PARL...possible buy point tomorrow?

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  • PARL...possible buy point tomorrow?

    New to investing, but looks like PARL has broken out of a six week base, went up a bit...and now returned to the base today after losses. Isn't the rle of thumb on IBD is that a 7 week base is a good baseline?? Would tomorrow be a good buy point when people panic and sell after they took a loss today?? Any opinions are appreciated. Also, please don't hesitate to flat you tell me I read the chart wrong, as I would appreciate the help.
  • mooddude
    No Posting allowed; invalid email
    • Dec 2004
    • 187

    If you follow IBD rules then consider:

    1. This is the fourth base (for the last 1.5 years) and prone to failure
    2. The stock reversed past the pivot of $25.02 on volume higher than during breakout
    3. The trade immediately after the breakout ended in the lower daily range
    4. The market is currently under correction (according to IBD)
    5. The stock is in the industry that is not Top 40

    But the stock has good fundamentals and might be building an ascending base. Overall, I wouldn't buy it tomorrow if I were to follow IBD rules.
    Last edited by mooddude; 02-02-2005, 09:01 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks, advice appreciated.


      • dmk112
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2004
        • 1759

        Yea...past fair value...was a buy at 17

