About time this freeloader contributes...

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  • About time this freeloader contributes...

    I've been reading ideas and giving none up to now. I'm still in the process of playing with and arriving at an acceptable screen criteria. So far I look at:

    - Micro Market Cap
    - TTM revenue > 25%
    - TTM EPS > 25%
    - ROE > 15%
    - Debt/Eq < 1
    - PEG < 2

    Then I look at charts. Prefer up or sideways trend, nothing wide and loose.

    Here's what I found. A little late on some:


    Let me know what you think.
  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    BJ...Just curious...what would be your maximum cap to be considered Micro?...Thx...IIC
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • #3
      $410 million = micro. This is defined per Schwab's screening software. I'd like it better if I could fill in the blanks instead of the rigid drop-down menu picks. It defined small caps as $410M-1.6B.

      CMN and DW also passed the screen, but MM has said plenty about those two.


      • IIC
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 14938

        Originally posted by B.J
        $410 million = micro. This is defined per Schwab's screening software. I'd like it better if I could fill in the blanks instead of the rigid drop-down menu picks. It defined small caps as $410M-1.6B.

        CMN and DW also passed the screen, but MM has said plenty about those two.
        Thanks...I usually use this:

        Nano Cap Under $50 million

        Micro Cap $50 million to $300 million

        Small Cap $300 million to $2 billion

        Mid Cap $2 billion to $10 billion

        Large Cap $10 billion to $200 billion

        Mega Cap Over $200 billion
        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

        Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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        • #5
          IIC, what part of LA do you live in?

          I'm in Lomita, up the hill, close to the PV area.


          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Originally posted by B.J
            IIC, what part of LA do you live in?

            I'm in Lomita, up the hill, close to the PV area.
            Well...Now you got me started

            I was born in San Francisco, moved to Seattle, moved to Venice, CA ...moved to Culver City, moved to Houston TX, moved back to Culver City(at this point I was 9)...moved to 2 more places in Culver City(My parents still live in the last place in CC since '66)...Went to college at U of Nebraska in 8/71...One semester at U of Hawaii...back to UNL...lived at several places in NE during those years...came back to CA in 12/75...lived in Cheviot Hills...then Palms(WLA)...then Pasadena...then Redondo Beach...then back to WLA since '86. I didn't name them all, but I have lived in 25 different houses/apts in 51 years...Been at my current place since '90.

            I graduated from Culver City High School in '71...I believe you are in the Narbonne area...My friend went to HS w/ Bo Derek there.

            We ought to get together sometime. I am in an IBD Meetup(rogue group) that meets in La Canada 2x a month...but I have not been for a while...but I am in daily email contact with them...Email me...My trading partner(who is SUPER SHARP) has a house in PVE...although not F/T...maybe we could get together sometime for some Stock Talk???

            My office is Downtown between Staples and USC.
            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

            Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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            • #7
              You've been around!

              I'm a transplanted Midwestern Aerospace engineer. But, rest assured, I don't appreciate California any less than a native

              I began my career in '88, worked for General Dynamics in San Diego, before they folded the tent and left.

              In 1992, got laid off, went east, ended up pretty near $$MM$$'s neighborhood, I believe. Worked for GE-Martin Marietta-Lockheed-(whatever they want to call themselves next) Astrospace. Spent some time in both East Windsor, NJ and Valley Forge, PA. I miss the Springs and Autumns, but the Winters? NEVER!! If $$MM$$ is reading, don't you dare try to convince me otherwise

              1995, I came back out when things picked up again in CA. Now working for Northrup Grumman (was TRW).

              I am certainly looking forward to meeting you. Expect an e-mail from me anytime. I've been out of stocks for a long time (except MF's) until a few months ago, so I can always use some pointers. I've made good coin in real estate at least. My neighbor's home is listed for 1.089M. Do you believe that? IN LOMITA??

