What did you learn in 2006?

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  • What did you learn in 2006?

    What did you learn from your trading in 2006? I hope most looked over last years trades. What will you improve in for this new year?

  • #2
    I missed my goal for last year and here is the reason. I simply micromanaged my positions and tried to outsmart the market. I had several stocks that came within pennies of my stop. They never hit the stop but I thought I’d be cute and get out. This year I plan on being more disciplined and sticking with my game plan. I also was too quick to lock in profits this alone reduced my performance.


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      I learned that you should never let a 73% gain turn into a 5% loss...Doug
      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

      Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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      • dmk112
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2004
        • 1759

        I learned to ALWAYS use stops.


        • Louetta
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 2331

          I learned not to rely so much on conventional wisdom, such as that the market languishes all summer, takes a dip in September and in early October starts upward. Believing this too strongly caused me to miss the early stages of the continuing bull phase and I never caught up.


          • #6
            It is not the stocks that matter, but the portfolio as a whole.


            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365

              just when you think you got all that you could from a stock, it increases another 10% from your exit...
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • #8
                Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                just when you think you got all that you could from a stock, it increases another 10% from your exit...
                You got that right but the way I look at it if you take it at your profit target you followed your plan. Now nothing wrong with taking some and trying to follow the rest up with a stop plan.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by diogenes View Post
                  It is not the stocks that matter, but the portfolio as a whole.
                  Very true as a few winners or home-runs can offset several small losses.


                  • #10
                    I was hoping more experts would have contributed to the learning curve here. Maybe this is just asking too much or the experts know it all and wish not to share!!!

                    I always thought when you stop learning normally is when your about 6’ in the ground…


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      I have come to the realization that it doesn't pay to give advice, post your selections or plays, or to give a damn if anyone else is paying any attention to what you're saying about any of this. You will only end up frustrating yourself for no good reason. If anyone wants to become successful at trading then let them try to develope a successful discipline and strategies on their own because that's what everyone is going to do anyway regardless of how much you harp on what it takes to develope a successful trading discipline or to give any serious advice. Most people couldn't care less about the money they are making as much as the recognition they want to hear if one of their stocks makes a .25 gain one day. Building up egos and piling on praise is what's important and necessary to people.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                        I have come to the realization that it doesn't pay to give advice, post your selections or plays, or to give a damn if anyone else is paying any attention to what you're saying about any of this. You will only end up frustrating yourself for no good reason. If anyone wants to become successful at trading then let them try to develope a successful discipline and strategies on their own because that's what everyone is going to do anyway regardless of how much you harp on what it takes to develope a successful trading discipline or to give any serious advice. Most people couldn't care less about the money they are making as much as the recognition they want to hear if one of their stocks makes a .25 gain one day. Building up egos and piling on praise is what's important and necessary to people.
                        That’s sad Ski, but sadly appears to have some truth. I can only speak for myself and in reality I’ve never felt I needed to win a popularity contest. When it is all said and done normally more is said then done!!

                        I’ve been met with very little response here when trying to mention position size and things like that. Ski the dialogue here has been lacking substance and so I thought I’d give it another chance. Your right as it does appear as if I’m wasting my time here…


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                          I have come to the realization that it doesn't pay to give advice, post your selections or plays, or to give a damn if anyone else is paying any attention to what you're saying about any of this. You will only end up frustrating yourself for no good reason.
                          Posting at Forums is not a paying job. You sound rather bitter although I can't say I'm surprised because you've had that tone for quite some time.

                          What exactly do you expect in reaction to your posts?
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                          Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

                          Follow Me On Twitter


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Originally posted by IIC View Post
                            Posting at Forums is not a paying job. You sound rather bitter although I can't say I'm surprised because you've had that tone for quite some time.

                            What exactly do you expect in reaction to your posts?
                            I don't expect anything anymore. I like to throw a pick up for the POTW but that's it. I enjoy reading the posts and will continue to but there is a definite lack of substance regarding stock and investing talk here anymore.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by Runner View Post
                              That’s sad Ski, but sadly appears to have some truth. I can only speak for myself and in reality I’ve never felt I needed to win a popularity contest. When it is all said and done normally more is said then done!!

                              I’ve been met with very little response here when trying to mention position size and things like that. Ski the dialogue here has been lacking substance and so I thought I’d give it another chance. Your right as it does appear as if I’m wasting my time here…
                              I'm not saying that you or anyone is wasting their time here posting anything they care to put up. I certainly wouldn't be advocating stopping. With me it's become a matter of personal feelings about one's time and efforts. I read everything that you post Runner because I feel that it has substance and effort behind it. Whether or not I agree with everything is another matter. But no one is going to agree with everything you post anytime or anywhere. I've just gotten tired of all of it for a number of reasons mainly the lack of substance.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

