Stocks Driven by Earnings

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Stocks Driven by Earnings

    Here's a list of highly rated stocks that rose at least 4% within 24 hours of their earnings release. No significance with the 4% other than a 1.00 gain on a 25.00 stock sounded like a nice place to start.

    Stock Earnings Date % Gain Price at end of Earnings Day

    1.CTMI 2/1/05 14% 17.36

    2.WITS 2/2/05 7 19.53

    3.CPSI 2/2/05 6 25.42

    4.ANF 2/3/05 10 55.00

    5.XPRSA 2/3/05 11 32.52

    6.GDI 2/7/05 4 40.27

    7.BMHC 2/8/05 15 44.24

    8.DJO 2/8/05 6 25.40

    9.STST 2/8/05 6 36.59

    10.ISRG 2/8/05 15 47.39

    I'll keep adding until I'm up to date. Some have continued up and others haven't, but there's some real good one's in the bunch.

    Last edited by billyjoe; 03-13-2005, 08:52 PM. Reason: price correction
  • scifos
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 790

    Originally posted by billyjoe
    Here's a list of highly rated stocks[...]

    Stock Earnings Date % Gain Price at end of Earnings Day

    1.CTMI 2/1/05 14% 17.36

    2.WITS 2/2/05 7 19.53

    3.CPSI 2/2/05 6 25.42

    4.ANF 2/3/05 10 55.00

    5.XPRSA 2/3/05 11 32.52

    6.GDI 2/7/05 4 40.27

    7.BMHC 2/8/05 15 44.24

    8.DJO 2/8/05 6 25.40

    9.STST 2/8/05 6 36.59

    10.ISRG 2/8/05 15 47.39

    Several ones here that I've at least glanced at recently. See my comments on BMHC on this thread specifically, watch out for the big volume hole it's poised to fall through.

    ANF is another good one that I was in at that time.
    Buy Low
    Sell High


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      I've been buying and selling BMHC since 29.90 in November. I've still got some and am seriously considering buying more next week. It's getting close to being my greatest pick of all time at least $$ wise. What do you mean by "volume hole"? It's been interesting in that it has risen for 4 months often on low volume. It then takes a dip and starts back up again. Also notice that it is still about 2.00 above its high after the earnings report. I hope I'm right in saying this one isn't about to tank.


      p.s. my crazy theory is that eventually the average volume will come down and what is now low volume will become average volume


      • scifos
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 790

        Originally posted by billyjoe
        What do you mean by "volume hole"?
        See this pic:
        The Red/Black bars on the left side are the trade volume at that price. There is a huge gap between $39 and $42 where there is virtually zero volume. On Feb 7th and 8th it just rocketed right through this price area. Problem is, if the price falls back into this 39-42 area, there might not be much volume again (ie the price by volume indicates support, where in the past people have been willing to buy/sell.) With gaps like that, the stock price tends to fall right through it really fast, back down to 39. For this paticular stock though, it's only passed through it once, and on two big gap days. I wouldn't be surprised to see those gaps fill really easily because of the nonexistant volume support there.

        I'd also like to point out that the 42-45 range has the best volume support. So it could very well bounce off this support (its also at the midline of a 3-month regression channel). The way I'd play it is if it's up tomorrow morning I'd buy anticipating a bounce off the volume and reg channel line. I'd set my stop @ about 42 or 43, coz if it falls below that, its going way down.
        Last edited by scifos; 03-14-2005, 01:15 AM.
        Buy Low
        Sell High
        STAY FROSTY!


        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          More highly rated stocks that rose 4% or more within 24 hours of their earnings report.

          Stock Earnings Date % gain Price at end of earnings report day

          11.USNA 2/8/05 10 41.05

          12.BYD 2/9/05 13 48.06

          13.PMTI 2/9/05 7 24.63

          14.ASFI 2/9/05 12 25.02

          15.SFD 2/14/05 7 33.00

          16.ANSS 2/15/05 8 37.03

          17.HURC 2/16/05 24 16.90

          18.BHS 2/16/05 9 39.56

          19.PNRA 2/16/05 10 54.15

          20.GPRO 2/16/05 7 51.13

          More will be listed later



          • scifos
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 790

            Good old PNRA, first stock I ever bought.
            Buy Low
            Sell High
            STAY FROSTY!


            • RL
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 1215

              Great Info Billy JOE THANKS
              Ray Long


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                continued Stocks rising 4% or more within 24 hours of earnings report

                Stock Earnings Date %Price Gain Price at end of Earnings Day

                21. PTEN 2/17/05 6 % 24.05

                22. HOLX 1/26/05 7 34.48

                23. UNT 2/22/05 4 42.78

                24. FRO 2/22/05 5 51.00

                25. FTO 2/22/05 4 32.08

                26. LCAV 2/22/05 11 30.03

                27 OPTN 2/22/05 13 20.16

                28. SNSA 2/23/05 8 38.84

                29. JOYG 2/23/05 18 35.00

                30. CENX 2/23/05 8 31.36

                To be continued until up to date. You may notice I'm not including those that were over $50 to begin with. Only got 4 last week , probably fewer earnings reports has something to do with it.



                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  more stocks rising 4% or more as a result of earnings report :

                  Stock Earnings Date % price gain Price at end of earnings day

                  31. SFCC 2/23/05 6% 41.60

                  32. NIKU 2/24/05 7 22.10

                  33. ACAP 2/24/05 6 36.82

                  34. HSII 2/24/05 5 35.15

                  35. MT 2/23/05 8 42.63

                  36. WGR 2/23/05 6 37.01

                  37. CLB 2/24/05 5 27.06

                  38. ODFL 2/27/05 4 35.14

                  39. ASTE 3/01/05 5 19.39

                  40. CMN 3/01/05 6 26.72

                  more coming later



                  • billyjoe
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 9014

                    More highly rated stocks that rose at least 4% as a result of latest earnings report :

                    Stock Earnings report Date Price Increase Price at end of Reporting Day

                    41.PSUN 3/01/05 8% 28.52

                    42.BEBE 3/02/05 13 32.49

                    43.MIK 3/02/05 6 34.10

                    44.DRQ 3/02/05 4 36.52

                    45.TEX 3/03/05 5 48.51

                    46.VTIV 3/08/05 7 25.93

                    47.SSL 3/08/05 6 25.73

                    48.CWTR 3/09/05 4 32.23

                    49.CMTL 3/08/05 16 42.17

                    50.MW 3/09/05 7 39.65

                    Almost up to date more in a few days



                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Highly rated stocks that rose 4% or more as a result of most recent earnings report on or day after report was issued.

                      Stock Earnings Date % Increase Price at end of Earnings Report Day

                      51. NGPS 3/09/05 14% 20.25

                      52. ZQK 3/10/05 7 34.99

                      53. OS 3/10/05 6 26.31

                      54. HANS 3/14/05 26 54.57

                      55. CMVT 3/14/05 8 25.58

                      56. ELBO 3/14/05 10 42.21

                      57. CEDC 3/15/05 4 33.33

                      58. GDP 3/28/05 10 21.58

                      That's the list up to date. I'm now going to determine how many days after earnings, but before the next earnings report would be the best time to sell.
                      Maybe there will be no pattern , but I hope something stands out. Results won't be known until the last days of May.

                      Last edited by billyjoe; 03-30-2005, 10:00 PM.

