my low priced option gambler's special: Buy the Intel July 22.50 call at 30 cents.....whoa nelly.
Jim's cycle trades
Originally posted by Jim SmithNTRI....cup and handle breakout"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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I don't want to sound like an alamist but this is looking to me like 1920's Germany....The fed is printing dollars like mad. They stopped reporting M3. As I have learned this is where the Fed open market operations are revealed. They may raise rates but they're buying treasuries and flooding the market with cash. Gold is telling you this, forget what Kudlow says....Oil is telling us this too....This market is going to fly, speculators will make a fortune. The problem is, the bottom half of society will lose out badly....."This is the end, my only friend the end........"
CAMH valuation potential as I see it:
12 million tests annually....$75 in consumables per patient is $900 million.
Current market cap is $163 million. Assuming valuation given equal to 1x annual revs:
900/163 = 5.52....Therefore, the ultimate value could be 5.52 x $2.75 current price or
$15 per share....I am not counting machine sales as that would be a one time $450 million occurence.