Pick Of The Year Contest

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    MPEL is coming back strong...Of course it was a gamble anyway
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Pick of the Year 2006 Revisited

      Originally posted by IIC View Post

      Mr Market Stock Contest 2006

      Close on 12/29/2006

      Mickey Is $$$HUGE$$$

      A $$$HUGE$$$ congratulations are in order for Mickey. He ran away from the pack in early March and never looked back. Most of the year the race was for silver and bronze. But Sirtuck’s ABB and Grebnet’s APLX moved well from July thru December to break away from the other contenders…Nice job guys!!!

      Our A/D/U was 11/14/1 for the week and our YTD ended at 12/14/0.

      Overall we were down 1.23% for the year…Not an impressive performance. Our only saving grace was that we beat CSSGX.

      The CSSGX really stunk this year… Pretty amazing that IBD claims that the IBD 100 was up over 11%...Wonder how they calculate that???...and the CSSGX was down almost 7%. Morningstar has CSSGX rated at #968 out of 969 Funds in the Mid-Cap Growth Category… My Crystal Ball says the fund won’t even be around in another year.

      Well…I promised prizes for the Winners…Mickey wins a $100 Gift Card…Sirtuck wins a One Year Print Subscription to Barron’s and Grebnet wins a 6 month subscription to http://Poormans.com

      I’d like to offer a SPECIAL note of thanks to Bruce, the owner of Poormans.com for donating the subscription to his site. As you know, several members have mentioned him here. He was featured in the Smart Investors column in IBD several years ago. I’ve known Bruce for almost 3 years on the Net and although he and I are different types of investors, it is amazing to me how many of the same stocks we come up with…I invite all of you to take a look at his site. Here is a little about Bruce: http://trimurl.com/A27

      The Consolation or Booby Prize for the rest of you is a FREE 2 week Subscription to IBD...To claim your prize click here: http://trimurl.com/A26

      I use the open on 1/3/06 for the indices and the close on 1/3/06 for the CSSGX because funds are only priced at eod

      Let's pretend that the Pick of the Year Contest for 2006 was actually for 2 years...Who is the best LONG TERM Picker?

      Well...from my calculations that would be Sirtuck w/ ABB at +182% over 22 months. Ray w/ GHM would get the silver w/ GHM +148% followed by Grebnet's APLX +139%.

      I believe Mickey would now be 4th as BWNG was taken over by LVLT...I rough guessed it but w/ LVLT tanking since the buyout I'd estimate that Mick would stand at about +75%.

      Other's that did pretty good are Stocks54 w/ ELN +60% and Lye w/ ECOL +55%.

      Respectable showings were also made by Peter & DMK w/ GG +42%, Sis w/ DVN +37% Gary w/ VLO +30% and Ski w/ GLD +30%.

      Leader 2 year WEEKLY charts:

      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

      Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5320

        The 2007 Penultimate POTY Update: November

        With just a month to go, it seems that Pete is running away with the Gold.

        3 of the short What-if picks are duking it out in the 68-86% range (boosted, of course, by that double-leverage rule) for hypothetical glory.

        Turns out a short would have worked out better for the majority here, as 26 picks are under water, and only 22 are above it (two just barely). 5 of the winners just happen to be the 5 wiseguys who actually did go short.

        Stocks, Sirtuck and Ski all get an honorable mention- with scores ranging from 55-65%, each is a contender for the Silver in this contest.


        • JohnHenry
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2006
          • 1020

          Are we going to have one for 2008?


          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5320

            well, it depends... would you like to run one? I can give you pointers, if you need 'em. Same goes for anyone else interested in running the 2008 POTY.

            By the way, I didn't forget about the results- they'll be posted this weekend. I promise!


            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5320

              At last- the final result of the POTY contest!

              *entry prices adjusted for splits and dividends (per Yahoo's historical data)

              Gold:Peter Hansen
              Silver:StkyTreat (his dividends helped to snatch the silver from Stenz)
              Bronze: Stenzrob - via VDSI, a classic $$MM pick

              A hearty congratulations to all three- well played! And thanks, everyone, for participating in the contest... and now for the hypothetical results:


              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5320

                So what if we could pick anything we wanted???

                *adjusted for splits and dividends

                Then I would win, obviously! Seriously, though, note that of all the WI picks, there is only ONE long pick beating the indices (nice pick MEA!).


                • Rob
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 3194

                  Thanks for running the POTY show, Jiesen! Your efforts are not unappreciated.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    Jiesen Thank you

                    Jiesen thanx for your time and effort ....we all aprpeciate that more than you can imagine . The fact that I won is truly insigificant to the contributions and picks of ALL the members. Good luck to all in 2008 !


                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5320

                      Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                      Alright, I'll do it. But there won't be weekly updates. Once a month is all I can promise. You have until the end of January to make a pick- starting price will be the closing price (per Yahoo, unless it's shown that the Yahoo price is incorrect) the last trading day of January. Any stock trading on the NASDAQ, AMEX or NYSE is fair game, long or short.

                      If you win, Rob donates a price to Doug in your name. Otherwise, all rules default to the first post in this thread (except that silly rule about dividends- they count now). If you don't like my rules, you have until Jan 1 to suggest an alternative set of them, and/or volunteer for running this.

                      Ok, ready? Now... GO!
                      Here is my original post for the 2007 POTY rules- which also references the first post in the thread for the previous POTY rules.

                      StkyTreat has volunteered to run the show this year, so everyone please give him your best picks for 2008! I'm just reposting my old rules as a reference, and it's up to Stky to decide exactly how he want to run the show. Thank you, StkyTreat, for volunteering!

                      Oh, and about those prizes- Rob, you've already sent those engraved medals to Doug for the award ceremony on Friday, I presume? Pete and Stenz have already booked the red-eye to LA this Thursday so they won't miss it (Stky is planning to "borrow" his dad's car).


                      • JohnHenry
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2006
                        • 1020

                        Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                        Here is my original post for the 2007 POTY rules- which also references the first post in the thread for the previous POTY rules.

                        StkyTreat has volunteered to run the show this year, so everyone please give him your best picks for 2008! I'm just reposting my old rules as a reference, and it's up to Stky to decide exactly how he want to run the show. Thank you, StkyTreat, for volunteering!

                        Oh, and about those prizes- Rob, you've already sent those engraved medals to Doug for the award ceremony on Friday, I presume? Pete and Stenz have already booked the red-eye to LA this Thursday so they won't miss it (Stky is planning to "borrow" his dad's car).

                        I want to keep it simple and just keep using the rules that Jiesen made.

                        You have until the end of January to make a pick- starting price will be the closing price (per Yahoo, unless it's shown that the Yahoo price is incorrect) the last trading day of January. Any stock trading on the NASDAQ, AMEX or NYSE is fair game, long or short.


                        • Rob
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 3194

                          Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                          Oh, and about those prizes- Rob, you've already sent those engraved medals to Doug for the award ceremony on Friday, I presume?
                          I sure did. I was going to send them via FedEx, but some dude in brown pickup truck with red primer spots on it gave me a much better deal.

