Off Topic...My Niece

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Off Topic...My Niece

    I don't want to seem like a beggar...But since many of the members here are from the East Coast I was just wondering if anyone might have any influence back there that could help out my Niece?

    I always say..."It's not what you know...It's who you know" Niece who is one of my sister-in-law's daughters is going into 8th grade this Fall...But in the Fall of 2007 she will be going to High School...She lives in Brooklyn...but like usual she is spending a month with us right now...although this week she is up at Y camp in the San Bernardino Mtns.

    She is a very smart girl...Goes to a private Jr. Hi and has always gotten 90's. There are 3 High Schools that she and her parent's want her to go to in order of preference in 2007:


    2) Brooklyn Tech

    3) Brown Science

    You have to test to get in and I have no problem paying for the 11 week test prep course because I think she's worth it and I think she will make something good of herself in life...I never have a problem with helping those who help themselves.

    But I do realize that sometimes it helps if there is anyone who has an in...When I have an in I don't mind helping worthy people. But I have no In's in NY.

    But just to let you know...When she arrived in L.A. the week before last she was wearing a T-Shirt that said..."Yes, The World Does Revolve Around Me"...Now you know why she's my Fave niece...LOL

    Anyway...Just taking a shot...Anyone? I'm not asking for money...that is no problem...Just asking for a possible edge...You can PM me or email me at [email protected]

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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    I wish I could help... Nieces are definitely something to be proud of.

    I hope she doesn't look like you though...jejeje


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Originally posted by Websman
      I wish I could help... Nieces are definitely something to be proud of.

      I hope she doesn't look like you though...jejeje
      Don't worry...she doesn't...As a matter of fact, she doesn't look like you either
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      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by IIC
        Don't worry...she doesn't...As a matter of fact, she doesn't look like you either
        LOL that's a very good thing! I'm sure she's much prettier than both of us.

        Seriously though, I hope she does very well in her pursuits.


        • IIC
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 14938

          Originally posted by Websman
          LOL that's a very good thing! I'm sure she's much prettier than both of us.

          Seriously though, I hope she does very well in her pursuits.

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          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Originally posted by IIC View Post
            I don't want to seem like a beggar...But since many of the members here are from the East Coast I was just wondering if anyone might have any influence back there that could help out my Niece?

            I always say..."It's not what you know...It's who you know"

   Niece who is one of my sister-in-law's daughters is going into 8th grade this Fall...But in the Fall of 2007 she will be going to High School...She lives in Brooklyn...but like usual she is spending a month with us right now...although this week she is up at Y camp in the San Bernardino Mtns.

            She is a very smart girl...Goes to a private Jr. Hi and has always gotten 90's. There are 3 High Schools that she and her parent's want her to go to in order of preference in 2007:

            1) STUYVESANT

            2) Brooklyn Tech

            3) Brown Science

            You have to test to get in and I have no problem paying for the 11 week test prep course because I think she's worth it and I think she will make something good of herself in life...I never have a problem with helping those who help themselves.

            But I do realize that sometimes it helps if there is anyone who has an in...When I have an in I don't mind helping worthy people. But I have no In's in NY.

            But just to let you know...When she arrived in L.A. the week before last she was wearing a T-Shirt that said..."Yes, The World Does Revolve Around Me"...Now you know why she's my Fave niece...LOL

            Anyway...Just taking a shot...Anyone? I'm not asking for money...that is no problem...Just asking for a possible edge...You can PM me or email me at [email protected]

            Good News...I paid for my niece to go to a test study course for 10 Saturday's or so...She took the tests and applied to the top 2 above and another public school along w/ 3 private schools.

            Last week she was notified that she was accepted to all 3 private schools. Kicker is that you have to pay a deposit to secure your space for next school year by Jan. 31st.

            The Public schools(she applied to the top 2 listed above and another one) don't let you know until Mid February. So the plan is to pay the NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to her first choice Private School and see what happens w/ the Public Schools.

            I'm not really sure which one she wants to go to...Her first choice private school or one of the Public ones???...But whichever one is fine with me.

            I don't really know. But I think the public one's are actually harder to get into because there is no tuition...So you've got more competition???...But she did qualify due to her test scores for at least a half scholarship to her 1st choice private school...But they don't tell you which amount you get till???

            Whatever she and her parent's decide is fine with me...The really nice thing about her is that even though she is very smart she is not one of those BRAINIAC types that nobody likes...Sorta like her Uncle
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            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              Oop's...Sorry about that...I made a mistake...It was not Brown Science...It was Bronx Science as a few who emailed me pointed out.

              However, since that is so far...She never tested for it...she changed it to Midwood at Brooklyn College...Thx to those who pointed out my mistake.
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