Lets recap -
We now have two ideologues facing off in the Persian Gulf - Bush and Ahmadinejad. Both appear to believe they are divine instruments to bring the second coming of their respective religious figures.
Assume Iran probably has many supersonic anti-ship missile installations lining the hills along the Eastern coast of the Gulf. Assume the US has no effective defense against these supersonic weapons used against ships - there is no Patriot-like system that can protect either a carrier group or an oil tanker.
Bush has now ordered two carrier battle groups into the Persian Gulf - which is already filled with the some of biggest ships in the world - oil tankers - and has taken action against an Iranian consulate in Iraq. There are indications of two more carrier groups being prepped for movement into the Gulf area. Admiral Fallon - an expert in projection of maritime based air power - is now taking charge of CENTCOM from General Abizaid.
The US has previously staged pretense attacks on its own ships to win the support of the citizenry for war - see Gulf of Tonkin or the USS Maine incidents.
It's very likely US special forces have been operating in Iran for six months.
We now have two ideologues facing off in the Persian Gulf - Bush and Ahmadinejad. Both appear to believe they are divine instruments to bring the second coming of their respective religious figures.
Assume Iran probably has many supersonic anti-ship missile installations lining the hills along the Eastern coast of the Gulf. Assume the US has no effective defense against these supersonic weapons used against ships - there is no Patriot-like system that can protect either a carrier group or an oil tanker.
Bush has now ordered two carrier battle groups into the Persian Gulf - which is already filled with the some of biggest ships in the world - oil tankers - and has taken action against an Iranian consulate in Iraq. There are indications of two more carrier groups being prepped for movement into the Gulf area. Admiral Fallon - an expert in projection of maritime based air power - is now taking charge of CENTCOM from General Abizaid.
The US has previously staged pretense attacks on its own ships to win the support of the citizenry for war - see Gulf of Tonkin or the USS Maine incidents.
It's very likely US special forces have been operating in Iran for six months.