I don't want to seem like a beggar...But since many of the members here are from the East Coast I was just wondering if anyone might have any influence back there that could help out my Niece?
I always say..."It's not what you know...It's who you know"
Anyway...my Niece who is one of my sister-in-law's daughters is going into 8th grade this Fall...But in the Fall of 2007 she will be going to High School...She lives in Brooklyn...but like usual she is spending a month with us right now...although this week she is up at Y camp in the San Bernardino Mtns.
She is a very smart girl...Goes to a private Jr. Hi and has always gotten 90's. There are 3 High Schools that she and her parent's want her to go to in order of preference in 2007:
2) Brooklyn Tech
3) Brown Science
You have to test to get in and I have no problem paying for the 11 week test prep course because I think she's worth it and I think she will make something good of herself in life...I never have a problem with helping those who help themselves.
But I do realize that sometimes it helps if there is anyone who has an in...When I have an in I don't mind helping worthy people. But I have no In's in NY.
But just to let you know...When she arrived in L.A. the week before last she was wearing a T-Shirt that said..."Yes, The World Does Revolve Around Me"...Now you know why she's my Fave niece...LOL
Anyway...Just taking a shot...Anyone? I'm not asking for money...that is no problem...Just asking for a possible edge...You can PM me or email me at [email protected]
I always say..."It's not what you know...It's who you know"
Anyway...my Niece who is one of my sister-in-law's daughters is going into 8th grade this Fall...But in the Fall of 2007 she will be going to High School...She lives in Brooklyn...but like usual she is spending a month with us right now...although this week she is up at Y camp in the San Bernardino Mtns.
She is a very smart girl...Goes to a private Jr. Hi and has always gotten 90's. There are 3 High Schools that she and her parent's want her to go to in order of preference in 2007:
2) Brooklyn Tech
3) Brown Science
You have to test to get in and I have no problem paying for the 11 week test prep course because I think she's worth it and I think she will make something good of herself in life...I never have a problem with helping those who help themselves.
But I do realize that sometimes it helps if there is anyone who has an in...When I have an in I don't mind helping worthy people. But I have no In's in NY.
But just to let you know...When she arrived in L.A. the week before last she was wearing a T-Shirt that said..."Yes, The World Does Revolve Around Me"...Now you know why she's my Fave niece...LOL
Anyway...Just taking a shot...Anyone? I'm not asking for money...that is no problem...Just asking for a possible edge...You can PM me or email me at [email protected]