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  • LAZ volume alert: in the last 30 min, volume increase suddently to 75K. You can see this by checking minute chart with volume. Just some observe.


    • Out > $20 CSH from <$15 entry

      Out > $20 CSH from <$15 entry . I called CSH long time ago when it tanked to $14 and bought it $15. Now it touch my target $20. Out all of my position on CSH. Still holding CD, called from 19.7


      • RHAT strong buy, earning at 5pm

        RHAT strong buy, earning at 5
        This is the article from Valueline:

        We forecast continued solid revenue growth of about 40% for Red Hat in fiscal 2005 (ends February, 2006), following the strong 56% advance in 2004. Enterprise subscriptions should remain strong, supported by robust demand for Linux software. Margins may be hindered temporarily by increased hiring in sales and service to support the company's international expansion plans, but the impact should be offset by rising volume and a favorable shift in the product mix to subscriptions (which have 90% gross margins). After figuring in a higher tax rate (10%, versus zero), the gain in earnings is estimated at roughly 25%.

        The Linux operating system (OS) is projected to be the fastest-growing server OS during the next 3 to 5 years, expanding its market share from the current 19% to around 30%. The main reason behind this positive trend is the significant cost advantage of running Linux software on Intel-based hardware, compared to proprietary Unix. As the #1 vendor of Linux software, Red Hat should especially benefit from this trend.

        Visibility into future revenues is enhanced by a conservative subscription model, whereby new bookings go on the balance sheet as deferred revenues, and then flow to the income statement over the life of the sales contract. At the end of fiscal 2004, short-term deferred revenues equaled $109 million, comprising 40% of our 2005 revenue estimate.

        Red Hat faces competition from Novell SUSE, the #2 Linux vendor, and from Sun Microsystems, a major Unix company. Novell appears to be more of a threat in the small-to-medium business segment, while the company is very strong in the large-enterprise market. And Sun is beginning to offer its Unix OS (Solaris) on low-cost Intel servers. So far, RHAT's bookings have remained healthy, despite the competition.

        This neutrally ranked stock has excellent capital appreciation potential out to 2008-2010, based on the growing demand projected for the Linux software market and RHAT`s leading competitive position. However, the shares carry a Below-Average Safety rank. Competition and patent litigation are also concerns.

        May 27, 2005


        • Holding WTSLA, called @ 5.70.Still keep the target $8

          Holding WTSLA, called @ 5.70.Still keep the target $8


          • Two good news for LAZ, target $25

            Two good news for LAZ, target $25
            WPP CEO Sorrell In Talks To Join Lazard Board - FT

            65 words
            30 June 2005
            05:21 pm
            Dow Jones International News
            (c) 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

            NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Sir Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP Group PLC (WPPGY), the world's second-biggest marketing services group, has been in talks to join the board of directors at Lazard Ltd. (LAZ), the investment bank, The Financial Times reported in an article on its Web site Thursday. [ 30-06-05 2221GMT ]

            Lazard to decide on Paris listing by end-2005

            30 June 2005
            05:55 am

            PARIS (AFX) - Lazard will decide by the end of 2005 if it is to list its shares in Paris as well as in New York, according to chief executive Bruce Wasserstein.

            In an interview with Le Figaro, Wasserstein added that the bank is not for sale.

            Lazard, listed in New York since May 5, is an 'independent bank and there is no reason for that to change,' he said.

            [email protected]


            • WPP CEO Sorrell In Talks To Join Lazard Board - FT

              WPP CEO Sorrell In Talks To Join Lazard Board - FT

              Dow Jones International News
              (c) 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

              NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--Sir Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP Group PLC (WPPGY), the world's second-biggest marketing services group, has been in talks to join the board of directors at Lazard Ltd. (LAZ), the investment bank, The Financial Times reported in an article on its Web site Thursday.


              • HLTH good entry here. Health care sector. Uptrend Momentum with solid financial

                HLTH good entry here. Health care sector. Uptrend Momentum with solid financial background.


                • HLTH Target: $14-$16

                  HLTH Target: $14-$16

                  WebMD (formerly Healtheon/WebMD) provides Internet-based healthcare information and services to facilitate connectivity and transactions among physicians, patients, payers, and other healthcare participants. Its platform allows for the secure exchange of information among the disparate systems used in the industry. Administrative services include patient enrollment, referrals and authorizations, diagnostic orders and results, clinical data retrieval, and claims processing.

                  Valueline Upgrade HLTH to Timeness 1 for strong buy for the next 12 month on June 24.

                  We have raised our 2005 revenue target for WebMD. Recent acquisitions in the company's Business Services group are adding to this segment's top line. Moreover, it is now able to offer a more complete solution for managing the health claims/payment process, and so it is probable that Business Services will benefit in terms of contract signings. At this point, we estimate that the group's revenue should advance by some 10%, up from 7.5% and adding about $20 million to WebMD's overall tally. Elsewhere, we have bumped up our sales target for WebMD Health by around $10 million, while leaving those for Practice Services and Porex unchanged.

                  Earnings should continue progressing at a fast pace this year. WebMD has substantially raised its forecast for 2005 to a range of between $0.20 and $0.25 a share (GAAP). Accordingly, we have moved our estimate up by $0.08 a share, to the center of the current band. The reasoning behind the increase is underpinned by the potential for a higher margin in Business Services, reflecting more profitable contracts and reduced HIPAA-related expenses. In addition, it appears that operations may be running smoother at Practice Services, and that the profit margin may improve there, as well.

