Doctor Jack's Stock Medicine

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  • Jack Haddad


    Bought 15 blocks at 20.26, and wrote 1500 Jan 20 calls at .55/contract


    • Jack Haddad


      Originally posted by Jack Haddad View Post
      Bought 7 blocks of NEM at 42.90
      Sold at 43.29


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by Jack Haddad View Post
        Sold at 43.29
        Nice job Jack! If my calculations are correct, that's about a $27,000 profit.

        I'll be watching you much closer in the days to come. My account size may be increasing by a significant amount in the near future so I need to learn all I can.
        Last edited by Websman; 01-14-2007, 04:30 PM.


        • Cvdt

          Curious as to what Dr Jack or any of you guys feel about this company I'm looking at.

          CVDT - This company had a great run over the past two weeks, and today's news supports the hype. Jinan Yinquan Technology Co, a fully owned subsidiary of CVDT reached a distribution agreement with IBM's china distributor Lanyu. Under the deal, Lanyu becomes responsible for the distribution of IBM's MSEMSP software in the Shaindog province area, and will integrate the CVDT VoIP system into the MSEMSP. For those unfamiliar, the MSEMSP is a management software system for small/medium sized businesses.

          Here is a link to the full article
          At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.


          • Originally posted by Jack Haddad View Post
            Bought 15 blocks at 20.26, and wrote 1500 Jan 20 calls at .55/contract
            I know you're just a scalper, but mrvl faked you out it appears. The chart clearly said it needed to close the week at 21 with higher than average volume. It didn't, and now its trading below 20. Its also trading below descending weekly ma's, which is also very negative. It could turn around and break out again, or it could just as easily break down.

            Jack, I hope for the sake of your patients that you are more objective when reading their medical charts.


            • Originally posted by Websman View Post
              Nice job Jack! If my calculations are correct, that's about a $27,000 profit.

              I'll be watching you much closer in the days to come. My account size may be increasing by a significant amount in the near future so I need to learn all I can.
              geez webs...if you think you can follow haddad and make money you're delusional. He trades with house money, pays no commissions and scalps for pennies. You would have to have an account size of 7 figures to do what he does and make any money at it. You need to find a system that works for you and stick with it. Jacks system works for him but that doesn't mean it works for anyone else. You have no idea what his thought process is or what info he's not telling you. But hey, its your money, blow it any way you see fit.


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                geez webs...if you think you can follow haddad and make money you're delusional. He trades with house money, pays no commissions and scalps for pennies. You would have to have an account size of 7 figures to do what he does and make any money at it. You need to find a system that works for you and stick with it. Jacks system works for him but that doesn't mean it works for anyone else. You have no idea what his thought process is or what info he's not telling you. But hey, its your money, blow it any way you see fit.
                Who said I was following Jack? lol

                I do quite well on my own, but I do enjoy learning from Jack, as well everyone else here. I also learn from you, Tatnic.


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Not that I'm following you Jack...LOL....but I did buy MRVL at 19.83. My stops are set tight.


                  • Originally posted by Websman View Post
                    Not that I'm following you Jack...LOL....but I did buy MRVL at 19.83. My stops are set tight.
                    mrvl is not in my ideal price range for a short but it is a broken stock (take a gander at the long term ma's, starting with the 30 week) and if anyone were interested they could possibly make some coin on it. Below 19 this am. Of course as Jack proclaims, the pros don't get scared out and sell...its only the amatuers like us who sell when stops/targets are hit. Boy there are alot of amateurs dumping this thing today.


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
             a broken stock...
                      Well, ok it's taken a beating the last year......and it's still got a few short-term patterns that need "fixing" by the bull.....and it's likely going to slide another 8% in the days ahead......but it is approaching substantial support, and don't think it's long-term 'broken' just yet. In fact, a long at the gap fill $17.15 makes for outstanding r/r!

                      Buying that gap fill $17.15 risks $1.15 to make close to $18.00....that's delicious. Failure of $16.00 support would turn it rotten, make it a broken stock as you say, and one should spit it out and look for other tasty treats.


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

               admit it....I was w...wr....wr...wro...WRONG!!! Dangit!
                        But, I did stick to my plan and dumped MRVL and sold it when it dropped to my 5% mental stop. I didn't buy a large postion so the damage wasn't bad at all. I'm still up for the year, so far.

                        I knew I should have dumped it this morning after Cramer said to hold it. LOL


                        • Originally posted by spikefader View Post
                          Well, ok it's taken a beating the last year......and it's still got a few short-term patterns that need "fixing" by the bull.....and it's likely going to slide another 8% in the days ahead......but it is approaching substantial support, and don't think it's long-term 'broken' just yet. In fact, a long at the gap fill $17.15 makes for outstanding r/r!

                          Buying that gap fill $17.15 risks $1.15 to make close to $18.00....that's delicious. Failure of $16.00 support would turn it rotten, make it a broken stock as you say, and one should spit it out and look for other tasty treats.

                          I'm guessing that given the very weak, descending weekly moving averages that trying to time the bottom on this could be dangerous. But you're right that given past support, shorting this may be a waste of time and money at this price. I seem to recall posting previously that it looked like it could easily test the mid 17's, which is what your daily charts say as well. Thanks for the read.

                          In order for Jack to be correct about this stock, it has to post some blow out numbers. Is that likely? Maybe he knows something we don't about their fundamentals. All we see are what's available on yahoo, etc. But the weekly moving averages are very telling and even if we don't know all the fundamentals, those descending lines are very telling and they suggest a short position (but I'm not interested at this price).


                          • Originally posted by spikefader View Post
                            Buying that gap fill $17.15 risks $1.15 to make close to $18.00....that's delicious. Failure of $16.00 support would turn it rotten, make it a broken stock as you say, and one should spit it out and look for other tasty treats.
                            spike...I like your style of analysis. Its very thorough but eventually filters itself down to simple conclusions, ie price levels. I think those are difficult to see at times but very important. If I were looking at a stock and you happened to come up with totally different support/resistance levels, I'd be forced to take another hard look.


                            • Jack Haddad


                              Originally posted by Jack Haddad View Post
                              Bought 15 blocks at 20.26, and wrote 1500 Jan 20 calls at .55/contract
                              Coverd Jan calls at .05/contract and wrote 1500 Feb calls at .50/contract.


                              • Jack Haddad


                                Originally posted by Jack Haddad View Post
                                Added 15 blocks at 19.26, and wrote 1500 Jan 20 calls at .35/contract. My total MRVL postion is now at 30 blocks with 3000 Jan 20 calls.
                                Covered 1500 Jan calls at .05/contract, and wrote 1500 Feb 20 calls at .50/contract

