What did you learn in 2006?

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  • #16
    Anyone catch the breakout on ANDE yesterday? IN case you're wondering, that's a very strong move...if you missed it you might get another chance on a retest. I'm guessing that its move has more to do with crops than ethanol, but that's just a guess.

    Other crop related stocks are STKL (also an ethanol play but overextended)...and BG (low relative valuation), and there are others like POT (kinda overextended), ADM (relatively cheap), CF, FDP (value play), MON (pretty overvalued compared to others but a good ethanol play). Some other value plays of interest might be MLP, TRA and CRESY. But my favorite out of that bunch is ande for the simple reason its getting the most attention.


    • tokyojoeskid
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Oct 2003
      • 222


      After a wild ten years of investing since I was 14, I came to a realization. Not a lot of people can beat the market on an individual stock selection basis. So do you/I throw in the towel??? Hellls no.

      The answer is create a portfolio of passive index funds and etfs. In 2006 I was up around 20%, with a minimized risk. My portfolio contained a mix of passive index funds and etfs, allocated different percentages in a selection of bond funds, hybrid, large-cap value/blend, mid-cap value/blend, small-cap value/blen, International, Reits, and specialty (gold).

      This kind of style although not as exciting is far less risky, but will give you your market return, and in my case exceeded the return of all major indicies in 2006.

      Anyone else into this suff?


      • #18
        Originally posted by tokyojoeskid View Post
        After a wild ten years of investing since I was 14, I came to a realization. Not a lot of people can beat the market on an individual stock selection basis. So do you/I throw in the towel??? Hellls no.

        The answer is create a portfolio of passive index funds and etfs. In 2006 I was up around 20%, with a minimized risk. My portfolio contained a mix of passive index funds and etfs, allocated different percentages in a selection of bond funds, hybrid, large-cap value/blend, mid-cap value/blend, small-cap value/blen, International, Reits, and specialty (gold).

        This kind of style although not as exciting is far less risky, but will give you your market return, and in my case exceeded the return of all major indicies in 2006.

        Anyone else into this suff?

        Kinda, the idea of using a portfolio to control risk and set up certain expected returns is an idea I consider a subest of my earlier remark:
        good stuff.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          I learned that the VTP is an amazing system.


          • #20
            I learned not to question my wife's taste in draperies.


            • #21
              Runner...is gone?


              • IIC
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 14938

                Originally posted by diogenes View Post
                Runner...is gone?

                Certainly appears that way.

                Hate to see him pull something like this...I've known him via the Net for about 3 years...First met him at another Forum.

                I really don't know why some people are getting all sensitive lately just because others don't go goo-goo gah-gah over what they want to talk about.

                Seems to me that some people want to post a subject or topic and then they expect jillions of people to get all excited about it...Sorry, that's not the real world.

                I wish Runner the best...I think he's a good guy...But IMO he and some others need to understand that the world does not revolve around them and what they want to talk about.

                That's just my opinion...Feel free to disagree...My feelings will not be hurt if you do...Doug(IIC)
                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                • #23
                  What did I learn in 2006?
                  I had to step away from the market for a few months
                  and didn't completely clear out all positions. Luckily I didn't
                  get wiped out. Not one of my smarter moves and I have
                  learned from the error of my ways!

                  Originally posted by Runner View Post
                  That’s sad Ski, but sadly appears to have some truth. I can only speak for myself and in reality I’ve never felt I needed to win a popularity contest. When it is all said and done normally more is said then done!!

                  I’ve been met with very little response here when trying to mention position size and things like that. Ski the dialogue here has been lacking substance and so I thought I’d give it another chance. Your right as it does appear as if I’m wasting my time here…
                  Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                  I have come to the realization that it doesn't pay to give advice, post your selections or plays, or to give a damn if anyone else is paying any attention to what you're saying about any of this. You will only end up frustrating yourself for no good reason. If anyone wants to become successful at trading then let them try to develope a successful discipline and strategies on their own because that's what everyone is going to do anyway regardless of how much you harp on what it takes to develope a successful trading discipline or to give any serious advice. Most people couldn't care less about the money they are making as much as the recognition they want to hear if one of their stocks makes a .25 gain one day. Building up egos and piling on praise is what's important and necessary to people.
                  Hey guys! Get back here!

