Pete's Money Makers

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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Originally posted by Karel View Post
    They refer to the process as cracking. Catalytic cracking is known for the heavier fractions of crude.


    So I suppose the magic "Catalyst" that JBII refers to is just Naptha?...

    Heckfire, I might build me small scale a p2o machine and see what I can come up with meself. If JBII is worth $500 million with what they've done so far in six months, I could be create a company worth at least what? $100 million by late spring?

    Webs... As soon as I can hit the pink sheets, get ready to pump this sucker. Ticker = GOJI
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968


      Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
      So I suppose the magic "Catalyst" that JBII refers to is just Naptha?...

      Heckfire, I might build me small scale a p2o machine and see what I can come up with meself. If JBII is worth $500 million with what they've done so far in six months, I could be create a company worth at least what? $100 million by late spring?

      Webs... As soon as I can hit the pink sheets, get ready to pump this sucker. Ticker = GOJI
      Lye maybe you can use the discarded GOJII wraps and the P2O machine to distill out the oil! Then you would have a "Perpetual Motion" machine LOL !


      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
        Lye maybe you can use the discarded GOJII wraps and the P2O machine to distill out the oil! Then you would have a "Perpetual Motion" machine LOL !
        Pete... Our high quality "GoJi" has traditionally only been available in Mason jars. But since thar be so much profit in converting plastic to oil, I'm seriously considering changing over to plastic jugs.
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          Baker's Dozen for 1/11/10

          Well enough of the nonsense from the above posts are 13 picks that can give you some serious returns for your portfolios staid blue chips here ........just small cap power houses!

          1. CAAS LONG Wow a Mr Market former pick that just does not quit!
          2. CHGS LONG This company uses exotic minerals that are used for solar panels......The solar panel business in CHINA is HUGE!
          3. DEJ LONG This AMEX 40 cent stock is a small oil and gas driller
          4. DRWI LONG Supplies the parts and technology for wireless across cnada
          5. GFRE LONG Chinese gold miner that is BLASING up the charts
          6. HPJ LONG Chinese High Power technology
          7. JBII LONG Web's Super pick ...we are all waiting for some news this week
          8. NEP LONG China Petroleum The Chinese are buring through oil like gangbusters .....with the cold wave supplies are running short!
          9. TGB LONG A copper miner with gold
          10. TIE LONG A blast from the past This metal company seems to be reaching its former highs
          11. TSL LONG Trina solar Beautiful UP CHART !
          12. TSTC LONG Technology
          13. WEBM LONG This $1.35 NAsdaq stock appears to be "BLASTING" UP!

          Well Good Luck , God Bless ........and have a beautiful day!


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Nice picks Pete! YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!!


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              JBII to da moon!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                The Magnificent 7

                We are all familiar with Johnson & Johnson, Merck etc. These are pharmaceutical companies with good track records and solid returns over the years, but if you rare looking for SUPER returns you must take some risk and go smallcaps!
                The internet chat rooms seem to be captivated with Biotechnology , supposedly the wave of the future and where all the BIG MONEY will be made in 2010. I am in total agreement and have done some research on the internet and came up with The Magnificent 7 ........Seven Bio Techs that will bring radical change to your portfolio . Be sure to click on the various links for more information about each particular stock. Will all 7 stocks be MOONSHOTS? , probably not .....but a few will be certain to amaze you!

                1. CYTX Cytori Therapeutics

                2. INCY Incyte Corporation

                3. ISCO International Stem Cell Corporation Supposedly CEO Mr. Aldrich will release information at a webinar on 2/5/10 that will , BLOW THE ROOF OFF and shoot the stock price to the moon

                4. KERX Keryx Pharmaceuticals

                5. LXRX

                ** 6. NNVC Nanovirocides Inc. A bio tech that uses nano technology ( Particles One Billionth Of Meter) to produce some exotic products. According to "ALLAN" , BUY 10,000 shares tomorrow at $1.01 and by 2014 you will be sitting on a cool million! All BS? Allan doesn't think so . Read it here

                7. CVM

                ** FROM ALL ALLAN
                "Lets get a few things straight, right up front. First, we are here to make money. Second, we are here to read what Allan is saying about the market. I don't care all that much what you think, although I will tolerate civil disagreement, if I am in the mood. Third, as soon as you read this, go online and make sure you have at least 10,000 shares of NNVC. More is ok, fewer is not. Remember rule number one, we are here to make money? Well I lied. We are here to get rich, filthy rich. Those 10,000 shares of NNVC will be worth $1M by 2014. So even if nothing else you learn here works (but it will) you will be a millionaire by 2014.""

                Could the above statement be true?
                Any comments on NNVC?
                Last edited by Peter Hansen; 01-13-2010, 06:12 AM.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  Fabulous 5 for 1/13/10

                  I am swinging for the fences with these 5 .....In additon to the above picks , you may wish to consider these 5 .

                  1. CYCC LONG Pharmaceuticals
                  2. JBII LONG Rumors on YAHOO that JBII CEO may be buying 28 Supertakers for the P20 Plastic To Oil .....I guess the rumor monger must be from TEXAS! LOL WOW!!!!!!!!!!! 12-Jan-10 02:28 pm JBII is going to have its own fleet of supertankers!

                  John told me they will own 28 supertankers by April 1st !!!!

