I didn't read it, either....<g>
Jim's cycle trades
sector rotation
Friday was telling, imo.....the OIH group was shot while certain semis did very well; WFR, AMD and SNDK to name a few.....I think there's just too much money in the system for every index and commodity and realestate and bonds to go into the tank simultaneously.....the broader indexes probably cannot be shorted except for a day trade.
GLD broken triangle
watch for broken patterns, they bring the money....the GLD broke above a symmetrical triangle only to fail and fall out the bottom and look at it now.....everyone is a chartist these days so don't give up on a pattern just cuz it broke down,,,,,the breakdowns can win big.....it's going to be choppy into late October.....WFR, SNDK might be OK....
Even though Jim and I are not on the same wavelength investing wise...I like to take his take into account....He comes up w/ some ideas that I find of interest.
Perhaps he is not doing well???...But we all go thru periods like that...Hopefully though, nothing has happened to him.
JIM!!!...Where are U????...IIC????"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com
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This board is strange
I got frustrated with always having to come up with my password.....For some strange reason, this board wouldn't remember me and demanded my password so I could post.....After about the 5th time, I thought this isn't worth it....Now, I read the board out of the blue and I can post again....I can't figure it out. I am not the saviest person when it comes to computers, you have to make it easy for me or my brain seizes......
Regarding the market, we're going higher but this could be a correction week....we're due for a pullack....The OEX has broken out of its channel to the upside so big caps are where it's at....Love brokers like MER and GS....Love BA but on a pullback to $80....Love ROK to $70 by xmas....hey, last April, MER topped out at 15.5 x forward earnings....IF we see that again early 2007, MER will see $107....