A very bad week for the fund: -6.2% this week, of course losing to the POTW (-2.8%), SPY (-0.9%), and the POTW+ (+0.3%!). The points:
POTW+: 22
POTW: 21
MF: 18
In percentages:
SPY: -2.5%
POTW: -17.2%
MF: -17.7%
POTW+: -20.7%
My fund has now lost 24% since 5/6.
This weeks top 3: BGC +0.0%, TTI -1.2%, SHOO -3.2%
Bottom 3: HANS -27.8%, CBK -8.3%, VOL -8.1%
PLXS went for 24.17 (-29.6%) and AMKR for 5.96 (-32.4%). After my report I noticed that CRS als needed to go (97.73, -28.2%). AKAM was bought for 39.08, ILMN for 36.70 and SHOO, the replacement for CRS, for 34.11.
This week GPI will be replaced by MDR.
POTW+: 22
POTW: 21
MF: 18
In percentages:
SPY: -2.5%
POTW: -17.2%
MF: -17.7%
POTW+: -20.7%
My fund has now lost 24% since 5/6.
This weeks top 3: BGC +0.0%, TTI -1.2%, SHOO -3.2%
Bottom 3: HANS -27.8%, CBK -8.3%, VOL -8.1%
PLXS went for 24.17 (-29.6%) and AMKR for 5.96 (-32.4%). After my report I noticed that CRS als needed to go (97.73, -28.2%). AKAM was bought for 39.08, ILMN for 36.70 and SHOO, the replacement for CRS, for 34.11.
This week GPI will be replaced by MDR.