that is my 2nd huge am the greatest stock picker in the world bar none!!! More to come......
sold boom today for a 35% gain
that's terrific....
now how about telling us about your great trades as they occur, rather than after the fact. That would be a little more helpful to most of us.=============================
I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.
- $$$MR. MARKET$$$
Originally posted by ninneri guess there is no trading tomorrow so i will wait until the next trading day!!!"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by ninnerwill do mr market....i do respect you for doing well dont get me wrong....however, you have brought out the competitiveness in me and will let the forum know later tonite about my next winner as i plan on matching you pick for pick!!!!
Seriously, though, ANT does look like a pretty decent pick to me. There seems to be a pretty good stream of contracts flowing their way. I hope it works out for you.
Every man should know an understand his own parameters and limitations. Usually their remarks give a good indication of them. Thinking first about what you are about to put out there for the public to view and judge your expertise and character on are the basic tenants of this. Putting one's mouth in motion before putting your brain in gear usually results in letting the cat out of the bag. I treasure those moments when the cat does get out of the bag an I know from years of experience how hard it is to get the cat back into the bag.
I chose to leave the IBD forum, after 3 years, because of the direction it was evolving mainly because of the people they were attracting. It never fails to amaze me that people will actually pay $295 for a subscription to let the cat out of the bag about themselves, then not being content with that stage they seek out new ones to propogate more of it.
Amaze us with your expertise, selections, and gains, but please back it all up with sound fundamental and technical reasoning. In doing that you'll capture everyone's attention and gratitude and before long you'll be flattened out with piles of praise an accolades perhaps almost as much as MM.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
i took a pos in ant today at 39.80.....the stock looks to be forming the rightside of a cup.....hopefully there will be increased that is what i will be looking for....i noticed it on sunday when i ran my personal scan and the formation looked intriguing. I always do paper trades on 3 stocks that i like as an exercise(mentioned that in the ibd forum) can never stop learning new things and this was one of them but with them announcing that new contract on tuesday I couldnt resist selling my one pos today and taking a new one in this.
I wasn't trying to offend you with my earlier post. That's not my style or agenda. The way people approach one another was the whole point. I've always felt that you'll catch more flies with honey.
The reasoning behind why people do what they do also plays a large part in it. Doing positive things for the whole rather than self-gratification will reap more satisfaction and acknowledgement in the long run when it's the driving motive behind the actions.
I hope you make a zillion and pull some of us along with you on the trip. Good luck with all your trades.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
hey i know u werent trying to offend me and i didnt take it that way....i have always liked your posts and enjoy reading them. I learn alot from these messageboards and that is the whole point...and hey if someone here likes my trades that i make and makes money with me along the way...that is fantastic ...that is the whole point!!! I know i learn alot from you, mr market,IIC, and others. Obviously you guys are having alot of success so if i can match you guys....then i must be doing something right and if i fall behind that will motivate me to do even better
cheers all and good luck
so far im up 9.4% in ant....little concerned that it made a new high on average volume but we will see i think it still has some upside. I still think cvh is alright as most sold off for a few days after earnings and then moved higher...i think cvh will do the same....volume for the week so far has been light!!