Hello: Johnathan Here

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  • MkT_Trader
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2008
    • 2

    Hello: Johnathan Here

    Name: Johnathan
    Current Location: Iraq
    Current Occupation: Service Member (US Army) Tracked Vehicle Mechanic

    Y'all ( yes I said y'all! ) could ask me for more info if you like.

    As stated, I am a soldier deployed to Iraq at the moment. Recently opened a tradeing account and started trading shares. ( Trying to make the most of my money while I am over here now, so I don't have to come back for a 3rd time) Mainly ABK, MBI, SCA.. and a couple different penny stocks here and there.

    Extremely New to the game, I hope I can find some knowlege between here and other forums.

    Please ask me anything (doesn't mean I will answer anything though )
    And please, shoot any "New Guy" advise at me that you can.

    I know that right now can be the worst or the best time to jump into the market.. I just need that extra help to make it the BEST TIME for ME!

    **It says there are 9 threads in this section, why can I only see mine?**
    Last edited by MkT_Trader; 08-23-2008, 06:29 AM.
  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    Hi Jonathan, welcome, and lots of respect for your job!

    If you only see your own thread, check the Display Options panel (below the Threads In Forum panel). Select From The: Beginning, and you'll probably see all there is to see.

    You can set this on a forum by forum basis, or for the whole board: visit User CP > Edit Options > panel Thread Display Options > Default Thread Age Cutoff: Show All Threads.

    Looking around a bit in the User Control Panel is not a bad idea, either!


    My Investopedia portfolio
    (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


    • MkT_Trader
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2008
      • 2

      Thank You for your response and the warm welcome.

      I will have to check that out after my shift is over.

      Oh btw... Ernie ( Mr. Market ) , he looks familiar like I should know who he is. Can't place his face though.


      • hags
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2008
        • 206

        Originally posted by MkT_Trader View Post
        Oh btw... Ernie ( Mr. Market ) , he looks familiar like I should know who he is. Can't place his face though.
        Probably seen it at the post office....He's into big cheese and big meat...not sure he's been paying for it all, but he sure likes his cheese and meat....

        God's speed to ya....and thank you.....


