Mr Market, member profits for 2005, poll

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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Mr Market, member profits for 2005, poll

    I decided to create a poll, to see how huge the average Mr Market member is.

    This poll will be completely anonymous and will give us all an idea of how we are doing, compared to everyone else. I have placed a range of percentages and have even placed a column for those who may have took a loss.

    How huge are you? How huge am I? I will post my return on Friday.
    I took a loss.
    I broke even
    up 0-15%
    up 15-30%
    up 30-45%
    up 45-60%
    up 60-75%
    up 75-100%
    up 100-150%
    I made over 150%!

    The poll is expired.

  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    Full disclosure

    Since I love you guys, I'll tell you. In all of my trading accounts (not my buy and die stuff, real estate, company stock, commodity futures, fine art, sports betting, etc.)...just the stuff in my online trading account, most of which is MM stuff, I am up 20.34% for the year.

    It looks like the S&P 500 was up only 5.6%. This wasn't a good year for me by MM standards but it's now the 15th year in a row that I've beaten the market.

    Thanks for asking Webs. Now if I posted this on the IBD board, they would all ask me for my tax returns, brokerage statements, etc.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Are you and Webs still subscribers over there. What do you see there that's appealing other than farming for new people to bring over here. I guess that's cheap for the couple hundred a year.


      • Karel
        • Sep 2003
        • 2199

        Up 13.2%, a bit below the 15% annualized average over the 4.5 year I have been investing in the US markets. My EURO return is 28.5%; may the dollar grow stronger and stronger!

        And thank spreadsheets for formulas to calculate an annualized return when you have added some money during the year!
        My Investopedia portfolio
        (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


        • #5
          Jumped the gun by a few days. As of 12/23/05 I had a 99.0% gain for 2005, so I voted using that figure. Hope to get nudged back over 100% by end of this week. (For commentary, see my own $$MM$$ thread from earlier this month.)
          Last edited by Guest; 12-27-2005, 11:22 AM.


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            So far I'm very happy with the gains I've calculated and will post them on Friday. From what I'm seeing, so far, the average Mr Market investor is much huger than the market.

            For those of you who have taken a loss for the year, I would encourage you to not give up and don't be a bit ashamed. It's better to try and lose than to not try and have to wonder what could have happened. This is a great board to learn from. With enough drive and determination, you can succeed. I took quite a few hard hits this year myself, but I managed to make a profit through pure stubborness and a strong desire to win. I like to think of my losses and mistakes as learning experiences. I would like to see everyone on this board make a profit next year.


            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              Well...I thought I could vote 2x...Guess not...I voted 150%+...But that was my Daytrading account...My Intermediate/Long Term Accounts was in the 15-30% range...Overall dollars...because I don't put HUGE $$$ in DT'ing is slightly less than 40%...IIC
              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

              Find Tomorrow's Winners At

              Follow Me On Twitter


              • Gary611
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2005
                • 316

                Many Happy Returns!!

                Well, as an IBD user,yes I admit it, I have always kept my investing head over water. (as you can see by my rosy-colored glasses above!) But I must say, since joining $$MM$$ & being part of this great bunch of people from around the world, my ability has changed from being a good guesser, (picking from ibd lists) to a chart-watching, analizin', Moe-mentum hunting, Mr Mkt lovin stooge!
                My regular brokerage acct is up almost 15% this year, mostly with picks from pre-$MM$. But my IRA acct, which has a combo of ibd longs, $MM$ winners & 1 clunker, is up a WHOOPING 39.75%!!!!
                $MM$'s momentum plays in finding that 15% or so on upward moving winners is a great way to be a winner on Wall St. My take on it is that I will cut any losses after a certain downturn occurs. Which doesn't happen very often. (My lips to God's ears!)
                Thanks everyone for all of your knowledge that you've been willing to share, I hope some of my picks over on the Portfolio of the Week board have opened some eyes, I actually own some of the ones I post there.
                Happy New Year to all,
                Gary from L.I.
                99 percent of Politicians give the rest a bad name.


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Originally posted by IIC
                  Well...I thought I could vote 2x...Guess not...I voted 150%+...But that was my Daytrading account...My Intermediate/Long Term Accounts was in the 15-30% range...Overall dollars...because I don't put HUGE $$$ in DT'ing is slightly less than 40%...IIC
                  I'm going to average both of my trading accounts for my total.

                  150% is very impressive, and 15-30% ain't bad either.


                  • Gatorman
                    No Posting allowed; invalid email
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 448

                    Might gain a small bit before the year is over: but am up approximately 19.75% for the year. The impact of Mr Market was very positive indeed.
                    Looking for a better market for all of us in 2006.
                    Have been trading stocks for 25 years but have learned more, expanded my knowledge and analyzed things a lot more the past 2 years than all the prior.
                    I thank this forum for the gain in knowledge and good fellowship.


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      We all have different goals...we all have different financial circumstances...Examples:

                      1) 75 years old...$800,000...want 7% safe to get $56,000 yr

                      2) 25 yrs old...$10,000...willing to take risks to build that up to $3,000,000 in 40 yrs.

                      3) 50 yrs old...$500,000...want $2,000,000 in 12 yrs

                      Three different circumstances...Three different investing philosophies...So in reality...the poll % doesn't reflect how people attained or didn't attain their objectives...Doug(IIC)
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                      Find Tomorrow's Winners At

                      Follow Me On Twitter


                      • sisterwin2

                        I hit the 15-30% marker.... was thinking last night and that no really right. to tell you the truth I never broke it up in yrs. so I realy dont know.


                        • Websman
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 5545

                          I just entered my gains into the poll. I didn't meet my goal of 100%, but I still had a nice return.

                          I gained 31.5% for 2005.
                          If I were to include my contributions, my portfolio has seen an actual gain of 55.5% this year.

                          Considering that I'm only in my second year of trading, I feel very fortunate to have made a profit for both years.
                          Last edited by Websman; 12-30-2005, 07:12 PM.


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Originally posted by Websman
                            I just entered my gains into the poll. I didn't meet my goal of 100%, but I still had a nice return.

                            I gained 31.5% for 2005.
                            If I were to include my contributions, my portfolio has seen an actual gain of 55.5% this year.
                            I just had a profound thought.

                            This makes me...



                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Originally posted by mrmarket

                              Thanks for asking Webs. Now if I posted this on the IBD board, they would all ask me for my tax returns, brokerage statements, etc.

                              IBD sucks. You have created something much better.

