Originally posted by dmk112
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
Market holding up well I think. Vector bullish close, despite pointing intraday to bearish risk, despite TRIN being high in the morning, and in the face of large negative ticks today. Shorts were clearly frustrated today. This level is getting bought folks. Which is fine by this little black duck.
Q calls still +39% from entry. GOOG calls nicely +128% from entry. YM just shy of +200 points. Solid POTW day for me. All that outshines the 1% loss on ELN, a stock that may win a few battles against me, but is destined to lose the warhehe Good going ELN fans; and if there ever was a day where the chart matters, it's today. Clearly a bullish chart dudes. Does that matter? Of course it does
Doh! Don't look now...........
there's an imposter in my SCOTC list!
GEAC has negative daily money flow! That was one of my filters. It doesn't belong in such good company! Sneaky little stock snuck through the cracks!
OK, first thing in the morning I'm dumping it and putting the position into one of the strong ones at some logical support level. This is the only way I can bring balance back to the force!
Originally posted by LyehopperDid you track $MM$'s entire dump somewhere?.... If so was SYNC the biggest gainer of the day from all his picks? If you tracked it.... What were the biggest gainers today?
Here's the screenie of the leaders (had to split them into 2 groups due to ticker limitation).