I’m not sure if 20K troop increase is enough. Ski Urban combat rules have not been in effect and we have not used our combat multiplier based on the threat. We always would occupy and hold. Not fight a battle and move on to another town. This is a huge problem and the Generals messed this up. If I was the ground commander here is what I would request.. Now to secure a 30-mile area with our forces is possible but I question if we have the resources to do it. Gunships need to conduct border patrols 24-7 and an Iraqi force and American force needs to be on the borders as Quick Reaction teams. Syria and Iran’s borders need to be closed or restricted to only medical or supplies that travel down a known route that must pass through checkpoints. Any other movement is classified as a free fire zone. We can’t stop everything coming in but we can make it difficult. Gain some control on ease of movement into Iraq and possibly contain fresh thugs moving into our area of operations.
I oppose sending in the reserves and guards, as they are not prepared for this. The huge problem I feel we face is a small military. Clinton downsized more then he should and we do need a larger standing force IMO to face the coming threats…
Don’t think for a second that other country’s are not watching what we are doing and seeing are weakness. I also think the thugs know our country is divided and they will only gather more strength.. This will not be in our longer-term interest as a nation.
In fact I will go out on a limb and say should we bail our country we will feel the effects for many years to come and our nation will be vulnerable for suicide bombers and other terrorist attacks that will make 911 look like nothing. This war is not going away because we pack up and leave. If anyone believes this I got a piece of moon rock I’ll sell you.
I oppose sending in the reserves and guards, as they are not prepared for this. The huge problem I feel we face is a small military. Clinton downsized more then he should and we do need a larger standing force IMO to face the coming threats…
Don’t think for a second that other country’s are not watching what we are doing and seeing are weakness. I also think the thugs know our country is divided and they will only gather more strength.. This will not be in our longer-term interest as a nation.
In fact I will go out on a limb and say should we bail our country we will feel the effects for many years to come and our nation will be vulnerable for suicide bombers and other terrorist attacks that will make 911 look like nothing. This war is not going away because we pack up and leave. If anyone believes this I got a piece of moon rock I’ll sell you.