Originally posted by cosmicporch
Well, I guess I don't have to go for a little while now.
Google has contacted me about placing ads on Craigslist when my advertised site has google adsense ads on it...They consider it spam...That's BS IMO...everybody does it. I deleted the google ads on the one site that they were referring to and they did answer my email questions...but their answers made no sense...They were not canned responses because they made specific references...although probably most of it was canned now that I think about it. But I have many other sites up there and I never heard anything.
Google has also banned some of my sites from adwords...And the rest they want so much per click it is not worth it. Now, I do understand that they are trying to eliminate the "Circle of Money" by giving sites with little or no content a hard time. Your site has content...but most of mine don't.
Let's take an example of one of my sites:
This is a nothing site designed to simply get Google clicks and signups for the free streaming quote offer.
My average since June 1st is 7% of the "unique" visitors click a Google ad. The average Google Click on that site pays me $.84. I also get $1.50 for each person that signs up for the Free Quote service...I have not tracked the Free quote service response by site...only overall...but it is about 2%.
Let's break this down in a simple example:
If I get 1,000 visitors using my 2 month avg. I should earn $59 for google clicks and $30 for the Free Quote Service for a total of $89.
So if I pay any more than $.089 per click I lose money...But I can't even get it on adwords for anywhere close to that.
So what do I do? I advertise on free sites...Most are not very good but since I have my canned ads already set up it doesn't take very long to place them. I also use Goclick. I can get jillions of clicks at Goclick for $.10...But that doesn't help me in this case because I won't be getting any repeat visitors at that site(but you will)...So, I adveritise in the $.02 to $.04 range for this particular site...It makes $$$ but at those rates I don't get nearly as many visitors.
That's just one example...My highest google adsense click rate is at http://FreeLinksOnline.com. Since the beginning of June I have received a 17.7% google adsense click rate for "Unique" Visitors which I understand is very high. Google only shows a 9.18% CTR because they use impressions.
I also sprinkle that site with affiliate links so I make $$$ on those too. However, the Google ads only avg. $.17 per click. That's pretty bad. So that means that I only make about $30 for each 1,000 unique visitors on google clicks. However, I've made some good money on the affiliate programs at that site. I'd tell you how much but I use different programs and I'd have to go add it up. But off the top of my head I know it is over $.15 per unique visitor. That adds another $150 per 1000 totaling $180 per 1000. So I place Google adwords ads and they want $.30+ for every click except for about 15 keywords...So I run the 15 keywords for $.10 click...I'm pretty pleased for 3 days and WHAMO...they say my CTR(Click-Thru-Rate) is not high enough...Raise my bids.
I understand that Google is not a charity...but it seems to me they are pushing the little guy out. It used to be that you could actually make more on Google Adsense than you paid Google Adwords...It was really just a game and I've heard of people that had over 1,000 sites doing that...But I'm not so sure that would work anymore...at least I can't make it work now. It works on GoClick...But they don't get the traffic that Google gets so you'd have to have an awful lot of sites to make any decent money.
But I continually find new places to advertise...it's still a volume game...at least the one I'm playing anyway.
Speaking of Link Exchanges. I am partners with Reed Floren in a site called http://FinancialLinksOnline.com Feel free to submit your site...it is free and link exchange is optional. There are services you can join for free...I don't see that it would be worth paying $25 a mo. to exchange links...Exchanges are fine...But from my experience they don't bring that much traffic.
You might check into http://FinancialAdTrader.com I know a guy who uses it...he says it's so-so but it is free.
Good Luck...Doug(IIC)