Farmer's tan....
Hey Louetta.... Your tan looks very similar to mine.... Only on me the tan starts about six inches above my elbow and not at my shoulder, but around my head and neck it's the same. Do you farm or garden?
I was wondering, are you shirtless in that picture? I sometimes walk around the farm shirtless.... $$$Mr Market$$$ likes to go around shirtless and he's a great stock picker, so I completely understand if you do too.
Louetta.... you can enter a pick in the POTW anytime before the market closes today. That's BillyJoe's Portfolio Of The Week thread in case you've never seen it.... A list of the rules can be found at the bottom of any of Rob's posts....
Hey Louetta.... Your tan looks very similar to mine.... Only on me the tan starts about six inches above my elbow and not at my shoulder, but around my head and neck it's the same. Do you farm or garden?
I was wondering, are you shirtless in that picture? I sometimes walk around the farm shirtless.... $$$Mr Market$$$ likes to go around shirtless and he's a great stock picker, so I completely understand if you do too.
Louetta.... you can enter a pick in the POTW anytime before the market closes today. That's BillyJoe's Portfolio Of The Week thread in case you've never seen it.... A list of the rules can be found at the bottom of any of Rob's posts....
