Lyehopper's Roundup....

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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Originally posted by Websman
    Well done Lyehpper. I'm thinking of buying a couple of those myself.
    Just don't buy that last one
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • dmk112
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2004
      • 1759

      Originally posted by Lyehopper
      Because they make alot of money and I think it will go up.... Why would you NOT buy it?
      Not all companies that make money go up, as a matter of fact alot of them go down. Right now it's a hold for me, the stock has gone no where in over a year and a half. I just think there are others out there that are more bullish. IMO



      • dmk112
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2004
        • 1759

        I do like JAH as it broke the downtrend.
        NRPH still may have some legs left.
        ECOL - cwh play?
        GEHL - not much there, in a trading range right now.
        PARL - may be hurt for a while

        good luck dude.


        • Lyehopper
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 3678

          Originally posted by dmk112
          Not all companies that make money go up, as a matter of fact alot of them go down. Right now it's a hold for me, the stock has gone no where in over a year and a half. I just think there are others out there that are more bullish. IMO

          Thanks for reading the thread DMK.

          Well, it's been my experience over the past 17 years that most stocks go "UP" and "DOWN". Stocks that are growing and make money just appeal to me that's all.... Call me crazy and "old fasioned" but if (For EXAMPLE) I were gonna invest in your's or Ernie's or Rob's or Ski's or Web's* private companies?.... I'd want to see the earnings and sales growth. Why would I look at buying a publicly traded company any differently?

          I agree that there are many more "bullish" charts out there. I wasn't necessarily looking for bullish charts though. I'm looking for stocks that are worth alot more than they cost at the present time.... and ones that (next year) you'll be saying.... WOW!!!! look at that bullish chart! that thing is up over 60% in the past six months DUDE!!!!

          What stocks are you buying DMK?....

          oh btw.... I'm short NRPH and it has a pretty bullish

          *I might invest in Web's private company reguardless of the possibility for profitability.... why did I type this?.... must be that microchip he implanted in my,oui
          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


          • dmk112
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2004
            • 1759

            Originally posted by Lyehopper
            What stocks are you buying DMK?....

            For one, I like CPST. (Don't look at the fundies LOL).

            Here's the chart. I posted this back in Feb aniticapting a b/o but it took a while.



            • Lyehopper
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2004
              • 3678

              Originally posted by dmk112
              For one, I like CPST. (Don't look at the fundies LOL).

              Here's the chart. I posted this back in Feb aniticapting a b/o but it took a while.

              You are right DMK. The fundamentals do SUCK!

              BUT.... They have one of the coolest products I've seen lately! I LIKE IT DUDE.... I'd love to own about fifty of those generators. I'd run them in series and start my own little (modular) power company.LOL They will run off Bio-Diesel or Diesel#2.... Wonder it they could build one that'll run on ethanol?..... hmmmmmmmm.

              Boy! Too bad I can't buy some of this company for what it worth... 0.78 cents per share.hehehe

              You might be on to something here dude, chart looks great.
              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


              • Lyehopper
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2004
                • 3678


                The more dd I do on this product the more I like it.LOL

                I'm gonna call these guys on Monday and get a quote on a system to run my MFG Company on.... The turbine exhaust gases (heat) can be captured and used for both heating and cooling of the facility! Any excess electricity gererated can be sold to the utility company and THEY MUST BUY IT FROM YOU AT CURRENT RATES!!!! AWESOME!!!! These guys even have a system running at a huge pig-farm....LOL.... They capture the methane gases from the manure, compress it and burn it in two of these capstone mircoturbine gererators and make their own power and they capture the exhaust (gases) heat and further use it as well.... Why have I never heard of this product?

                This will be HUUUUGE some day!
                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Originally posted by Lyehopper
                  *I might invest in Web's private company reguardless of the possibility for profitability.... why did I type this?.... must be that microchip he implanted in my,oui
                  Lye, I'll need $250,000 by Friday, in order to conduct more VTP research.


