Problems with posts

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  • Problems with posts

    Karel, please consider lengthening the timeout period for the board. I am often getting timed out while composing my messages.
  • dmk112
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 1759



    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Originally posted by ParkTwain
      Karel, please consider lengthening the timeout period for the board. I am often getting timed out while composing my messages.
      PT...that has never happened to me...although I have found that I cannot post more than one message every 30 seconds...IIC

      PS: I'm still working on the sizing thing...sorry
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      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Twice when I went to submit a lengthy reply as soon as I hit "submit" everything disappeared , very disturbing to a poor typist.



        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          I have asked PT by email (I hope, I did it via the board) exactly what problems he has. I can't seem to find a time out setting like that in the Admin section, but who knows. When I know a time span, I might get inspired.

          Billyjoe, what happened to you is most likely a miscommunication between your browser and the server. In those cases you could be lucky when you go back in your browser, but then, you might not. As a precaution, you could (while you are editing your message) hit Ctrl+A to select all of it, and then Ctrl+C to copy it. In case of disaster, you start a new message/reply and paste with Ctrl+V.

          Or write your message in Notepad first. A kludge, but better than a foul after hard work.


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          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            I'm just beginning to learn how to upload charts an other material to this forum. Is there a specific compression sizing required to upload material here?


            • Karel
              • Sep 2003
              • 2199

              Originally posted by skiracer
              I'm just beginning to learn how to upload charts an other material to this forum. Is there a specific compression sizing required to upload material here?
              The general rule is: when it is rejected, it is too big

              Personally I would prefer external links to graphs, charts, and other pictures, as stuff like that hits the database rather hard. But then you need webspace of your own, of course. We currently have 22MB database space devoted to just under 500 attachments, for over 40KB per attachment. Smaller would be preferable! The members on slow modem lines will thank you too!


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              • scifos
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2004
                • 790

                Originally posted by Karel
                The general rule is: when it is rejected, it is too big

                Personally I would prefer external links to graphs, charts, and other pictures, as stuff like that hits the database rather hard. But then you need webspace of your own, of course. We currently have 22MB database space devoted to just under 500 attachments, for over 40KB per attachment. Smaller would be preferable! The members on slow modem lines will thank you too!


                Try its a website where you can set up a FREE photo album. You can upload your pictures there and provide a link to them in your posts here.
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                • #9
                  It's not a matter of my post being too big. When I hit the submit button, the site displays the message that I need to login again.

                  To recover, I first hit the "Back" link and copy the text I had placed in the "Quick Reply" box, then I login again, then I paste the entire posting in the "Quick Reply" box again, then press the "Post Quick Reply" button, and this second time the submission is accepted.

                  I am almost always using the Firefox brower, but I doubt that this is part of the problem. All other functionality at the site seems to work for me when using Firefox without any problems.



                  • Karel
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 2199

                    Hi PT,

                    Yes, I split this thread from the mailing list thread, and now it attracts other problems too.

                    So you use the Quick Reply box? I never do (I always click Post Reply for some reason). I can't imagine that that's the problem, but you can always try. How long do you take to compose the posts for which you need to login again? Is Remember Me checked when you log in?


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                    • #11
                      No, I don't use "Remember me" because I have assumed that it causes the site to write a cookie on my machine. Regarding time to type up a post, it might require 5 minutes or more to do the typing. I don't know why the site would not detect my activity of typing into the Quick Reply box.


                      • Karel
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 2199

                        Yes, when you use Remember Me, the site drops a cookie on your hard disk. No cookie == problems like yours. Perhaps the site also drops a cookie for the session, I don't know. And about the site noticing your frantic typing to make that server time limit: no such luck. HTTP, the Web protocol, is a connectionless protocol, meaning that a browser sends a request to a server, the server replies, and then is free forget about everything. So all your typing is purely client-side/in the browser. Only when you want to submit your carefully crafted message will the browser contact the server again, with your message. But by then the server has completely forgotten what this was about.

                        It should be possible to make the server retain connection info for a longer time, but that is outside our control. Then you are left with two alternatives:
                        - allow cookies and set Remember Me; or
                        - live with things as they are.



                        BTW: vBulletin (=our) cookies are harmless.
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                        • #13
                          "HTTP, the Web protocol, is a connectionless protocol, meaning that a browser sends a request to a server, the server replies, and then is free forget about everything"

                          Yes, I know all of this. However, there are plenty of web sites that don't restrict themselves to merely the HTTP model of interaction with the client browser. For instance, they use JavaScript, Macromedia Flash, etc.

                          I also have assumed that this site might drop other cookies on my machine that capture state information about my session even without dropping a cookie to save my login name. Plenty of sites do this as well.


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Evelyn Wood Speed Typing Course...So I don't have timeout problems
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                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              lol @ IIC

                              PT, just take the cookie!

