Ameritrade VS Scottrade

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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    I'm still with Etrade, but I probably should switch to Ameritrade or I.B...But I really like my Etrade checking account and the money transfer options.


    • #17
      I'm pretty sure Ameritrade offers checking.


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by BoSox Jon
        I'm pretty sure Ameritrade offers checking.
        I'll be looking at it. If they do offer checking, I'll probably switch.


        • Lyehopper
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 3678

          Originally posted by Websman
          I'll be looking at it. If they do offer checking, I'll probably switch.
          I use Ameritrade Apex, works good for me.... I not only negotiated a lower per trade comission but I got a better margin interest rate too.
          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            IB vs Ameritrade is like Ferrari versus Ford.


            • New-born baby
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 6095

              Interactive Brokers

              Originally posted by spikefader
              IB vs Ameritrade is like Ferrari versus Ford.
              Even worse: it's like Cadillac vs. Shank's pony, i.e. walking. Can't see why anyone who trades more than 10 times a month would not be in IB: low commisions, professional traders platform, executions so quick that you can't believe it. Think of it: execute a trade from WI to NYSE in less time than it takes to take your finger off of the button!
              pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


              • sisterwin2

                I have both Ameritrade and Scott trade. I am only able to trade about 1-4 x monthly pending on how well the 15% thingy goes. I am use to Ameritrade and love the streamer. Scott I am not happy with but only use it for limit buys so far and very few of them. Ameritrade does have electronic deposits and withdrawls with I do love but take about three days. To date Scott does not even offer that but it is for my MM account. One day I hope to be like you'll and have the knowledge and $$ to need IB.

                Looks like a sailing day so off I go. Cant wait to meet you all in Alantic city.


                • Lyehopper
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 3678

                  I drive a Ford.... with a 6.0 L turbo Powerstroke Diesel

                  Originally posted by spikefader
                  IB vs Ameritrade is like Ferrari versus Ford.
                  Great analogy Spike.... Try pulling a 20 foot aluminum EBY cattle trailer loaded with 12k pounds of live beef with a

                  Can you buy 10k shares of JAH for $7.00 total commission at IB?.... I can at AMTD.... And I'll betcha my margin interest rate % is half what you fellas are payin' at IB.... I can't find a better deal anywhere and I've looked hard.
                  BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                  • Websman
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 5545

                    Originally posted by Lyehopper
                    Great analogy Spike.... Try pulling a 20 foot aluminum EBY cattle trailer loaded with 12k pounds of live beef with a

                    Can you buy 10k shares of JAH for $7.00 total commission at IB?.... I can at AMTD.... And I'll betcha my margin interest rate % is half what you fellas are payin' at IB.... I can't find a better deal anywhere and I've looked hard.
                    I guess it all depends on how many shares you trade. I usually trade in 100,000 share blocks, so ETrade gives me a good deal.
                    What??? Did I just hear someone say, "Yea Right"? You don't believe that I trade that many shares? I'll have you know that I was a huge player on Wall street for 41 years, before I retired and decided to come onto this board and give the little people some help. As a matter of fact, I just had lunch with president Bush and he...uh...

                    Excuse me a moment.... Did you say something Stock Boy? What? Oh...yea..You can get up off your knees now Stock boy... What's that Stock Boy? Oh yea...that was a good one...yea thanks Stock Boy...You always know how to please your man...

                    BWAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HEEEEEHAHAHAAAAA!!!! I crack myself up!


                    • Lyehopper
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3678

                      Originally posted by Websman
                      I guess it all depends on how many shares you trade. I usually trade in 100,000 share blocks, so ETrade gives me a good deal.
                      What??? Did I just hear someone say, "Yea Right"? You don't believe that I trade that many shares? I'll have you know that I was a huge player on Wall street for 41 years, before I retired and decided to come onto this board and give the little people some help. As a matter of fact, I just had lunch with president Bush and he...uh...

                      Excuse me a moment.... Did you say something Stock Boy? What? Oh...yea..You can get up off your knees now Stock boy... What's that Stock Boy? Oh yea...that was a good one...yea thanks Stock Boy...You always know how to please your man...

                      BWAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HEEEEEHAHAHAAAAA!!!! I crack myself up!
                      Around here we call him "Live Stock Boy".jejeje......ERRRRR.........JEEEEEEE
                      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        Originally posted by Lyehopper
                        Around here we call him "Live Stock Boy".jejeje......ERRRRR.........JEEEEEEE

                        Stock Boy could make a great living at our facility...Especially in H-Block. They would take reaaallll good care of him.


                        • scifos
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 790

                          Originally posted by Websman
                          I guess it all depends on how many shares you trade. I usually trade in 100,000 share blocks, so ETrade gives me a good deal.
                          What??? Did I just hear someone say, "Yea Right"? You don't believe that I trade that many shares? I'll have you know that I was a huge player on Wall street for 41 years, before I retired and decided to come onto this board and give the little people some help. As a matter of fact, I just had lunch with president Bush and he...uh...

                          Excuse me a moment.... Did you say something Stock Boy? What? Oh...yea..You can get up off your knees now Stock boy... What's that Stock Boy? Oh yea...that was a good one...yea thanks Stock Boy...You always know how to please your man...

                          BWAAAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!! HEEEEEHAHAHAAAAA!!!! I crack myself up!

                          Crack me up too man, thats great!
                          Buy Low
                          Sell High
                          STAY FROSTY!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Lyehopper
                            Great analogy Spike.... Try pulling a 20 foot aluminum EBY cattle trailer loaded with 12k pounds of live beef with a

                            Can you buy 10k shares of JAH for $7.00 total commission at IB?.... I can at AMTD.... And I'll betcha my margin interest rate % is half what you fellas are payin' at IB.... I can't find a better deal anywhere and I've looked hard.
                            Greetings Lye,

                            While the commision may be lower,IB as a direct access broker,could save you a penny or two on limit orders,both in and out.On your 10K shares it more than makes up for it IMO.

                            Margin is .25% over libor,what is Ameritrade?

                            cordially Tom


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              Originally posted by TFred
                              Greetings Lye,

                              While the commision may be lower,IB as a direct access broker,could save you a penny or two on limit orders,both in and out.On your 10K shares it more than makes up for it IMO.

                              Margin is .25% over libor,what is Ameritrade?

                              cordially Tom
                              Hey Tom.... What would it cost you (total $) to purchase 10,000 shares of JAH in one order at the current price of $35.70.

                              My margin % rate is somewhat lower than their published rate. I'll check to see exactly what it is tomorrow.
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                              • #30
                                Greetings Lye,

                                10K at IB would cost you $100,no doubt about it,your commision is better on that many shares.As a former Scottrade member,if you are bidding for price,IB will beat all the retail brokers.

                                Realistically,if you can throw out that kind of cash,commision is a non issue.I am curious if you could fill 10K at 35.70.Thats a big block,if IB saved you a cent by being direct access,it offsets your flat rate.

                                Buying 10K ,would you trade it AON at 35.70?

                                You are light years ahead of me with your ability to buy that much,I wouldnt think of trying to get you to change.For a small fry like me,IB opens alot of doors,maybe I'll be able to trade that amount someday.

                                I was told a long time ago,''If you want to be wealthy,find someone who is,and find out how they did it,and do the same.''

                                Do you mind me asking,as I'm trying to build wealth for my 8 year old daughter.She could be the ''Lyehoppette''.

                                cordially Tom

