More Troops???!!

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    More Troops???!!

    Is this guy on crack?

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$
  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
    Is this guy on crack?
    He's an idiot and so are all of them in our congress that go along with his ideas on this so called war. Start a letter writing campaign to your state legislators expressing your feelings about the situation in Iraq and how you will do everything in your power to sway voter sentiment away from them in the next election if they don't honor your feelings and those of the common man and stop this madness. This is our country and we pay for it with our taxes and our lives. Express your rights to these people about the vote. The only thing they understand is if we threaten to cut off their free ride. And we have the power to do that as the last elections results clearly showed to the Republican controlled congress. We have to stop this madness and get out. Let them kill and annilliate themselves but not another American soldier. Get rid of Alfred E. Neuman. We have a comic book character running the show. It's pure lunacy.


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      #3 are spot on. We are no longer "liberators" in Iraq. Last time I checked, Saddam was doing his Linda Blair imitation in the gallows and he's worm food right now. There is no one to "liberate" Iraq from anymore.

      All we are doing over there is trying to keep the peace for an inept government which will soon be corrupt or overthrown anyway. It's no different from the cops trying to quell violence in a drug ridden crime infested neighborhood. We should not be forced to pay the tab for this police force.

      God knows if we wanted to spend US tax dollars on police, we could certainly use them over here!

      To think that 20,000 more troops will secure Iraq is foolhardy. It's a big place with a lot of restless people. There are more of them than us and they don't respect laws and rules. What a mess.

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Questions for anyone who will answer

        North Korea and Iran want nuclear weapons. In your opinion, should we sit idly by and let them have them, or should we be pro-active and stop them?

        Do you remember Israel bombing Sadam's nuclear reactors the French were building for him in the 1980's? Was bombing the right thing to do or not?
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
 are spot on. We are no longer "liberators" in Iraq. Last time I checked, Saddam was doing his Linda Blair imitation in the gallows and he's worm food right now. There is no one to "liberate" Iraq from anymore.

          All we are doing over there is trying to keep the peace for an inept government which will soon be corrupt or overthrown anyway. It's no different from the cops trying to quell violence in a drug ridden crime infested neighborhood. We should not be forced to pay the tab for this police force.

          God knows if we wanted to spend US tax dollars on police, we could certainly use them over here!

          To think that 20,000 more troops will secure Iraq is foolhardy. It's a big place with a lot of restless people. There are more of them than us and they don't respect laws and rules. What a mess.
          The government asked for an evaluation of the situation in Iraq and recommendations for what course to follow from this point. Kean was right on with his report and recommendations and what does Bush do but ignore it completely and do exactly the opposite of their recommendations. These people are completely out of control with this whole Iraq situation and it will never be resolved by force or by us. It is going to continue to be a major drain on our economy, resourses, and young men. Everyone who believes we should get out of this situation and certainly not propogate it further by sending more troops and pouring more money into it should write to their legislatures advising them of their feelings and intentions. Each of us should call a friend and extoll upon them to do the same. Keep writing a letter each week. They only understand and will only listen to having their free ride cut off.
          Bush and his administration have brought us to this point and their egos will not let them be men and admit that they made a terrible mistake and that it has to stop here and now. Get behind this in any way that you can to stop this madness. Write a letter every week to your senators and representatives. It will cost you alot less for the time and stamp than us continuing on this path.


          • peanuts
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2006
            • 3365

            From a business point of view, more troops and maintaining a level of control in Iraq will help to both capitalize on some opportunities for future profits, and quell some threats from within the region.

            From a HR point of view, sending more troops into what has been coined by the international community and the free press as a failure, seems to be cold and callous.

            From the new Iraqi gov't point of view, the bigger the USA presense, the more secure they feel in their positions, and may be better legislators because of it.

            From every other greedy, less advantaged country, jealousy is on their minds. Do you really think they (other countries) care anything about the people living above the oil? They don't!!! They're jealous that we have set up camp there.

            The Oracle is above the plebeians in both power and vision
            Hide not your talents.
            They for use were made.
            What's a sundial in the shade?

            - Benjamin Franklin


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
              North Korea and Iran want nuclear weapons. In your opinion, should we sit idly by and let them have them, or should we be pro-active and stop them?

              Do you remember Israel bombing Sadam's nuclear reactors the French were building for him in the 1980's? Was bombing the right thing to do or not?
              I'm sure they are not too happy about the fact that we have nuclear weapons. Did you ever think of that?

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • #8
                Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                North Korea and Iran want nuclear weapons. In your opinion, should we sit idly by and let them have them, or should we be pro-active and stop them?

                Do you remember Israel bombing Sadam's nuclear reactors the French were building for him in the 1980's? Was bombing the right thing to do or not?

                Israel says it's afraid that Iran makes its bomb in TWO YEARS, while the rest of the scientists say Iran can't make one in TEN YEARS until they massively increase their gas centrifuge capability. Whom to believe?


                • New-born baby
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 6095

                  Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                  I'm sure they are not too happy about the fact that we have nuclear weapons. Did you ever think of that?
                  Iran says that they want the bomb to usher in the 12th Caliphate of Baghdad, a type of Anti-Christ. He will bring about WW III, and Iran wants WW III to happen. My question is simple: If you ran the USA, would you sit idly by and let that happen, or would you do something about it? How about giving me a direct answer, pretty please?
                  pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                  • skiracer
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 6314

                    Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                    Iran says that they want the bomb to usher in the 12th Caliphate of Baghdad, a type of Anti-Christ. He will bring about WW III, and Iran wants WW III to happen. My question is simple: If you ran the USA, would you sit idly by and let that happen, or would you do something about it? How about giving me a direct answer, pretty please?
                    I can appreciate your feelings because down deep I share the same feelings. I served my country in southeast Asia and had a number of American soldiers die right in front of me and a few in my arms. Our agenda there started out the same way to stop Communism from spreading throughout the region. We never fought a decisive war effort for fear of looking bad and trying to be politically correct. It cost us 45,000 young lives and over 500,000 casualities some of which ended up worse than if they had been killed. And for what. Has Communism spread throughout southeast Asia. Is it a threat to the American way of life there at the present time. I have a lawyer friend who recently took a vacation trip to Viet Nam and Thailand and was speaking to me recently about how industrious the Viet Cong must have been in creating the network of tunnels they built and how beautiful the country is as a vacation spot. He didn't know of my experiences there or that I was even in the war. He went on to state how he was taken by the tunneling and what a great experience it was. He never once mentioned anything about the young American boys that had gotten killed there or in those tunnels. I in turn never mentioned how many times I had gone in and the number of men I had killed in those tunnels. It is now smoothed over and forgotten as if it never happened. Where is the threat and reasoning for our involvement in that situation now? It came to a point where we exited the country with our tails between our legs at a devasting cost of life and money for what.
                    Iraq is developing into the same thing. It is a subtle thing and the escalation reaches a much higher point of lives lost and money spent before you realize what has taken place. We are fighting the same type of war there now as we did in the 60's and early 70's of trying to accompolish a goal while trying to be politically correct and to not step on to many toes or anger our neighbors. It's the same typical bullshit as before with the military/industrial interests capitalizing off the effort and the results.
                    Now we have accompolished our goal of removing Saddam Hussein and giving Iraq the chance to set up their own democratic form of government but the factions there will never end the grudges that have formed over the centuries. It is their way of life and it is ingrained into their mentallity and is not going to change and we are not going to change what centuries have brought about.
                    I am fine with protecting our way of life and freedom throughout the world. We are the most powerful and richest nation in the world community and if we decide to go to war to protect ourselves for whatever reasons lets make sure the reasons are worth going in and being as devasting a force as we can be and show that we mean business and accompolish our goal at whatever price because that is the price of doing war. If a terrorist group wants a part of us then we should retaliate with the horrow that we are capable of creating to show the next group that we do mean business. That is the only way to combat a foe and to do war.
                    Regarding Iran and North Korea. They are both pimples on the international communities ass. We should explain the reasoning behind why they cannot hold the rest of the world hostage to their threats and crap and if they do not want to comply and live in harmony and peace then we should take the appropriate action of eliminating their resources and plans and put and end to their aspirations once and for all as a lesson to those countries and groups that think we don't mean what we say. Our problem and the problem I have is not with combating terrorism or dealing with countries like Iran and North Korea but in the way we go about conducting our business and our motives behind why we do it.
                    I firmly believe you are entitled to your ideas and opinions and I respect you and those opinions but I do not agree with the way we are going about conducting our business in Iraq or the motives behind why we are there. I would be behind any real well planned and thought out effort to combat terrorism or defend ourselves anywhere and I would be the first one in line to go back in if that were the case but not under these circumstances and certainly not behind our current leaders and their decision making processes and motives.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mrmarket View Post

                      God knows if we wanted to spend US tax dollars on police, we could certainly use them over here!
                      I agree with that. Boston was once a pretty safe city, but now homicides related to gang/drug activities are rising exponentially. Those are real threats.

                      Sure there are whackos that want to attack us and we cannot kill them fast enough, but I'm afraid our presense in iraq has done more to recruit those whackos than al queda could ever dream to duplicate. We are basically doing al queda's job in that respect. They want us to stay in iraq indefinately, but if we leave, then they'll declare victory. Its a win-win situation for them and a huge shit sandwich for us.


                      • mrmarket
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5971

                        Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                        Iran says that they want the bomb to usher in the 12th Caliphate of Baghdad, a type of Anti-Christ. He will bring about WW III, and Iran wants WW III to happen. My question is simple: If you ran the USA, would you sit idly by and let that happen, or would you do something about it? How about giving me a direct answer, pretty please?
                        I'll answer your question with a question. If you took three 6 yr old boys from the USA, Iran and North Korea and put you put those 9 boys in a room together with no adults, what do you think they would do? Would they try to kill each other?

                        If there was some aggression, which group would you predict would start it?

                        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                        • lemonjello
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2005
                          • 447

                          Not to mention the completely porous US borders. The illegal crossings in the deserts now have "emergency phones" for illegals so when they get tired they can call in and the US border patrol will pick them up and drop them back at the border where they can rest up and try again.

                          The Mexican states are even working on an idea to give GPS locators to illegals crossing the border so they don't get lost.

                          I'm not making this up. It's like the USA is turning into a Mad Magazine story line.

                          I just happened across a video clip of W after he was alerted to the 9/11 strikes again - holding the goat story book upside down.

                          What, me worry?
                          Last edited by lemonjello; 01-10-2007, 09:14 PM.
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                          • riverbabe
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2005
                            • 3373

                            Originally posted by mrmarket View Post
                            I'll answer your question with a question. If you took three 6 yr old boys from the USA, Iran and North Korea and put you put those 9 boys in a room together with no adults, what do you think they would do? Would they try to kill each other?

                            If there was some aggression, which group would you predict would start it?
                            They would just want to play the latest videogames. If they had the equipment with which they could play against each other, they would play-act the "elimination" of perceived threats by "monsters" in a totally non-racial, non-biased, non-religious, non-political way. In other words, what the heck do 6 year-old boys know or care about discrimination and hate. The six-year-old boys that I know are color-blind, non-political, and just want to play games with their new friends! And they don't even have to speak the same language to have fun!


                            • mrmarket
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 5971

                              Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                              They would just want to play the latest videogames. If they had the equipment with which they could play against each other, they would play-act the "elimination" of perceived threats by "monsters" in a totally non-racial, non-biased, non-religious, non-political way. In other words, what the heck do 6 year-old boys know or care about discrimination and hate. The six-year-old boys that I know are color-blind, non-political, and just want to play games with their new friends! And they don't even have to speak the same language to have fun!
                              Exactly...perhaps we can learn a little from them.

                              The blunt force sledgehammer approach of smash the ant hill doesn't work anymore. Demonizing others because they are different from us is folly and ignorant.

                              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

