Originally posted by spikefader
1. Never take offense at what anybody says--even if they meant it to hurt. There are some reasons to take this position: 1. Love is not provoked (1 Co. 13:5) by anything; 2. If you love the Bible enough, you don't take offense at things (Ps. 119:165); 3. Recognize that the source of our taking offense is
the pride within us (Pr. 13:10).
2. There can only be a fight if the second person responds in anger. "A gentle answer turns away wrath" (Pr. 15:1).
3. We ought to try to write in a kind, gentle, loving spirit. "Harsh words stir up strife" (Pr. 15:1). I know once that I wrote something that offended a poster who owned APPL. When APPL did well, he made a remark that demonstrated that he had taken offense at what I had written. I was at fault because what I had written was not written in the kindest manner. "Say the kindest thing in the kindest way." And remember that pride provokes others. Bragging is not from love (1 Co. 13:4).
4. Try to make your enemy your friend. Once someone here ripped into me. I did not respond in kind, but tried to treat him as nicely as I could. His harsh posts soon stopped, and I am happy to say that he is one of my favorite posters. I look forward to his posts. (And he is an excellent trader, too). I am better off having him as a friend.
In short, I don't think banning them is right: they would only brag about it.
Ignoring them is dangerous since they have some knowledge that we might use profitably. And abusing them is wrong and unproductive. I think that the best plan is to respond to everyone in kindness. They will change, or God will weed them out of here.