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Re: Wow--it is Stenzrob, my good buddy with his picks!!!!!!!
Originally posted by bec1wnbc66Ah, yes, my fellow New Jerseyan, the Stenzoid, is back again---yeah! HBIO ("hanging in there just fine, no worries at all") down 7%, CRIO down 12% today, but I still think this guy is the best (well, not the best, that of course is Ernesto!). Oops, forgot NTST---down after the comment of "it is always a good buy"(maybe it is always a goodbye???) Yes, yes, I know---you sold at whatever the high was over the last 5 days for these stocks etc., etc..Must admit full disclosure though in all fairness---I think the market stinks at this point and am 100% cash (now there is a great buy signal for everyone, eh?).
It was NTST I referred to as hanging in there just fine, not HBIO.
HBIO was down 7.75% today, after gapping up from $7 to $8.50 yesterday, moron.
CRIO was down 12% today ... but then, I sold it yesterday and bought it back again today, all of which has been recorded at the NTST message board where you are hanging on my every word.
Get a life, you worm.