Here's a list of highly rated stocks that rose at least 4% within 24 hours of their earnings release. No significance with the 4% other than a 1.00 gain on a 25.00 stock sounded like a nice place to start.
Stock Earnings Date % Gain Price at end of Earnings Day
1.CTMI 2/1/05 14% 17.36
2.WITS 2/2/05 7 19.53
3.CPSI 2/2/05 6 25.42
4.ANF 2/3/05 10 55.00
5.XPRSA 2/3/05 11 32.52
6.GDI 2/7/05 4 40.27
7.BMHC 2/8/05 15 44.24
8.DJO 2/8/05 6 25.40
9.STST 2/8/05 6 36.59
10.ISRG 2/8/05 15 47.39
I'll keep adding until I'm up to date. Some have continued up and others haven't, but there's some real good one's in the bunch.
Stock Earnings Date % Gain Price at end of Earnings Day
1.CTMI 2/1/05 14% 17.36
2.WITS 2/2/05 7 19.53
3.CPSI 2/2/05 6 25.42
4.ANF 2/3/05 10 55.00
5.XPRSA 2/3/05 11 32.52
6.GDI 2/7/05 4 40.27
7.BMHC 2/8/05 15 44.24
8.DJO 2/8/05 6 25.40
9.STST 2/8/05 6 36.59
10.ISRG 2/8/05 15 47.39
I'll keep adding until I'm up to date. Some have continued up and others haven't, but there's some real good one's in the bunch.