                  Note to all:
                  I have appreciated the commentary from all on this site but
                  I was not vocal about it. I am a fairly new investor and not
                  even close to the caliber of most of the posters on this site.
                  I absorb info and try to learn and post rarely (doubt you even
                  noticed I've been away for 4 months ) for the simple reason
                  that I am new. Basically the rule is "if I have nothing intelligent
                  to say...say nothing". I did break this rule occasionally to razz Lye,
                  but that doesn't count.

                  Honestly....most of you appear very busy and therefore I make
                  it a point to try not pester you with my beginner questions. I
                  just work my way through the site trying to learn as much as
                  I can. Now if you want to start your own "turtle" club...just let
                  me know and I'm there. Till then...thanks to all, you helped make
                  my 2006 an educational year and I am very appreciative.



                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    I noticed that you have not been around...In fact, I've noticed that a lot of people have not been around.

                    I don't know why you and some others are timid about posting...The only stupid question is the one that is never asked IMO.

                    Learning about investing is a never ending process. Right now I happen to be boning up on options. I have not played options for over 15 years. I'm more confused than ever right now...But I plan to be well versed by the end of March.

                    Last year it was Eminis...I learned quite a bit about them but I never traded them. I came to the conclusion that it would be too dangerous to trade them part time.

                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                    Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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                    • peanuts
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2006
                      • 3365

                      Originally posted by Shadow View Post

                      Note to all:
                      I have appreciated the commentary from all on this site but
                      I was not vocal about it. I am a fairly new investor and not
                      even close to the caliber of most of the posters on this site.
                      I absorb info and try to learn and post rarely (doubt you even
                      noticed I've been away for 4 months ) for the simple reason
                      that I am new. Basically the rule is "if I have nothing intelligent
                      to say...say nothing". I did break this rule occasionally to razz Lye,
                      but that doesn't count.

                      Honestly....most of you appear very busy and therefore I make
                      it a point to try not pester you with my beginner questions. I
                      just work my way through the site trying to learn as much as
                      I can. Now if you want to start your own "turtle" club...just let
                      me know and I'm there. Till then...thanks to all, you helped make
                      my 2006 an educational year and I am very appreciative.


                      #36 needs to become true.
                      Hide not your talents.
                      They for use were made.
                      What's a sundial in the shade?

                      - Benjamin Franklin


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                        LOL...good one Peanuts! I haven't managed to catch up
                        enough to see that one yet. I'll see what I can do.

                        I think this is the first time I've ever had the adjective "timid"
                        used in connection with me. ROFL

                        You gave me some food for thought; I'll work on it!

                        Don't blame me if this unleashes a demon!



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by IIC View Post
                          Learning about investing is a never ending process. Right now I happen to be boning up on options. I have not played options for over 15 years. I'm more confused than ever right now...But I plan to be well versed by the end of March.
                          Might want to finally give in and open an ebay account to track down an international version of (or use bookfinder.com):

                          Or at a less detailed level:


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by diogenes View Post
                            Might want to finally give in and open an ebay account to track down an international version of (or use bookfinder.com):

                            Or at a less detailed level:


                            Those look interesting...thx
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                            Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

                            Follow Me On Twitter


                            • mooddude
                              No Posting allowed; invalid email
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 187

                              My 2006 investment is just starting to pay off now. And I'm talking about some 200%+ gains. So my lesson of 2006 goes like this: Patience Is King.


                              • #30
                                What I didn't learn was the world of options
                                and I would like to learn. Any tips on good
                                books, etc for learning the world of options?

                                I have not ventured into options and maybe never
                                will but I would like to learn more about them.
                                Learning never hurts.


