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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
    Karel I can just picture ya on "Walk Naked Day"......there you are sitting buck naked , spread eagled on a lazyboy lounge chair, praying for Global Warming, guzzling a keg of Carlsberg Elephant Beer, in front of your house while a bevy of young Danish ladies parades past you in the buff.......Hee Haw LOL!
    i always find your imagination fascinating. we live so close together here in NJ we should get together for a few beers and get an outline together for that book we should write.


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Ski and Pete,
      You guys might be a dangerous combination.



      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        Originally posted by Karel View Post
        Since I am not Danish but Dutch, and about half our country is less than 3 feet over sea level, praying for GW sounds like a braindead exercise.

        And why all the excitement about me in the nude? Or better still, don't explain.

        And the ladies need not all be young


        Karel Mia Culpa ......let's make that a KEG of Heinekin .... and for sure I would not be looking at you in that chair........but I would fancy a "YOUNG" dutch lady or 2 with or without her wooden shoes and nothing else , but don't fret , I would leave an "OLD BATTLE AXE " or 2 for you! LOL Have a great weekend ......just bustin ya !


        • IIC
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 14938

          If U guys R gonna meet up in's some coupons

          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

          Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Ski Yes

            Originally posted by skiracer View Post
            i always find your imagination fascinating. we live so close together here in NJ we should get together for a few beers and get an outline together for that book we should write.
            Going down to Fl to see my dad again .....when I return a few beers would be in order......take care , don't drink too much ........and more important don't find yourself on the wrong side of a gun. LOL!


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968


              Originally posted by IIC View Post
              If U guys R gonna meet up in's some coupons

              IIC After OMAMA gets through with us ......cap & tax, vat tax, and a host of other charges ......we will need all the coupons we can get !


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                Who won the war !

                Click on the link below and see Hiroshima in 1945 after the bomb and today ....then slowly scroll down and see how Detroit has progressed. Definitely Detroit could use stimulus money . Can someone tell me WHY there is such a sharp contast between the 2 cities? It has to be George Bush's fault LOL!


                • IIC
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 14938

                  Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                  Going down to Fl to see my dad again .....when I return a few beers would be in order......take care , don't drink too much ........and more important don't find yourself on the wrong side of a gun. LOL!
                  I have plenty of coupons for Florida too
                  "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                  Find Tomorrow's Winners At

                  Follow Me On Twitter


                  • yoyomama
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 219

                    The J-E-T-S are loading up

                    Hey being in NashVegas I support the Titans because I was impressed that we were able to pull off getting a team here...but back in the day my dear departed dad had season tix to the Jets, so I have a soft spot for them...especially lately with the addition of Rex Ryan. He's entertaining.

                    Anyway, they've made some interesting off season deals.


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      Sister Rose Where Are You?

                      Subject: Two Clever Nuns

                      Two clever nuns - This is Brilliant

                      There were two nuns

                      One of them was known as Sister Mathematical (SM),

                      and the other one was known as Sister Logical (SL).

                      It is getting dark and they are still far away from the convent.

                      SM: Have you noticed that a man has been following us for the past thirty-eight and a half minutes? I wonder what he wants.

                      SL: It's logical. He wants to ****us.

                      SM: Oh, no! At this rate he will reach us in 15 minutes at the most! What can we do?

                      SL: The only logical thing to do of course is to walk faster. A little while later...
                      SM: It's not working.

                      SL: Of course it's not working. The man did the only logical thing. He started to walk faster, too.

                      SM: So, what shall we do? At this rate he will reach us in one minute.

                      SL: The only logical thing we can do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He cannot follow us both.

                      So the man decided to follow Sister Logical.

                      Sister Mathematical arrives at the convent and is worried about what has happened to Sister Logical.

                      Then Sister Logicalarrives.

                      SM: Sister Logical! Thank God you are here! Tell me what happened!

                      SL: The only logical thing happened. The man couldn't follow us both, so he followed me

                      SM: Yes, yes! But what happened then?

                      SL: The only logical thing happened. I started to run as fast as I could and he started to run as fast as he could.

                      SM: And?

                      SL : The only logical thing happened. He reached me.

                      SM : Oh, dear! What did you do?

                      SL : The only logical thing to do. I lifted my dress up.

                      SM : Oh, Sister! What did the man do?

                      SL: The only logical thing to do. He pulled down his pants.

                      SM: Oh, no! What happened then?

                      SL : Isn't it logical, Sister? A nun with her dress up can run faster than a man with his pants down.

                      And for those of you who thought it would be dirty,

                      Say two Hail Marys!


                      • riverbabe
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2005
                        • 3373

                        C.C. Sabathia

                        (sigh) Another one trained by the Indians and given away.

                        The conditions were nasty but C.C. Sabathia was just fine as the Yankees handled the Texas Rangers at the Stadium.


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          I hear ya River. It's mystifying as to how the Yankees got so good.JeJeJe!



                          • Karel
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 2199

                            US President owes $300,000 in fines.


                            My Investopedia portfolio
                            (You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)


                            • billyjoe
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 9014

                              Maybe he could pay back with quarters and $1 bills. The govt. should pay royalties for using his face. If it were Elvis or Michael Jackson on the coin or bill someone would have to pay.



                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                It Could be true?

                                At a time when our president and other politicians tend to apologize for our country`s prior actions,

                                here`s a refresher on how some of our former patriots handled negative comments about our country.

                                JFK'S Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was in France in the early 60's when DeGaule decided to pull out of NATO.

                                DeGaule said he wanted all US military out of France as soon as possible.

                                Rusk responded "does that include those who are buried here?

                                DeGuale did not respond.

                                You could have heard a pin drop.

                                When in England, at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an

                                example of empire building by George Bush.

                                He answered by saying, 'Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our

                                borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return.'

                                You could have heard a pin drop.

                                There was a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American.

                                During a break, one of the French engineers came back into the room saying…

                                “Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims…What does he intended to

                                do, bomb them?'

                                A Boeing engineer stood up and replied quietly…”Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat several hundred people; they are nuclear

                                powered and can supply emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they have three cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a

                                day, they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea water each day, and they carry half a dozen helicopters for use in transporting

                                victims and injured to and from their flight deck. We have eleven such ships; how many does France have?'

                                You could have heard a pin drop.

                                A U.S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference that included Admirals from the U.S., English, Canadian, Australian and French Navies.

                                At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a large group of Officers that included personnel from most of those countries. Everyone was

                                chatting away in English as they sipped their drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, whereas Europeans learn many languages,

                                Americans learn only English.

                                He then asked, “Why is it that we always have to speak English in these conferences rather than speaking French?”

                                Without hesitating, the American Admiral replied…”Maybe it's because the Brit's, Canadians, Aussie's and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to

                                speak German.'

                                You could have heard a pin drop.

                                AND THIS STORY FITS RIGHT IN WITH THE ABOVE...

                                Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on.

                                "You have been to France before, monsieur?" the customs officer asked sarcastically.

                                Mr.. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously.

                                "Then you should know enough to have your passport ready."

                                The American said, 'The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it."

                                "Impossible. Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in France!"

                                The American senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained, ''Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to

                                help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show a passport to."

                                You could have heard a pin drop.

