Ameritrade VS Scottrade

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    Ameritrade VS Scottrade

    Just got off the phone with Ameritrade (10.99) For Net Trades .......told them I have an account with Scott Trade and they only charge 7.00 per net trade. Told them I like Ameritrade but what could they do for me so that I did not transfer my account to Scott Trade. Without missing a beat ......they lowered the 10.99 fee to 7.00 to match Scott Trade. Bottom line ask.... and you SHALL receive!
    Last edited by Peter Hansen; 04-03-2006, 01:51 PM. Reason: Spelling error
  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    Originally posted by Peter Hansen
    Just got off the phone with Ameritrade (10.99) For Net Trades .......told them I have an account with Scott Trade and they only charge 7.00 per net trade. Told them I like Ameritrade but what could they do for me so that I did not transfer my account to Scott Trade. Without missing a beat ......they lowered the 10.99 fee to 7.00 to match Scott Trade. Bottom line ask.... and you SHALL receive!
    I'm calling tonight.
    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

    - Benjamin Franklin


    • sisterwin2

      Originally posted by Peter Hansen
      Just got off the phone with Ameritrade (10.99) For Net Trades .......told them I have an account with Scott Trade and they only charge 7.00 per net trade. Told them I like Ameritrade but what could they do for me so that I did not transfer my account to Scott Trade. Without missing a beat ......they lowered the 10.99 fee to 7.00 to match Scott Trade. Bottom line ask.... and you SHALL receive!
      I am calling them too..... I bet since I only trade about 4x monthely (average) they will not do it for me..

      May I ask how many trades you make per month?


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968


        Originally posted by sisterwin2
        I am calling them too..... I bet since I only trade about 4x monthely (average) they will not do it for me..

        May I ask how many trades you make per month?
        Sister i make more trades in scott trade........go ask......I bet they will lower your rate...........Ameritade does not wish to lose any accounts.......especially to a competitor like Scott Trade ...that is for sure !

        Good Luck



        • gerihearne
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2005
          • 227


          What does Ameritrade do better than Scottrade?


          • jiesen
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 5319



            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365

              called last night

              I only got a buck reduced from my commission. I guess my negotiating skills need some fine tuning. I started to talk to them about Izone and they said I had to open another account in order to get that rate of $5. I talked to them about their competition and they said they are reorganizing and will continue to offer a quality product. Then I said something about the price and they said that the are going to change the commission structure... they actually told this to me over the phone! Can you imagine what Ameritrade investors would think about this? I nearly flipped when the nice girl told me this. She did not tell me the new price, but she said that they are evaluating the new rate and it definitely is not going to be up.

              I typically make 4-5 trades per month... now at $9.99

              I'm going to buy one of those hats with a propeller on it with my extra $5....
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                Peanuts A penny saved is a penny earned!

                Originally posted by peanuts
                I only got a buck reduced from my commission. I guess my negotiating skills need some fine tuning. I started to talk to them about Izone and they said I had to open another account in order to get that rate of $5. I talked to them about their competition and they said they are reorganizing and will continue to offer a quality product. Then I said something about the price and they said that the are going to change the commission structure... they actually told this to me over the phone! Can you imagine what Ameritrade investors would think about this? I nearly flipped when the nice girl told me this. She did not tell me the new price, but she said that they are evaluating the new rate and it definitely is not going to be up.

                I typically make 4-5 trades per month... now at $9.99

                I'm going to buy one of those hats with a propeller on it with my extra $5....

                Ben Franklin had it right ....."a penny saved is a penny earned" old Ben has always been a hero of mine. Not only was old Ben a good businessman........but supposedly .......he was also a Don Juan with the ladies.......needless to say the Old Bastard lived a good life LOL


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jiesen
                  Ameritrade Izone is great. $5/ trade... no need to call and negotiate! Remember when they were called Freetrade?? The first 20 trades of the month were free! I saved a small fortune back then. I guess that'll never happen again!


                  • df21084
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2004
                    • 258


                    Here ya go!
                    Happy investing,

                    My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.


                    • sisterwin2

                      Originally posted by df21084

                      heheehehehhehehe... I actually went to the site looking for price reduction. The hat is cool but the fan needs to be facing me in my old age.


                      • peanuts
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2006
                        • 3365

                        perfectly priced!

                        Originally posted by df21084
                        I actually laughed out load.

                        At $4.50, that is a steal. Here I was, ready to spend 5 bucks for one of those hats... Man, I sure do appreciate that. An extra .50 saved!

                        I know a guy with a digestive problem... just trying to imagine one of those props on his pants...
                        Hide not your talents.
                        They for use were made.
                        What's a sundial in the shade?

                        - Benjamin Franklin


                        • #13

                          As a former of both,plus Cititrade,I can tell you that a switch to Interactive Brokers will be the best thing you can do.Spike and NBB finally convinced me,and now that I did,I wish I'd done it long ago.

                          $pike gave a detailed instructive lesson on setting bracket orders,something I never new existed,1 click and your stop and profit all set.My only question is why these other sites don't copy IB?Just a matter of time?

                          cordially Tom


                          • #14
                            Made The Switch

                            Just transferred my account from Scottrade to TD Ameritrade and remembered this thread so I decided to call and test out my negotiating skills. I first asked them if they would reduce the 9.99 commision to 7 which they did very quickly. I then asked them if they would qualify me for the Apex service up front. I told them I would fax them my trading log from Scottrade for the last few months so they agreed and gave me Apex. If you're with Scottrade, RUN to Ameritrade. Night and day in terms of service, tools, and most importantly EXECUTION.

                            Last edited by Guest; 05-03-2006, 08:12 PM. Reason: spelling


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              If I placed a market order with Scottrade , it always was higher than my real time quote, maybe 2% more. Since I switched , they are within a cent or two and just as often, below the quote.


