RIO ==> The Titans are Going to Vegas Winner!

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  • jiesen
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 5320

    Originally posted by mrmarket
    Gettin pretty darn close lads...
    very darn close now.... just a nickel to go!


    • jiesen
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 5320

      close enough for me. I'm out at 50.5!

      Thanks for this fantastic pick, $$MM. It probably has quite a ways to run yet, but I'm waiting to see what the next dump will bring. Something even more stupendous, no doubt.

      You are HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      • #63

        Mr. WONDERFUL,
        Thanks so VERY Much for this Marvelous stock pick. I got in with you, bought more on a drop & sold all my shares this morning for $50.50
        God Bless,


        • #64
          ...and Diogenes has left Rio.
          Nice pick.


          • casinoboy3

            sold today too for 15%, you are HUGE!!! Nice to see CNXS bouncing back a little bit, and QSII getting closer..... thank you!!


            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5320

              Originally posted by casinoboy3
              sold today too for 15%, you are HUGE!!! Nice to see CNXS bouncing back a little bit, and QSII getting closer..... thank you!!
              yes, I think QSII should also be hitting the 15% mark soon.


              • sisterwin2

                I think I will hold on to RIO for a few more points... I would like to hold it a yr for tax purpose. When I only can afford a few it pays to hold. I cant wait till I build up to be able to sell at 15% and make it worth my while. I am still holding CIB also. Ge is very disappointing.

                Board is so busy nowadays... I get lost.


                • buckhunter

                  Blame it on RIO

                  I'm out today with my 15%. This was a double winner since I re-bought on one of the dips.

                  Thank you for the great pick!!! I look forward to the next data dump.


                  • njdevil
                    • Jan 2005
                    • 33

                    I also sold today @ 50.7 .
                    Over a years time I have had 5 winning trades (CMN, CMTL, TOL, BMHC and RIO) and 1 losing trade (CNXS) and still hold KBH.
                    Thank you MR. MARKET, you are HUGE !!!


                    • mrmarket
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5971

                      Originally posted by njdevil
                      I also sold today @ 50.7 .
                      Over a years time I have had 5 winning trades (CMN, CMTL, TOL, BMHC and RIO) and 1 losing trade (CNXS) and still hold KBH.
                      Thank you MR. MARKET, you are HUGE !!!
                      I love KBH still....CNXS is still strong but they need to cowboy up next quarter and smash earnings.

                      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                      • Karel
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 2199

                        Bingo! Out for 50.65! $$$Mr.Market$$$ is HUGE !!!
                        My Investopedia portfolio
                        (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


                        • sisterwin2

                          RIO is looking pretty good right now..... I held on to it since I feared taxes at the time. Then someone said..."let me pay taxes on one million". I then join the 15% game. This one I kept thinking the dividend would help pay for the cost of trading. Also I bought so few shares it just didnt seem to matter when it hit 15% marker. Today it is up 48.06%. Just makes me feel better looking at MFLX tanking. Is anyone else still in? Yes... I failed to put a stop on Mflx.


                          • sisterwin2

                            RIO split.... this cant be good.

