Vulcans who short for fun

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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Let's roll.... I feel lucky!.... 100% gain.... No problem!!!!

    Originally posted by spikefader
    Duuuuude. Lye and me have this idea to bring this thread alive again. You won't like it cuz it involves work hahaha but I think it'd be fun havin' a short-off or a poop-shootout. Anyway, if you like the idea, maybe we can encourage others to put a port together (or for lazy Vulcans, just pick 1) of the slime they like and have a race. See who can get a port average of -100% the fastest. No tuff and time consuming rules; just pick 1 dog or pick 50. First one to -100% there gets a free set of Vulcan ears or sumthin. Whaddayasay?
    How about a set of genuine bull horns for a prize? I've got a bucket full where I dehorned a group a shorthorn bull calves I bought early last year, man.... now that's a bloody job (literally).

    I'm ready to play Spike! can we start today? can we trade in and out of the picks dude? If so how many trades per week are we allowed?
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      lol yep, let's start today, although it's a tuff day to be starting to short, just when rocket fuel been thrown onto the bull fire today. Get ready for rally imho. But let's start anyway. Dogs will drop despite a rally.

      I say no limits, just whatever we wanna do. Has to be run with marketocracy fund but it does NOT have to be in compliance with the fund rules, meaning you can have 1 pick 100% short if you like. Or you can have a bunch. And you can go in and out to your heart's content.


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5319

        ok, well since the rules allow for such flexibility, I'll make mine very simple, yet uniquely complex. I'm taking the #1 IBD pick short (whatever it is) target to cover at the open whenever the next #1 IBD pick is publicly known, and rolling the proceeds into shorting that one at the same open. To be iterated until I say stop.

        it won't be necessary to track this in real time, since backward calculation will always work... but I challenge anyone else to beat this!

        (since it's an automatic system, can I escape the marketocracy rule?)


        • spikefader
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 7175

          lol I love that concept jiesen. You're sure to be huge! Yes, you can escape that rule since it's gonna be so accountable and simple. Good luck with it.


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Originally posted by spikefader
            lol I love that concept jiesen. You're sure to be huge! Yes, you can escape that rule since it's gonna be so accountable and simple. Good luck with it.
            The IBD 100 is an excellent short list. It'll be hard to beat Jiesen.

            I'll take JOE short. The reason for this is that they have a large development, in the county I live in, and the real estate market is going down the tubes. they're sure to take a beating.


            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5319

              Originally posted by spikefader
              lol I love that concept jiesen. You're sure to be huge! Yes, you can escape that rule since it's gonna be so accountable and simple. Good luck with it.
              Thanks, Spike! I think the #1 IBD short will be a great benchmark from which to measure any short port. Sort of like how an S&P index is for a long one. Perhaps a broader index of 10-100 IBD stocks coulld be more representative, but I think that the #1 spot has a much better potential for going down in flames week after week.


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                I shorted GM at 21.12. So far it looks good.


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  I'm thinking about the possibility of taking CAL short this week. with the problems with Iran and the poor market conditions, it ain't looking good for the airlines. I beleive CAL stands a good chance of following Delta and NorthWest in bankruptcy. Wouldn't it be fun to ride this piece of ----- all the way down? jejeje...

                  One question for the more seasoned traders... If I sell CAL short and it, in fact dropped so far that it got delisted, what would happen to my short position? Would it automatically cover at that time?
                  Or, would I need to cover before doomsday?


                  • Webs post a chart of the set up your looking at on CAL.


                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      Originally posted by Runner
                      Webs post a chart of the set up your looking at on CAL.
                      I haven't taken the time to figure out how to post em hurts my redneck brain, trying to think about it. jejeje


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        The market is tanking...Will the bloodshed continue?

                        I'll be checking the IBD 100 list for good short canidates.

                        Any short picks???

                        Here's a few... CAL, GM, MSO

                        Come on guys...It's time to help the hedge funds take the market down!!! YEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


                        • CAL triggered short 2 days ago webs.


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Originally posted by Runner
                            CAL triggered short 2 days ago webs.
                            Too bad we missed it, but I'm still watching it in case the market keeps tanking and oil stays up.


                            • Look for some of your high flyers that have had a sweet run. They may offer the best explosive move. Now be careful as the market is do for a bounce. MSO has been beat up already and often your stocks that have been beat up will bounce the moment you take it short. Check out the leg out ERS put in..


                              • sisterwin2

                                Originally posted by Runner
                                Look for some of your high flyers that have had a sweet run. They may offer the best explosive move. Now be careful as the market is do for a bounce. MSO has been beat up already and often your stocks that have been beat up will bounce the moment you take it short. Check out the leg out ERS put in..
                                Jeezzzzzzzz I hope your sooooooooo right about "due for a bounce". Say it is so.

