I know I am the new guy here

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  • I know I am the new guy here

    I have to ask, what's with these photos of Mr Market? I swear if my wife looked over my shoulder while I was viewing this site, she'd become convinced I "joined the other team", especially after we just saw Broke Back Mountain. And, is there any way I can prioritize these threads? I'd like to put any thread referring to Christmas and ELN on the very last page while putting threads attributable to Steckler or Robbb at the head of the class.
  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Originally posted by Jim Smith
    I have to ask, what's with these photos of Mr Market? I swear if my wife looked over my shoulder while I was viewing this site, she'd become convinced I "joined the other team", especially after we just saw Broke Back Mountain. And, is there any way I can prioritize these threads? I'd like to put any thread referring to Christmas and ELN on the very last page while putting threads attributable to Steckler or Robbb at the head of the class.
    You are new here ain'tcha?.... Dude this is $$MM$$'s forum.... He likes to post pictures of himself, as well as some other things important to him....

    That's funny.... My wife has seen the forum a hundred times and she has never wondered if "I've joined the other side"....

    Hey Jim.... Let me get this straight.... Did you and your wife actually go to see "Broke Back Mountain"? If so.... Why?
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • Gary611
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2005
      • 316

      Mountian Climbing???

      Curly: "Hey Moe, I can't go mountian climbing, I gotta weak back."
      Moe, "What a you mean, weak back, how long have you had a weak back?"

      Curly: " Oh, for about a week back! YNUK,YNUK!"

      Moe then hits him with some sort of blunt object.

      Cramer should make a movie & call it "Momback Mountain"
      Last edited by Gary611; 01-20-2006, 05:03 PM. Reason: Curly kan't spel
      99 percent of Politicians give the rest a bad name.


      • spikefader
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 7175

        I'd like to put any thread referring to Christmas ..... on the very last page
        You wanna put MM's stuff on the back page!?! Preposterous! Unthinkable! Somebody give him an uppercut! lol

        I'd venture to say you're not alone there and there are other new arrivals who think such blinkered thoughts.

        Open your mind and see the light dudes.


        • sisterwin2

          Originally posted by Jim Smith
          I have to ask, what's with these photos of Mr Market? I swear if my wife looked over my shoulder while I was viewing this site, she'd become convinced I "joined the other team", especially after we just saw Broke Back Mountain. And, is there any way I can prioritize these threads? I'd like to put any thread referring to Christmas and ELN on the very last page while putting threads attributable to Steckler or Robbb at the head of the class.

          LOL............... what is that saying? "doest thou protest too much"

          Does your wife not know you well enough...

          I like looking at the musle man myself.


          • #6
            What's with the pictures?

            You may as well ask, "What's all this about meats and cheeses?" or "What does it mean to be HUGE?"

            It's all part of the unique personality of our esteemed host.


            • dmk112
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2004
              • 1759

              Haha, I don't agree with you but some of the pictures are on the gay side and if the title didn't have the $$ signs in it, what do you think "Mr. Market is HUGE" can be implying ..hmmmm (I'm not referring to his gains or muscles here lol)

              Anyway, the threads that are on top are the most popular threads, and they are not Stecklers or Robbs threads as they only have been on the board for a short while. Spike, Runners, IIC's, Ski's and all the senior members are on the top and this is they way it goes around here... peace
              Last edited by dmk112; 01-21-2006, 01:21 PM.


              • dmk112
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2004
                • 1759

                Originally posted by spikefader
                You wanna put MM's stuff on the back page!?! Preposterous! Unthinkable! Somebody give him an uppercut! lol

                I'd venture to say you're not alone there and there are other new arrivals who think such blinkered thoughts.

                Open your mind and see the light dudes.

                lol.... Spike, you know what's coming...



                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Originally posted by dmk112
                  lol.... Spike, you know what's coming...

                  LOL, man I love that photo. heheh always gives me a laff.


                  • #10
                    first, I did see Broke Back Mountain because my wife picked it and I picked the prior two movies so it was her turn......Second, my wife has not seen this site but if she did I just know the questions about these pinups of $$MM$$ would come out and I'd be at a loss.....and last, I was hoping there might be a way to prioritize threads and maybe I missed the directions.....I've been on AOL since 1995 and remember "bring me your finest meats and cheeses" way back when. Of course now I have many pictures of a face to attribute that line too....Rob delivers the goods and has for a long time, it's gonna take me a while to discover who else has game....My own system works best in a trending market.....I'll get shredded if we turn choppy.


