This is my first report on Cramer and Stocklemon. Cramer comments Mon-Fri.
Stocklemon , not as often so it will be here. It's not easy listening to Cramer for an hour , but somehow I made it.
Today's subject : Speculation
Summary : Most speculators don't know what they're doing. These stocks are very risky. You can easily throw money away on them. Characteristics : have little/no earnings , checkered track record , between 2.00 - 10.00 , price moves on news , great ideas, yet to cash in on them , ethanol stocks are latest example . Recommendations : never use borrowed money to buy them , use only money you can afford to lose , maximum of 20% of your descretionary funds.
Today Cramer started a Speculative Index Fund that he will track over time.
These stocks should be regarded as very risky , very volatile , for short term holding. They are down over 15% since market top 5/11/06. Cramer's take on these is of every 5 speculative stocks , 2 will crash , 2 will do little , 1 may be a triple.
----------------Cramer's Speculative Index-------------------------
Stocks Cramer likes today : VOD MDRX GM SHLD he hates : GPS
He believes global positioning stocks are about to explode , the hot mapping stocks in order of quality : GRMN TRMB NVT MAPS
Stocklemon : nothing new , They still hate HOM and seem to have "the goods" on them
This is my first report on Cramer and Stocklemon. Cramer comments Mon-Fri.
Stocklemon , not as often so it will be here. It's not easy listening to Cramer for an hour , but somehow I made it.
Today's subject : Speculation
Summary : Most speculators don't know what they're doing. These stocks are very risky. You can easily throw money away on them. Characteristics : have little/no earnings , checkered track record , between 2.00 - 10.00 , price moves on news , great ideas, yet to cash in on them , ethanol stocks are latest example . Recommendations : never use borrowed money to buy them , use only money you can afford to lose , maximum of 20% of your descretionary funds.
Today Cramer started a Speculative Index Fund that he will track over time.
These stocks should be regarded as very risky , very volatile , for short term holding. They are down over 15% since market top 5/11/06. Cramer's take on these is of every 5 speculative stocks , 2 will crash , 2 will do little , 1 may be a triple.
----------------Cramer's Speculative Index-------------------------
Stocks Cramer likes today : VOD MDRX GM SHLD he hates : GPS
He believes global positioning stocks are about to explode , the hot mapping stocks in order of quality : GRMN TRMB NVT MAPS
Stocklemon : nothing new , They still hate HOM and seem to have "the goods" on them