Peanut's Potent Plethora of Profit

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  • Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
    If it closes today above 26 then it might be ok through the end of the year anyway.
    Shorting at the close would have been the best play on this wounded chart.


    • Gwhiz
      Senior Member
      • May 2006
      • 225

      CAS looks like it more likely than not just bottomed.


      • peanuts
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 3365

        GMarket 3 day consolidation

        Originally posted by peanuts View Post
        GMKT is going absolutely bonkers today! I read a bunch of messages from other forums that were suggesting to short it yesterday at the EOD. Wow, is all I have to say. Those shorts really got whipped this morning

        Cramer pumped this stock 2 days ago... incredible
        Time to squeeze the patient shorts who entered on the 19th and got burned on the 20th but held thier positions.

        Anyone think this is worth playing long here at just above $25?

        CHART LINK
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        What's a sundial in the shade?

        - Benjamin Franklin


        • peanuts
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2006
          • 3365

          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
          I am watching and waiting for CACB to confirm its move up.

          This can happen any day, now...

          Is Cascade Bank ready to go higher? The sector seems popular.
          Hide not your talents.
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          What's a sundial in the shade?

          - Benjamin Franklin


          • peanuts
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2006
            • 3365

            Originally posted by peanuts View Post
            Time to squeeze the patient shorts who entered on the 19th and got burned on the 20th but held thier positions.

            Anyone think this is worth playing long here at just above $25?

            CHART LINK
            Dear everyone,

            WAKE THE HECK UP!!!!!

            Best Regards,

            Hide not your talents.
            They for use were made.
            What's a sundial in the shade?

            - Benjamin Franklin


            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365

              Originally posted by peanuts View Post
              Dear everyone,

              WAKE THE HECK UP!!!!!

              Best Regards,

              OK, fine. Nobody likes it, I guess. Well, I do. So much so, that I just entered a long position right now at $24.25
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • peanuts
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2006
                • 3365

                no energy in the Forum

                Mr. Market members,

                What is going on here? Is my assessment of this group of individuals wrong? I thought this forum was about the stock market and investing. More specifically, I thought this forum was interested in exploring ideas of others and focussing on the best way to reap profits from individual stocks.

                Where's the energy? Where's the thought? Where's the objective and informed viewpoints? What happened to all of the charts? What happened to all the ideas?

                I think that during the last week, there have been only 4 stock ideas presented here. Nobody has discussed the recent market conditions, nobody has brought up shorting stocks except Runner and me.

                Nobody has really gave any thoughts on 2007...

                Are you guys complacent, out of ideas, burnt-out, or waiting for something? What is going on here?

                Hide not your talents.
                They for use were made.
                What's a sundial in the shade?

                - Benjamin Franklin


                • Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                  Mr. Market members,

                  What is going on here? Is my assessment of this group of individuals wrong? I thought this forum was about the stock market and investing. More specifically, I thought this forum was interested in exploring ideas of others and focussing on the best way to reap profits from individual stocks.

                  Where's the energy? Where's the thought? Where's the objective and informed viewpoints? What happened to all of the charts? What happened to all the ideas?

                  I think that during the last week, there have been only 4 stock ideas presented here. Nobody has discussed the recent market conditions, nobody has brought up shorting stocks except Runner and me.

                  Nobody has really gave any thoughts on 2007...

                  Are you guys complacent, out of ideas, burnt-out, or waiting for something? What is going on here?

                  OK...why did you buy gmkt? Was it based on the cramer hype? If you like that one, take a gander at OC which could be a good energy conservation play but I cannot personally get excited because it has no history, ie no long-term chart. It could go to par or to single digits or both.


                  • peanuts
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2006
                    • 3365

                    Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                    OK...why did you buy gmkt? Was it based on the cramer hype? If you like that one, take a gander at OC which could be a good energy conservation play but I cannot personally get excited because it has no history, ie no long-term chart. It could go to par or to single digits or both.
                    I watch many stocks and take notes on the price performance. Since Cramer mentioned it, I have been following it. I'm not one to buy at the first site of something. I usually try to time an entry and make quick profits (any timeframe less than 1 month). I noticed alot of chatter about GMKT (btw: it helps if you put the ticker in bold in your posts) telling people to short the stock on Dec 19th @ 23.50ish. On the 20th, the stock gapped up and went much higher, probably squeezing a few shorts out of the stock. The shorts that held, waiting for the gap to fill at $17.50ish or the recent bottom to be retested, will have to go through another squeeze from the Cramer longs before they get to their exit point. I want to play this stock on the long side, so I see an opportunity at the current price. I think that any short covering should drive the price up very fast, just like what we saw this morning.

                    Regarding OC, yes, I agree that there is not alot of pps information out there to build a technical viewpoint. What about the fundies? Anything worth knowing?
                    Hide not your talents.
                    They for use were made.
                    What's a sundial in the shade?