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Originally posted by Jim Smith
                      first, I did see Broke Back Mountain because my wife picked it and I picked the prior two movies so it was her turn......Second, my wife has not seen this site but if she did I just know the questions about these pinups of $$MM$$ would come out and I'd be at a loss.....and last, I was hoping there might be a way to prioritize threads and maybe I missed the directions.....I've been on AOL since 1995 and remember "bring me your finest meats and cheeses" way back when. Of course now I have many pictures of a face to attribute that line too....Rob delivers the goods and has for a long time, it's gonna take me a while to discover who else has game....My own system works best in a trending market.....I'll get shredded if we turn choppy.
                      Jim...Forget the pics...Sure, Mr. M has big pecs(And Pics)...But who cares besides lye and my wife???...

                      You need to get focused...Who on the Net offers something that may be of use to you???...Maybe I do and Maybe I don't...But only you can figure it out for yourself...And I will tell 'ya...You should be able to figure that out by reading 2 posts or less.

                      I'm not trying to give you a hard time...But, if you have been on the Net for 2 years longer than me (Well, I was on in '95 too...but I had no idea what I was doing till '97...And really '9...You need to READ between the lines...Pick out info that can help you...Sure, I recognized Robb as a sharp guy right away...Steck too (Who I have seen around the Net before)...Do I take their word as gospel...NO...Do I take into consideration what they have to say and check it out to see if they offer anything I can use???...YES!

                      I have no idea how well you know anyone...But let me give you a little advice(Maybe this doesn't really even apply to you???)...When you see a good stockpicker post something that you like...Maybe you do some DD and find you like it...You buy it...NEVER count on the person who told you about it to tell you EXACTLY when they bailed...We are all in this to make a buck...I try to give a heads up...But I'll tell 'ya...I will bail on my own account long before I have time to post it here.

                      Best, Doug(IIC)
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                      Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

                      Follow Me On Twitter


                      • #12
                        I don't see many posts from Mr Market. Does he post much? I will post what I see and some days I think I see a lot, some days I don't.....As for the Christmas thread post, I thought maybe that thread was more seasonal in nature and probably wouldn't get anything new added to it so if I could move it to a back page I could quicky see more timely threads. No offense to MrMarket intended, I certainly have to give a Wharton grad his due.


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by Jim Smith
                          I don't see many posts from Mr Market. Does he post much? I will post what I see and some days I think I see a lot, some days I don't.....As for the Christmas thread post, I thought maybe that thread was more seasonal in nature and probably wouldn't get anything new added to it so if I could move it to a back page I could quicky see more timely threads. No offense to MrMarket intended, I certainly have to give a Wharton grad his due.
                          I'm not here to explain Mr. M's philosophy...He posts what he posts...Personally...I check the ones that he posts when he narrows down his list...Maybe some others check every single one...Maybe others only look at the one he decides to buy???

                          I believe this forum is made up of all different types of investors...Some great...some good...some OK...some not that great...It is up to you to decide who posts info that may be of help to you IMO...DOUG(IIC)
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                          Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

                          Follow Me On Twitter


                          • Lyehopper
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3678

                            Hey Jim.... I can see you are a nice guy and not easily provoked.... cool.... you'll (most likely) learn to like this forum once you figure it out.

                            First of all the "top" threads are "Sticky's"... Do you see the word "Sticky" to the left of the thread?.... That means they can't be moved to the back unless the administration moves them.... The Sticky's are kinda like their own little forum....

                            The "Christmas Sticky's" are related to $$$ Mr. Market$$$'s last HUUUGE pick.... You see $$MM$$ has a special name for each pick....

                            First he has a "data dump" he posts that....

                            Then he has a "top five" he posts that....

                            THEN he reveals the actual HUGE "pick".... Does that make any sense?

                            All of the threads are programmed to cycle to the "top" as a new post it made. So when you make a post to any thread.... Your post automatically cycles that thread to the top.

                            It's very easy to find the thread you want.... Just scan down the list and find the thread you're interested in and click it....

                            Now if you want to discuss with me "how to argue with your wife and win".... I'll be glad to instruct you. DUDE!!!! I can't beleive you let her take you to that movie. How old are you anyway?
                            Last edited by Lyehopper; 01-22-2006, 01:27 AM.
                            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                            • New-born baby
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 6095

                              .45 Auto

                              Originally posted by Lyehopper
                              Hey Jim.... I can see you are a nice guy and not easily provoked.... cool.... you'll (most likely) learn to like this forum once you figure it out.

                              Now if you want to discuss with me "how to argue with your wife and win".... I'll be glad to instruct you. DUDE!!!! How old are you anyway?
                              Be careful here. LYE may just tell you about his .45 cure. You know, the .45 auto that wins arguments very often. I have heard that it can be unhealthy to play cards with this guy, too, so be aware of that.

                              Its real simple to win an argument with your wife: you just lay down the law, and that's that. You're the man of the house, aren't you?

                              Here's a look at LYE's Ace-in-the-hole:just click on this link. (By the way,
                              LYE is wearing Black and his new stock pick: FTL).
                              Last edited by New-born baby; 01-21-2006, 09:22 PM.
                              pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN

