New to group. What to buy now?

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  • New to group. What to buy now?

    Hi everyone. I am new to this group and am wondering if there are any stocks that meet Ernie's criteria to buy now? If so if you had to choose one or two which would it be?

    Thanks Craig
  • jiesen
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5319

    CME would get my vote right now...


    • #3
      I second that !

      CME - would be my choice as well. Although you might want to wait for a little pullback.


      • scifos
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 790

        Originally posted by grndadi
        wondering if there are any stocks that meet Ernie's criteria to buy now?
        Check out Karel's "Mimicking MrMarket thread"

        I just ran through the screens and it recommends HOC, NAT, and BRY. Thats just what it says, I would definately do my own DD. Personally, I think that this method often gives a lot of good results but with poor or overextended stocks at the top. The top ten I got were HOC,VLCCF,LSS,NAT,CMC,VLO,TOL,MTH,CLF,BRY

        Its a good list to start your Due Dilligence on.

        I would personally take TOL (already in it actually, VLO (energy stocks are strong) maybe HOC (haven't looked at it closely enough yet) and MTH just cuz homebuilders ROCK!
        Buy Low
        Sell High
        STAY FROSTY!


        • jiesen
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 5319

          Originally posted by scifos
          Check out Karel's "Mimicking MrMarket thread"

          I just ran through the screens and it recommends HOC, NAT, and BRY. Thats just what it says, I would definately do my own DD. Personally, I think that this method often gives a lot of good results but with poor or overextended stocks at the top. The top ten I got were HOC,VLCCF,LSS,NAT,CMC,VLO,TOL,MTH,CLF,BRY

          Its a good list to start your Due Dilligence on.

          I would personally take TOL (already in it actually, VLO (energy stocks are strong) maybe HOC (haven't looked at it closely enough yet) and MTH just cuz homebuilders ROCK!
          I agree that MTH is a good one.


          • #6
            But which stocks meet Mr Markets screens?