                    - Benjamin Franklin


                    • grebnet
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 389

                      OK Heres my recent buys.

                      This board has slowed down a bit. Im hoping due to holidays. Here is what I have bought recently.

                      FRPT.OB my pick of year 2007....Im thinking double from here....lot of govt activity , awaiting nasdaq approval ,Joint venture with General dynamics GD,and working with armor holdings AH

                      have owned this before. I think well get more than MMs 15 %

                      TSTC I posted this a while ago. played it in POTW several times. when I finally gave up in POTW it took off. My cost $6,60....Im holding for more.involved ion wireless in Vietnam...supposedly a hot market

                      TRT my cost $12.54 ...I cant figure why it is performing poorly but Im me stupid..............for now

                      CXTI Chinese pharma etcc.... I think it looks good .. Bought right around here.

                      Criticisms welcome.


                      • Peanuts, I'm still here but like the sign says I've gone fishing... Really I'm about done for the year and I'm not to excited about the market right now. You know I think the big dogs won't show their intentions until after the new year... I say tread light if one treads at all.


                        • peanuts
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 3365

                          Originally posted by grebnet View Post
                          This board has slowed down a bit. Im hoping due to holidays. Here is what I have bought recently.

                          FRPT.OB my pick of year 2007....Im thinking double from here....lot of govt activity , awaiting nasdaq approval ,Joint venture with General dynamics GD,and working with armor holdings AH

                          have owned this before. I think well get more than MMs 15 %

                          TSTC I posted this a while ago. played it in POTW several times. when I finally gave up in POTW it took off. My cost $6,60....Im holding for more.involved ion wireless in Vietnam...supposedly a hot market

                          TRT my cost $12.54 ...I cant figure why it is performing poorly but Im me stupid..............for now

                          CXTI Chinese pharma etcc.... I think it looks good .. Bought right around here.

                          Criticisms welcome.

                          I like the FRPT.ob buy. I've been watching and waiting for a big drop so that I can pick up some really cheap shares. I just get a feeling that weak investors will get shaken from the tree if the price falls far and fast enough.

                          I see that you like Chinese stocks. Are you worried, at all, whether the Chinese reporting standards and documented corruption will negatively impact investor confidence in the country? I think that if stories keep coming out about Chinese scandals, all Chinese stocks will get hurt. Besides, with the USD cooling, and the Yuan doing better... I'd rather invest in US industrial companies.

                          I made some quick cash on TSTC not too long ago. Thanks!

                          You might get an opportunity to sell at breakeven on TRT soon, and then wait to buy lower. Not sure what might be driving the price down.
                          Hide not your talents.
                          They for use were made.
                          What's a sundial in the shade?

                          - Benjamin Franklin


                          • peanuts
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2006
                            • 3365

                            Originally posted by Runner View Post
                            Peanuts, I'm still here but like the sign says I've gone fishing... Really I'm about done for the year and I'm not to excited about the market right now. You know I think the big dogs won't show their intentions until after the new year... I say tread light if one treads at all.
                            Yes, I saw that you have gone fishing. You lucky dawg, you! Show us pictures of the big one that you released to catch another day.

                            Big dogs want this market to go higher. They are even more greedy than IIC

                            I remember reading articles (wish I would have saved them) about an expected $$$HUUUUUUGE$$$ bull market run from 2007 to early 2009. We'll see if they were right, I guess.
                            Hide not your talents.
                            They for use were made.
                            What's a sundial in the shade?

                            - Benjamin Franklin


                            • Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                              I watch many stocks and take notes on the price performance. Since Cramer mentioned it, I have been following it. I'm not one to buy at the first site of something. I usually try to time an entry and make quick profits (any timeframe less than 1 month). I noticed alot of chatter about GMKT (btw: it helps if you put the ticker in bold in your posts) telling people to short the stock on Dec 19th @ 23.50ish. On the 20th, the stock gapped up and went much higher, probably squeezing a few shorts out of the stock. The shorts that held, waiting for the gap to fill at $17.50ish or the recent bottom to be retested, will have to go through another squeeze from the Cramer longs before they get to their exit point. I want to play this stock on the long side, so I see an opportunity at the current price. I think that any short covering should drive the price up very fast, just like what we saw this morning.

                              Regarding OC, yes, I agree that there is not alot of pps information out there to build a technical viewpoint. What about the fundies? Anything worth knowing?
                              no...pretty sparse in that regard as well. I can't find any updated quarterly info and there's only a couple of years of data... maybe because its a new issue. But it is intriquing and may be worth a small position. The chart does look like it could bounce from here but its really a crap shoot technically.

                              Hey...don't let ANDE slip off your radar. That stock looks like its really coiling up for a huge move and its in the right industry right now.


                              • Too much chaff, not enough wheat on the board.

