NBB You are definitely missing one of the great things In life. Rye bread ,sliced onion and Lindburger cheese. I'm on my way to the store right now got to have It for lunch.
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Doesn't fit my profession
Originally posted by RLNBB You are definitely missing one of the great things In life. Rye bread ,sliced onion and Lindburger cheese. I'm on my way to the store right now got to have It for lunch.
As a pastor I have to stand close enough to people to speak to them. Your presciption for "one of the great things in life" would prevent me from ministering to themHey, you have to sacrifice for Christ sometimes.
That chocolate cheese sounds good. I think I was in Monroe several years ago. We were going to Iowa and couldn't get a room in Rockford Ill. due to a softball tournament. We had never been to Wisconsin so we headed north and stayed in Beloit, much better than Rockford and less expensive. Then we headed west and stopped in a small town to tour the city owned lead or was it a zinc mine? We were the first to tour it in 3 days. It was very interesting, unless a person was claustrophobic. Its entrance was through a city park and museum. We don't have cheese here , but 2 days a year at a nearby melon festival, we have muskmelon ice cream, locally made and surprisingly good.
Originally posted by billyjoeNew-born,
That chocolate cheese sounds good. I think I was in Monroe several years ago. We were going to Iowa and couldn't get a room in Rockford Ill. due to a softball tournament. We had never been to Wisconsin so we headed north and stayed in Beloit, much better than Rockford and less expensive. Then we headed west and stopped in a small town to tour the city owned lead or was it a zinc mine? We were the first to tour it in 3 days. It was very interesting, unless a person was claustrophobic. Its entrance was through a city park and museum. We don't have cheese here , but 2 days a year at a nearby melon festival, we have muskmelon ice cream, locally made and surprisingly good.
My alltime favorite is the pastrami and chopped liver combo with a slice of raw onion, about 3/16" thick on the onion, on rye bread. It has to be a Jewish deli and the best one in the world is the Stage Deli in Manhattan. 2nd best is right here in Toms River, NJ. They make their own rye bread an it is to die for.
When I was a kid, my father's side was Hungarian, we used to barbeque every week at either one of his brothers house or ours. The big thing was to take a slab of old bacon and hold it over the fire until it started to drip real good and then hold the drippings over a piece of rye bread until it became really saturated thru and thru. Then take a slice of onion, at least 1/4" thick, and put it on the bread and eat it that way with an ice cold beer. Nothing else but onion and bacon fat saturated rye. That was heaven on earth. We used to stink up the whole neighborhood with our breathe.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
It's crunch time. Your 10827 shares of BMHC are worth $1,005,088.59 with but 9 days left. Do you take the money, buy pizza for all 1441 Mr.Market forum members and hope you have something left, or wait somewhere until the next milestone when BMHC makes the big move by market close Oct.6th? Your gain is a measly .509%, but some folks would be satisfied with that.
Originally posted by billyjoeNew-born,
It's crunch time. Your 10827 shares of BMHC are worth $1,005,088.59 with but 9 days left. Do you take the money, buy pizza for all 1441 Mr.Market forum members and hope you have something left, or wait somewhere until the next milestone when BMHC makes the big move by market close Oct.6th? Your gain is a measly .509%, but some folks would be satisfied with that.
Chump change
Originally posted by billyjoeNew-born,
It's crunch time. Your 10827 shares of BMHC are worth $1,005,088.59 with but 9 days left. Do you take the money, buy pizza for all 1441 Mr.Market forum members and hope you have something left, or wait somewhere until the next milestone when BMHC makes the big move by market close Oct.6th? Your gain is a measly .509%, but some folks would be satisfied with that.
first rule of FA - read all the fine print!
Originally posted by billyjoeNew- born,
As a result of your pleasant nature and willingness to help others with your knowledge and insight , I'm putting you on the spot.
An anonymous benefactor has come to me with the following instructions. " Tell that New- born fella I'll give him $1,000,000 to invest in a single stock with the following conditions" :
1. selection must be made before market opening Tuesday
2. no shorting
3. stock cannot be held longer than 30 days (Oct. 6th)
4. anytime after Sept. 12th you can sell and take the million plus all profits , however
5. if the stock value is below one million when it is sold or held for 30 days and remains below a million, all monies go to billyjoe
6. billyjoe will disperse funds at my discretion
I tell you , New-born, I've never seen this guy before, but he assured me he was serious. He said something about FRGB ,COT,DIS,TOL,BMHC,CIB,BNI, and other stocks you were talking "so high and mighty about". Also he said if you weren't interested he'd find someone who was. How about it New-born? Are you game?
Stop talk now? After all that patience and holding down to 85.99?? After a weekly channel turn up as of today's close !?! Shame on you! haha
Stop shmop, I say! This thing is gonna fly! (yes, and that's in the face of the daily channel short and intraday SHS pattern yesterday). It just looks too strong on the weekly I think. Weekly charts overrule daily charts, and I think this is one of those occasions. So don't put a stop on it I say. Let the chart reading glory comehaha
(Forgive my reckless abandon with monies that aren't minebut BMHC is likely going to rock over the weeks ahead)