Ski, as you correctly observe, the traditional definition doesn't take into account who is buying or selling - retail or institutional. I follow the latter. Check the level of intitutional ownership and whether it's rising or falling, to help distinguish between retail and institutional trading.
Louetta's Lore
I think it's something of a farce the way the public is not informed of institutional activity until about three months after that activity. If there were anything near market tranparency, we would be able to see what the institutions are doing on a daily basis.—Rob
Originally posted by Rob View PostI think it's something of a farce the way the public is not informed of institutional activity until about three months after that activity. If there were anything near market tranparency, we would be able to see what the institutions are doing on a daily basis.
I agree with you. The institutions make money by fleecing the little guy. Why would they want transparency? The golden rule--"He who has the gold, makes the rules"--means that transparency isn't going to come anytime soon.
Originally posted by Rob View PostI think it's something of a farce the way the public is not informed of institutional activity until about three months after that activity. If there were anything near market tranparency, we would be able to see what the institutions are doing on a daily basis.
I was wondering when someone was going to mention this. Dave, you got a red phone at your trading desk?
Originally posted by spikefader View PostHmm...seems to be some 'fuzziness' in definitions and interpretations! lol That's fine by meTHE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by louetta12001 View PostMade a classic boo-boo. Failed to notice one of my limit orders last Friday to sell 1000 shares of HMSY didn't go through. Only cost me $590 today.
So you're still holding those 1000 shares. I wouldn't be that concerned and would sit tight and keep a close watch. The upward momentum will carry forward from this range or perhaps a bit lower before it continues up but I'm confident that it will recoup your loss and much more. Of course it's not my $590 that was lost today.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracer View PostLou,
So you're still holding those 1000 shares. I wouldn't be that concerned and would sit tight and keep a close watch. The upward momentum will carry forward from this range or perhaps a bit lower before it continues up but I'm confident that it will recoup your loss and much more. Of course it's not my $590 that was lost today.
Originally posted by louetta12001 View PostMade a classic boo-boo. Failed to notice one of my limit orders last Friday to sell 1000 shares of HMSY didn't go through. Only cost me $590 today.
Hey Louetta, is that just a drop in the bucket for you? I’m sure you can recover that with your next single pick huh. bye
Originally posted by StkyTreat View PostHolly Cow! Only $590 Only $590! She says. I don’t even have $59 to my name let alone losing “Only $590”. I lose a dollar and I get freaked out, just the thought of me losing anything with more than one zero behind a number makes me ill.
Hey Louetta, is that just a drop in the bucket for you? I’m sure you can recover that with your next single pick huh. bye
Don't worry about what the market puts out there as the price of your stock from day to day- you're never forced to sell. If you make good decisions about what to buy, the market will price it at the appropriate point for you to profit from it eventually. However, if the market takes your stock down 50% and it turns out that the haircut was justified, you made a poor decision. Figure out the reason why you did that, and try not to repeat it. Even better if you can do all of this on paper before you make too many bad decisions with real money.
Originally posted by jiesen View PostActually, Stky, she didn't "lose" $590 any more than you "made" $800 on your 2 shares of BRKA today. Who knows, it could be up 0.59 tomorrow and she could break even or make money when she sells.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by Lyehopper View PostI think the only reason that Lou mentioned the $590 is because she was a bit torque'd that she had intended to sell higher and nail down her profit.... She had set a limit order in place to do so.... The order did NOT fill and she didn't notice it and thus her failure to check her account in time (in effect) cost her $590.... She has now learned a lesson, check the freakin' account to see if your orders fill or not!.... Right Lou?.... btw I can check my account with the Internet connection on my NEXTEL phone, I can even trade using it.