Ask Mr Market

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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Ask Mr Market

    Have you ever wanted to ask Mr Market a question, but were afraid to ask? I haven't but then again, I am a Vulcan...

    Not to put the huge one on the spot, but I have a question that I need answered and I couldn't figure out which thread to put in on, so I created this one.

    What do you think Ernie? Are you game for a thread such as this?

    My question has nothing to do with trading, but ultimately does...
  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Ok here's my question...

    Mr Market, I've been working out faithfully for the past 6 months but my biceps aren't even close to 19". Do you have any tips which could help me obtain biceps like yours?

    Do I need to drink more beer?




    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      Originally posted by Websman
      Ok here's my question...

      Mr Market, I've been working out faithfully for the past 6 months but my biceps aren't even close to 19". Do you have any tips which could help me obtain biceps like yours?

      Do I need to drink more beer?


      Drinking beer wouldn't hurt, unless it's right before your workout. I'll give you 5 things that will help you:

      #1. Most common weight training mistake is doing too many reps...You need to lift heavy. That means if you are doing 3 sets of 10 reps, switch to 6 sets of 5 reps or fewer, increasing the weight by 5 pounds on each set. Your muscles grow because your body has asked them to do more than they were used to doing. Everything your body does to repair itself is a reaction to its stimuli. Doing lots of reps builds stamina, not size (because all you are doing is training your body to do more reps, not lift more weight).

      #2. Do squats. Your quads and glute muscles are your biggest muscles in your body. If you workout these muscles, when you go to sleep your body will release muscle growth hormones that go through your entire body..not just to your legs and glutes. By working your biggest muscles, you'll coax your body into making more growth hormone. Which makes you bigger everywhere.

      #3. Eat protein within 45 minutes of when you finish your workout. Immediately after you tear up your muscles from lifting, your body will be looking for protein to patch up your muscles. If you're not getting enough from your diet (2 grams for every lb of bodyweight) then eat Nitro works great.

      #4. Work your triceps. Your triceps are 2/3 of your arm mass. So your arms will look (and get) bigger if your triceps are big too.

      #5 Don't overtrain. You need a day of rest between working out so your muscles can rest, repair, and grow.

      Does that make sense?

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by mrmarket
        Drinking beer wouldn't hurt, unless it's right before your workout. I'll give you 5 things that will help you:

        #1. Most common weight training mistake is doing too many reps...You need to lift heavy. That means if you are doing 3 sets of 10 reps, switch to 6 sets of 5 reps or fewer, increasing the weight by 5 pounds on each set. Your muscles grow because your body has asked them to do more than they were used to doing. Everything your body does to repair itself is a reaction to its stimuli. Doing lots of reps builds stamina, not size (because all you are doing is training your body to do more reps, not lift more weight).

        #2. Do squats. Your quads and glute muscles are your biggest muscles in your body. If you workout these muscles, when you go to sleep your body will release muscle growth hormones that go through your entire body..not just to your legs and glutes. By working your biggest muscles, you'll coax your body into making more growth hormone. Which makes you bigger everywhere.

        #3. Eat protein within 45 minutes of when you finish your workout. Immediately after you tear up your muscles from lifting, your body will be looking for protein to patch up your muscles. If you're not getting enough from your diet (2 grams for every lb of bodyweight) then eat Nitro works great.

        #4. Work your triceps. Your triceps are 2/3 of your arm mass. So your arms will look (and get) bigger if your triceps are big too.

        #5 Don't overtrain. You need a day of rest between working out so your muscles can rest, repair, and grow.

        Does that make sense?
        Dude, that all makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

        I never even thought of doing squats, but you make a lot of sense. I'll try some of your suggestions and let you know in a few months if it's starting to work. I'm not looking to be like Gov. Schwartzenegger or anything, but I do want to tone up.
        Last edited by Websman; 02-08-2006, 07:15 PM.


        • IIC
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 14938

          I'm serious...My wife was peeking over my shoulder the other night and after seeing 3 or 4 pictures of Ernie on various forum pages she asked me "Doesn't he ever wear a shirt"?

          I said "sure"...So I clicked a few more pages until a pic of Ernie came up where he was wearing a shirt and even a tie.

          So, my question is "What percentage of the time do you wear a shirt Ernie"? My guess is your favorite...15%...Doug(IIC)
          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

          Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Why is the sky blue Ernie?


            • sisterwin2


              Why do I kept dragging my feet on cashing GE stocks so I can join in on the MAKING OF MONEY? I have read enough, looked thru all you buys and do believe you. Am I a coward?


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                Originally posted by sisterwin2

                Why do I kept dragging my feet on cashing GE stocks so I can join in on the MAKING OF MONEY? I have read enough, looked thru all you buys and do believe you. Am I a coward?
                I heard you say that you want to sell off some GE stock to raise some capital several times now but you can't seem to bring yourself to do it. Are you a coward. Maybe but if selling the stock is what you want to do then missing out on making more money with that capital will be even more troublesome everytime you see Ernie an everyone else participating in another winner. But remember there are always two sides to every coin. It's only money and the only way to make more of it is to use it to maximize your opportunities. Life is short. The more you procrastinate the less time you have.


                • sisterwin2


                  And why am I such a horrible typist.

