Naked Shorts

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  • mimo_100
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 1784

    Naked Shorts

    The link below will take you to the Regulation SHO Threshold Security List.

    This a list of securities that are in violation of the new Naked Shorting rule.

    Tim - Retired Problem Solver
  • dmk112
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2004
    • 1759

    Naked shorts?


    • #3
      I was wondering whether anyone on this board is aware of this information source. I have been noticing that several of the stocks on my watch list are also on the Reg SHO list at the address you listed. Here is another site that tracks the SHO info over time, for purposes of identifying likely short squeeze candidates.

      Compare these lists with a 52-wk new highs list and your current momo scan results. This should be fun! FOXH is an example at the moment. (In contrast, TRMB presently has a high Short Ratio but is not found on the SHO list.)

      Several of the momo stocks that have been discussed recently on this board are also found in the SHO list (FORD, PARL, etc.).

      To get more of a feel for this info, you can also do a search on Yahoo stock chat board for "regulation SHO" in the Message text field.


      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784

        Here is a link to the naked shorts list

        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • mooddude
          No Posting allowed; invalid email
          • Dec 2004
          • 187

          Excuse my ignorance, but what is naked short specifically (I have only slight idea) and what adverse effects does it have?


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784

            Originally posted by mooddude
            Excuse my ignorance, but what is naked short specifically (I have only slight idea) and what adverse effects does it have?
            here is a link to the definition:

            One adverse effect is that naked shorting is "creating" shares of stock.
            If there is a "conspiracy" against a company, naked shorting will drive down
            the price. Basically, the playing field becomes uneven, the "market" is being manipulated. Look at a MM stock, PARL, for instance.

            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • mooddude
              No Posting allowed; invalid email
              • Dec 2004
              • 187

              Thanks for the link. With SEC tutorial I gonna be an expert soon


              • mimo_100
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1784

                more on naked shorts

                I found this website recently At first reading I believe that this is a legitimate site. It focuses on Naked Short selling. I have no interest in this site. I think it is worth while to read about this, however. Here is a clip of a story written on the homepage.


                It has many names. Some call it market manipulation, some call it naked short selling, others call it failing to deliver, still others electronic counterfeiting; many call it fraudulent stock trades. Whatever your vernacular, it is the processing of a stock sale transaction in order to depress the price of the stock, with no subsequent delivery of the stock - the buyer never gets what he paid for. The practice as described is illegal, and likely represents the single greatest threat to the US equity markets, as well as the US financial system, and the engine of American prosperity that is the ability of smaller, early stage companies to access the capital markets, in order to develop and grow their businesses. Naked Short Selling is widespread, malevolent, and is at its essence, simple fraud - money is exchanged, but no product is ever delivered.

                A little history of the Sanity Check theme is probably in order. In early 2005, was created to raise the visibility of Naked Short Selling, and the original "Sanity Check" blog was created in order for Bob O'Brien to editorialize, and have a regular, recurring column with which to share his opinions and observations. Over the course of the last year or so that forum has worked well, but has also suffered from limitations in terms of functionality, interface flexibility, and technological capacity. This new website takes the original concept a large step forward, and strives to create an online interactive resource where you, the reader, can come for related news, opinion, strategy, commentary, CEO and attorney interviews, links, podcasts, access to documents and reports, etc.

                Last edited by mimo_100; 01-17-2006, 10:19 AM. Reason: grammar
                Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                • #9
                  << This a list of securities that are in violation of the new Naked Shorting rule. >>

                  No, that's a list of securities that are on the Reg SHO list. Where does it say they are in violation of the new naked shorting rules?