                  • dmk112
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2004
                    • 1759

                    Originally posted by Lyehopper
                    The more dd I do on this product the more I like it.LOL

                    I'm gonna call these guys on Monday and get a quote on a system to run my MFG Company on.... The turbine exhaust gases (heat) can be captured and used for both heating and cooling of the facility! Any excess electricity gererated can be sold to the utility company and THEY MUST BUY IT FROM YOU AT CURRENT RATES!!!! AWESOME!!!! These guys even have a system running at a huge pig-farm....LOL.... They capture the methane gases from the manure, compress it and burn it in two of these capstone mircoturbine gererators and make their own power and they capture the exhaust (gases) heat and further use it as well.... Why have I never heard of this product?

                    This will be HUUUUGE some day!
                    CPST is one of those companies that went to a $100+ in the tech bubble and then became a near penny stock. I bet there are some that are still holding from those levels too, poor chaps.


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Originally posted by Lyehopper
                      The more dd I do on this product the more I like it.LOL

                      I'm gonna call these guys on Monday and get a quote on a system to run my MFG Company on.... The turbine exhaust gases (heat) can be captured and used for both heating and cooling of the facility! Any excess electricity gererated can be sold to the utility company and THEY MUST BUY IT FROM YOU AT CURRENT RATES!!!! AWESOME!!!! These guys even have a system running at a huge pig-farm....LOL.... They capture the methane gases from the manure, compress it and burn it in two of these capstone mircoturbine gererators and make their own power and they capture the exhaust (gases) heat and further use it as well.... Why have I never heard of this product?

                      This will be HUUUUGE some day!
                      Not as hot a deal as it sounds Lye...I managed a Bank Data Center from 1985-1992...It was a co-gen plant built in 1983...12.6mw capacity with 3 Alison 501's and 2 Murray Steamers rated 1.8mw each...2 1600 Ton absorbers with 3 Tane 750 ton centrifigals as back up...Anyway, there was a huge legal battle between the Utility and the Bank after I left...( wasn't my fault)...But besides that, the maintenance costs after a few years was cost prohibitive...and it was not as reliable as everyone thought before my time who was sold a bill of goods....Doug
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678

                        Originally posted by IIC
                        Not as hot a deal as it sounds Lye...I managed a Bank Data Center from 1985-1992...It was a co-gen plant built in 1983...12.6mw capacity with 3 Alison 501's and 2 Murray Steamers rated 1.8mw each...2 1600 Ton absorbers with 3 Tane 750 ton centrifigals as back up...Anyway, there was a huge legal battle between the Utility and the Bank after I left...( wasn't my fault)...But besides that, the maintenance costs after a few years was cost prohibitive...and it was not as reliable as everyone thought before my time who was sold a bill of goods....Doug
                        Hey IIC, I know about co-gen plants and have knowledge basic electric power generation.... My father worked for Carolina Power and Light (now PGN) for 36 years....

                        You guys were using very old technology dude.... This company didn't start till 1998.... Have you seen one of these MicroTurbine Gernerators?.... One (1) moving part and NO oil or wet bearings AT ALL.... You run smaller generators in a "bank" (in series).... Trust me.... I'll find out if it's a "hot deal" or not dude....
                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • Lyehopper
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 3678

                          Originally posted by Websman
                          Lye, I'll need $250,000 by Friday, in order to conduct more VTP research.
                          Just wired the money.... Our "people" should have the "PH" implant installation finished by this time next week dude.... VTP R&D funding will be practically limitless after that.
                          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                          • Gatorman
                            No Posting allowed; invalid email
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 448

                            Nice Day Today for Your Model Portfolio

                            Nice moves today in all of your stocks with PARL leading the group. It will be interesting to see what they do the rest of the week.


                            • New-born baby
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 6095

                              PARL over the hump

                              PARL is over the hump with today's action. A profitable stop under it and Lye-baby is guaranteed $$$.
                              pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                              • Lyehopper
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 3678

                                3/27/06 update....

                                Thanks fellas.... I agree that PARL is lookin' ready to roll. My short play is still "red" but I hope that'll soon change. Let's see how things shape up from here.

                                btw... I hope to add a position to the portfolio this week.... It very well may be a short play too.

                                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

