Originally posted by mimo_100
But in any event, I don't like the concept of having no stop or wide stop. I like the limited downside thing. So what if they do end up coming back I must ask myself? Does it change the fact that they've acted like a dog during the play and aren't deserving of staying in? If something drops 50% and comes back over many weeks/months is it worth the time and risk? What if it comes back in 2 days? Does it make any difference to the intent of the system? I don't think so. The intent is to leverage those wonderful stocks that not only 'act right' and don't weaken, but surge UP and not DOWN. Leverage the strong ones rather than 'put up with' disobedient hehe
The beauty of a 4% stop on a system like this is that becuz it starts diversified across 10-20 stocks several 4% hits against some bullish leaders means the port doesn't suffer much, if at all, and the stronger ones make a huge difference when you leverage their success. At least that's what Crop #2 is doing. And crop #1 experienced many more stop outs (cuz market was sideways) yet still turned a profit. That was impressive I must say, even though the bottom line performance wasn't overly impressive on a % basis.
But I'd be interested to read about your stop method once you've got it figured! It may be ingenius!
