My sentiments exactly

            Speaking Biblically, the way to wealth is:
            1. Work
            2. Tithing to the Lord
            3. Saving
            4. Giving

            The US economy has been based on:
            1. Consumption
            2. Easy Credit
            3. Consumer debt

            Now here's a view of the Stimulus Package:

            Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to "Unmitigated Disaster"
            Posted Feb 06, 2009 08:05am EST by Aaron Task in Investing, Newsmakers, Recession
            Related: ^dji, ^gspc, QQQQ, SPY, DIA, TLT, UDN
            The fiscal stimulus bill being debated in Congress not only won't help the economy, it will make the recession much worse, says Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital.
            Schiff scoffs at the notion the economic decline is starting to level off and concedes no government action means a "terrible" recession. But the path of increased government intervention will lead to "unmitigated disaster," says Schiff, who gained notoriety in 2007-08 for his prescient calls on the housing bubble and U.S. stocks.

            The problem, he says, is the government is trying to perpetuate a "phony economy" based on borrowing and spending. With the U.S. consumer tapped out, the government is "now taking on the mantle" of consumer of last resort, he continues, predicting the bond bubble will soon burst - if it hasn't already - ultimately leading to a collapse of the dollar and an "inflationary depression worse than anything any of us have ever seen."

            If nothing else, Schiff is an nonpartisan critic of American policymakers, comparing President Bush to Herbert Hoover and President Obama to FDR, and neither in a favorable way.

            Note: Stay tuned for part 2 of my interview with Schiff, where he addresses recent criticism of his investing prowess.
            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              You may have never heard of this but I'm addicted to Coca Cola like some are addicted to alcohol. Not any other soda, pop, whatever you call it, just Coca Cola. Am trying to quit. Have only had 1 in last 40 some days. And I can't just have one every so often. I know I'll wreck my stomach, gain weight, and probably develop diabetes if I can't stop. Got hooked as a kid when they put football players pictures under the caps and you could get an NFL football for collecting the whole set.



              • peanuts
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2006
                • 3365

                Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                KO reports earnings Thursday, Feb 12, before the open. That report will likely change the look of the KO chart. Either it will become even more bearish, and plunge to possibly $32, or else KO will bounce to $49. The sentiment is very bearish when you look at the put/call ratio. Watch that $40 marker. If it fails, she goes down to possibly $32-$30. I expect KO to fall and not bounce here.
                buy a march put, buy a march call (same strike) keep whichever one works, and sell the other.... let it run and cash in at the end of Feb?
                Hide not your talents.
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                What's a sundial in the shade?

                - Benjamin Franklin


                • New-born baby
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 6095

                  Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                  You may have never heard of this but I'm addicted to Coca Cola like some are addicted to alcohol. Not any other soda, pop, whatever you call it, just Coca Cola. Am trying to quit. Have only had 1 in last 40 some days. And I can't just have one every so often. I know I'll wreck my stomach, gain weight, and probably develop diabetes if I can't stop. Got hooked as a kid when they put football players pictures under the caps and you could get an NFL football for collecting the whole set.

                  Best wishes to your permanently breaking the addiction, as well as avoiding diabetes and weight gain. I don't drink Coke very often now. I love it, but I, too, don't want the extra weight or health risks.
                  pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                  • peanuts
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2006
                    • 3365

                    Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                    ...Now here's a view of the Stimulus Package:

                    Peter Schiff: Stimulus Bill Will Lead to "Unmitigated Disaster"...
                    Schiff has made some very accurate calls lately. The doom and gloom messages are depressing. But, to be well informed, he's one to continue reading.

                    Obama isn't doing anything but threatening that things are going to get worse... DUH!... what is he trying to do? Set himself up to say, "I told you so" and then put into place his regime of change... most likely under the guise of a "phoenix from the ashes" type of rhetoric
                    Hide not your talents.
                    They for use were made.
                    What's a sundial in the shade?

                    - Benjamin Franklin


                    • New-born baby
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 6095

                      Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                      buy a march put, buy a march call (same strike) keep whichever one works, and sell the other.... let it run and cash in at the end of Feb?
                      Hi, Peanuts,
                      That is one way to play it. Another way would be to watch it run upwards towards the earnings report on Feb 11, and sell the spike (if you are bearish). The straddle, as you proposed, also might best be executed on Feb 11 IF KO doesn't break the $40 support before then. KO is getting the bounce today.

                      Another play: BUY HK and let it run to $30.
                      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN

