CMN...think I pulled the trigger too early

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  • CMN...think I pulled the trigger too early

    I can always buy back in, but it seems like this stock is on a roll. I took a 1.4 gain on each share I had, which isn't horrible (baby steps right?) but I am feeling like I should have stayed in longer. What do you guys think especially Mr.Market? I know he likes this stock alot....
  • mooddude
    No Posting allowed; invalid email
    • Dec 2004
    • 187

    The issue with baby steps (such as 1.4% gains) is that you should make 17 of them in a row to increase your capital by 25%, 30 steps to increase it by 50%, and 50 steps to double your capital. Now that's a lot of risk to take (and commissions to pay).
    Last edited by mooddude; 02-02-2005, 07:57 PM.


    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      Brent, buying 23.43 is what I'm doing (do your own DD ). I know what I said about the 25.39 target for the 50% system entry.

      But on further reflection these are some thoughts. Note, I use pretty tight stops will likely use one beneath the recent gap - maybe 23.80.

