Couple of Tax Questions on Options

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  • Couple of Tax Questions on Options

    I have a couple of tax questions.

    My wife works at a company that granted 200 options at a price of around $22 when it first went public. Currently it is at 44 and we would like to exercise the options and then keep the 200 shares for a long term holding. When I talked to the company SmithBarney that handles this stuff they said when you exercise the options you get hit with a short term capital gains tax. It is calculated by the difference in exercise date price and grant price. My first question is, is this correct?

    Next he said they had to withhold 28%. I asked that he not and I would take care of it with my accountant at the end of the year. He said he could not do that.
    So my next question is do the big brokerage houses make rules like this or was he just being unhelpful.

    Lastly lets say I exercised my options, paid my taxes and held. Would 44 be considered the price I own the 200 shares of stock then?

    I just wanted a second opinion on these two questions, becasue he was so short and rude about my questions.

    I enjoy the site alot of good info and people.

  • #2
    Yes, because of the options, you have to realize the gain.
    Good news is, is that your base price of the stock is 44
    If you have a brokerage account, they don't have to withhold the 28%, if you are excersising through your work, they will withhold taxes. sorry about spelling


    • #3
      Thanks for the answers. At least now I can believe the guy.

      It is through an employer plan so it looks like the 28% applies. Does that option gain count and add into other short term stock gains?

      Thanks again


      • #4
        yes it does, if you have some losses, you can off set gains that way