                  But really. I do not see Ge moving anywhere. I keep thinking that since I am 50, I need to hold on to it for income when I retire. I have slightly gotton behind on my retirerment savings by taking two and some years sabatical to accomplish my Dream and still covering my land locked responsiblilies. Ge was given to me by my Dad and not really money I have worked for. I think I could do more with a small portion of it and use it to have at least 10,000$, trading it on the 15% or 18% plan as you follow. I mean really, 15% of 10 thou. is alot more then 15% of 500$ that I would have available to put into a stock at one time now. Keeping in mind the cost of the trade. I am doing my duty paying toward my 401, no credit debt other then house. I think the cost base of the ge is about 25$ so I would not be loosing much on taxes. I sometimes think I am waisting my time by investing the way I am doing it now. Other then I really enjoy it. I am ahead as of closing today 53% with all my choices (not including ge), but that is spread between TEN different stocks. I have to take in the taxation aspect also. I understand the its 15% if held a yr, full tax if traded before the yr like regular income. I do not think I understand what a washout is. I am hoping that it means if I sell one stock at a gain, buy another stock with that gain w/n a week or so, then I do not pay the tax on the gains of sold stock?

                  I keep thinking I need more tax shelter. I owe very little on my house and I could upgrade it that would give me more of a tax break. I do plan to stay here till I retire or find an apartment like condo to retire in but the housing market just dosnt allow for downsizing to me.

                  I am not really asking you to tell me what to do, I just want to hear your input, and anyone else that would like to share thier thoughts.

                  Not sure this is what you meant by this thread but this is what I wanted to ask.


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Originally posted by sisterwin2

                    And why am I such a horrible typist.

                    But really. I do not see Ge moving anywhere. I keep thinking that since I am 50, I need to hold on to it for income when I retire. I have slightly gotton behind on my retirerment savings by taking two and some years sabatical to accomplish my Dream and still covering my land locked responsiblilies. Ge was given to me by my Dad and not really money I have worked for. I think I could do more with a small portion of it and use it to have at least 10,000$, trading it on the 15% or 18% plan as you follow. I mean really, 15% of 10 thou. is alot more then 15% of 500$ that I would have available to put into a stock at one time now. Keeping in mind the cost of the trade. I am doing my duty paying toward my 401, no credit debt other then house. I think the cost base of the ge is about 25$ so I would not be loosing much on taxes. I sometimes think I am waisting my time by investing the way I am doing it now. Other then I really enjoy it. I am ahead as of closing today 53% with all my choices (not including ge), but that is spread between TEN different stocks. I have to take in the taxation aspect also. I understand the its 15% if held a yr, full tax if traded before the yr like regular income. I do not think I understand what a washout is. I am hoping that it means if I sell one stock at a gain, buy another stock with that gain w/n a week or so, then I do not pay the tax on the gains of sold stock?

                    I keep thinking I need more tax shelter. I owe very little on my house and I could upgrade it that would give me more of a tax break. I do plan to stay here till I retire or find an apartment like condo to retire in but the housing market just dosnt allow for downsizing to me.

                    I am not really asking you to tell me what to do, I just want to hear your input, and anyone else that would like to share thier thoughts.

                    Not sure this is what you meant by this thread but this is what I wanted to ask.
                    One of the worst things you can do unless you are worth many millions is worry about tax consequences of trades...You will hold onto too many losers...I NEVER think about tax consequences when I trade...My goal is to owe Uncle Sam a million bux...Doug

                    PS: When you look like you...Who cares how you type???
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                    Find Tomorrow's Winners At

                    Follow Me On Twitter


                    • mrmarket
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5971

                      Originally posted by IIC
                      I'm serious...My wife was peeking over my shoulder the other night and after seeing 3 or 4 pictures of Ernie on various forum pages she asked me "Doesn't he ever wear a shirt"?

                      I said "sure"...So I clicked a few more pages until a pic of Ernie came up where he was wearing a shirt and even a tie.

                      So, my question is "What percentage of the time do you wear a shirt Ernie"? My guess is your favorite...15%...Doug(IIC)
                      Very seldom.

                      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                      • mrmarket
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5971

                        Originally posted by skiracer
                        Why is the sky blue Ernie?
                        Mostly due to the wavelengths of the particular colors in the spectrum. The colors with the longer wavelengths pass through the atmosphere but the shorter wavelength light (blue) gets absorbed by the atmospheric gas molecules which basically kicks it back all over the place. So when you look up you see the blue light which is thrown around.

                        That's not a real good explanation..but that's kind of how I remember it.

                        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                        • mrmarket
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5971

                          Originally posted by sisterwin2

                          Why do I kept dragging my feet on cashing GE stocks so I can join in on the MAKING OF MONEY? I have read enough, looked thru all you buys and do believe you. Am I a coward?
                          Everyone has different risk tolerances. To some of us you may be a coward, to others you may be a lionheart.

                          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                          • Lyehopper
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3678

                            $$$Mr Market$$$ you seem likes a man who enjoys a good competetive challenge.... With this in mind, I ask the following three questions....

                            (1) Why won't you play the POTW?

                            (2) Did you realize that the POTW thread is second in popularity only to Spikefader's thread?

                            (3) Do you care?
                            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by mrmarket
                              Mostly due to the wavelengths of the particular colors in the spectrum. The colors with the longer wavelengths pass through the atmosphere but the shorter wavelength light (blue) gets absorbed by the atmospheric gas molecules which basically kicks it back all over the place. So when you look up you see the blue light which is thrown around.

                              That's not a real good explanation..but that's kind of how I remember it.
                              You're the best!
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