                  The company has filed a registration statement to offer 10%-14% of WebMD Health to the public. In terms of revenue, the portal business is growing fast; it is also a good contributor to the bottom line. The IPO is a good idea for two reasons, in our view. First, it will give investors an opportunity to own shares in a profitable Internet business. Second, WebMD can use the proceeds to bolster its financial position (its 3.25% notes due 2007 were recently converted). At this writing, the registration statement was not yet effective.

                  WebMD shares are currently top-ranked for Timeliness. The stock has found steady market support since our March report, most likely reflecting the better earnings prospects for 2005 and the potential that such growth may continue in coming years. Nonetheless, new commitments to this issue are best considered by risk-tolerant accounts.

                  June 24, 2005


                  • Health Care sector: MDRX HLTH HH CRA CERN ECLP ERES IDXC RX INCY NDC VMDC

                    Health Care sector: MDRX HLTH HH CRA CERN ECLP ERES IDXC RX INCY NDC VMDC

                    This sector been dooding so good for the last 3 months, outporform s&p by average 10%. With baby boomer (average age 75) coming in the next decade, health care business will experience its golden time. HLTH is one of the most growing company in this sector. Solid balance sheet with cash flow on operation growing recently. Another health stock might take a close look is ERES.


                    • LAZARD Research report:

                      LAZARD Research report:

                      PricewaterhouseCoopers Forecast: M&A Market Heats Up


                      Wasserstein's Lazard (nyse: LAZ - news - people ) came in 10th place In M&A Business.


                      Mergers up 39% from last year, gobal merger-and-acquisition volume rocketed to $1.4 trillion in the first half of 2005, an increase of 39 percent from the same period last year. Finance was the most active industry, accounting for $238 billion of the deal volume.


                      The good news for U.S. dealmakers is that deal value has skyrocketed, indicating a willingness among buyers in the U.S. and U.S. cross-border market to open the purse strings for acquisitions. Total disclosed dollar volume for the second quarter jumped to U.S.$275 billion, the highest quarterly deal value since the fourth quarter of 2000 and an improvement over the U.S.$243 billion total for the first quarter. Increasing deal value can be attributed to ongoing strength of the mega-deal market (defined by FactSet Mergerstat as deals with values of more than U.S.$1 billion). The second quarter posted 55 deals in this category, up from 34 last quarter.

                      M&A pace to continue for rest of '05. Without a doubt, U.S. corporations plan to continue their rapid pace of acquisitions"

                      LAZ 3 month target $26.5, Over $30 by the end of 2005.
                      Look at how hot the M&A business is this year and this trend will go on in the next few years, just like what we experienced in 1980s'. LAZARD is the top 10 M&A investment bank with M&A business in US, EURO, JAPAN, and more.


                      • Both FA, TA looks good now, expending chart. Although SCHN report mild result today,

                        Both FA, TA looks good now, expending chart. Although SCHN report mild result today, it is within estimation. Will see higher price for both stocks


                        • REGN: Target $15

                          REGN: Target $15

                          Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is engaged in the research, development, and eventual commercialization of theraputic drugs for the treatment of such serious diseases as obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, asthma, and ischema. Although Regeneron has received patents on a number of proteins, no drug has yet been approved for general prescription.

                          Regeneron Pharmaceuticals' clinical program is moving forward. Its VEGF Trap is undergoing (or has completed) a handful of early stage tests. The results have generally confirmed that the drug candidate does indeed act to inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) in humans, an attribute that is thought to be useful in treating solid cancer tumors. In fact, the general idea has shown a degree of efficacy in the treatment of solid cancers, and the information made available so far suggests that company's VEGF Trap may be effective in this regard. Clearly, the results warrant taking the compound deeper into the clinical trial process for cancer indications, which Regeneron is willing and able to do. Meanwhile, recent test data suggest that the VEGF Trap may also be useful in the treatment of certain eye diseases, such as neovascular age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema. The biotech researcher will likely move forward with testing for this indication, as well, though it will have to carry the full expense of the clinical program here; the costs for cancer indications are shared with sanofi-aventis.

                          The company's clinical program also encompasses inflammatory diseases. Its IL-1 Trap has completed an early stage trial for rheumatoid arthritis, and further testing should begin this year. This Trap will also be administered in patients to gauge its potential in the treatment of osteoarthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Meanwhile, Regeneron recently noted that the IL-1 Trap showed positive preliminary results in the treatment of CIAS1-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS), a family of autoinflammatory diseases. Elsewhere, the company's IL-3/4 Trap will probably resume testing for its potential in the treatment of asthma.

                          Regeneron shares have picked up market support since our March report. Although still at an early stage, most of the information regarding the VEGF Trap has been supportive of its potential as a treatment for a group of solid cancers. That said, its competitors are further along in their clinical programs or have already received some level of FDA approval, making the stock particularly speculative.

                          June 24, 2005


                          • grebnet
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 389


                            I may have sold early , but sold SCHN at the open at $25.14,$25.11 and $25.10
                            for a mere $4000 profit . Thanks ,

                            Worked even better with NGPS( in hindsight I should have held on ) oh well :

                            " Better to sell and be sorry than to not sell and be sorry "

                            I like your suggestions. Have only bought those two , but do look into everyone. I look forward to email notifications that you have posted.


                            • Regeneron Initiates VEGF Trap Intravitreal Clinical Development Program and Genentech

                              Regeneron Initiates VEGF Trap Intravitreal Clinical Development Program and Genentech Announces July 18 Webcast Discussion of Data Presented at ASRS


                              • REGN deal with P&amp;G July 6

                                REGN deal with P&G July 6
                                Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. of Mount Pleasant said it reached a deal with The Procter & Gamble Co. to conclude the research activities of a collaboration agreement. P&G will pay Regeneron $8.4 million in the deal, and Regeneron will pay P&G $950,000 for capital equipment.