                  3. MMR LONG
                  4. NEXM Nexmed ...This 74 cent stock ws UP 85% yesterday ...has it shot its load .....only time will tell!
                  5. SHE Shanghai Innovations.....stock is on fire!

                  Set those stocks to protect profits as the above stocks are EXTREMELY volatile........Good Luck God Bless and have a great day!
                  Last edited by Peter Hansen; 01-13-2010, 09:03 AM.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    Lucky 8 for 1/14/10

                    Yesterday's picks did not fare well , as all were losers, hopefully I can redeem myself today with the following eight picks!

                    1. CTEL LONG Chinese telecom at 52 week high with nice chart
                    2. CTFO LONG China Trasfer info company
                    3. DRWI LONG Dragon ais helping with wireless in Canada
                    4. ICGN LONG Wow don't know what is happening with this BioTech but it ran up from 72 cents to 1.20 finally closing at .96 . Highly volatile , RISKY, but may have some juice yet!
                    5. JBII LONG Web's pick . It appears to be basing , but some good news and volume are needed to really drive the stock!
                    6. NNVC LONG This biotech is the SUPERSTAR of the Magnificent 7 listed above.....According to "ALLAN" buy 10,000 shares NOW and have a cool million in 2014! See Link in Magnificent 7 for more details!
                    7. SKX LONG This popular footwear company has come out with a new "Back Shoe" that is on fire
                    8. SHE LONG Shanghai Innovations.

                    Wow just saw the devastation in Haiti , and it is unbevievable . Hopefully people here will find it in their hearts to make a donation to Red Cross or The Salvation Army . Just be careful , many scam groups on the intrernet will steal your money! I have always given preference to the Salvation Army ....a group really doing God's Work!
                    Well Good Luck God Bless , be thankful for what YOU have , and have a beautiful day!


                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      I'll bet we see some good JBII, before John gets married...jejeje


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968


                        Originally posted by Websman View Post
                        I'll bet we see some good JBII, before John gets married...jejeje
                        Webs .....if JBII really takes OFF John should have a lawyer draw up an air tight Pre Nupt LOL!


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          14 for 1/15/10

                          Gold, oil amd market futures are all down as I write so caution is advised.

                          1. BRKR LONG At 52 week high , and chart looks good
                          2. BUCY LONG Mr Market's New Pick destined for a quick 15%
                          3. CTEL LONG Chinese telecom at 52 week high and climbing
                          4. DARA LONG High spec Bio Tech
                          5. DRWI LONG Nice up chart on this wireless company
                          6. GNVC LONG 180 Million Market cap with NO debt. This $1.90 Biotech Boomer is blasting
                          7. JBII LONG Webs pick stalled out for now but a NASDAQ listing could set it on fire
                          8. KG LONG This pharma outfit has s super chart
                          9. MEOH LONG
                          10. MTL LONG Steel
                          11. NNVC LONG Super $1.27 Biotech closing in on 2 bucks ..will 10,000 shares bought now be worth 1 MILLION in 2014 ?
                          12.SWKS LONG 52 week high
                          13. TSTR LONG
                          14. SKX LONG A new back sneaker is moving this company up , you can see it in the malls and a friend of mine with back pain says it is great!

                          Good Luck God Bless, and have a super weekend !
                          Last edited by Peter Hansen; 01-15-2010, 10:51 AM.


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            Gnvc roth capital says $4 !!! News flash !

                            Roth CApital initiated coverage on GNVC and sets target at .....grab the digitalis MAUDE .....$4.00 ......Yumping Yupiter !
                            Bio Tech is Hot and I think ya can make some good coin here with this NO DEBT Super Bio Tech with Pancreatic Cancer and other drugs in the pipeline!


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              Money Gusher 5 Results

                              Below are the results for Money Gusher 5 which ran for 18 business days from 12/18/09-1/15/10 . The gain of 14 % was not bad. 50K was the initial amount divided equally among 12 stocks. Biggest gain was from JBII 5.6% in the 18 days , FSII was second with a 3.31% gain .Money Gusher 6 portfolio will be published over the weekend .......WATCH FOR IT!

                              MONEY GUSHER 5 12/18/09
                              Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
                              57,000.28 +7,000.27 +14.00% -551.67 -0.96%
                              Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
                              BPZ 468.1648 7.70 -0.05 8.90 -561.80 3,604.87
                              CSKI 206.7825 20.20 -0.31 20.15 +10.34 4,177.01
                              ELGX 836.6801 5.57 -0.08 4.98 +493.64 4,660.31
                              FSII 2,147.7663 3.31 +0.14 1.94 +2,942.44 7,109.11
                              HILL 2,354.049 1.87 0.00 1.77 +235.40 4,402.07
                              HPJ 496.0318 8.59 -0.48 8.40 +94.25 4,260.91
                              JBII 1,331.2034 5.60 0.00 3.13 +3,288.07 7,454.74
                              KERX 1,578.2828 2.77 -0.13 2.64 +205.18 4,371.84
                              MIC 375.0375 13.64 -0.13 11.11 +948.84 5,115.51
                              SBUX 175.9572 23.27 -0.28 23.68 -72.14 4,094.52
                              UIS 108.4787 34.97 -0.54 38.41 -373.17 3,793.50
                              XRA 490.1961 8.07 -0.20 8.50 -210.78 3,955.88

                              Last Updated: 8:37 AM on 01/16/10


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                Money Gusher Portfolio performance 1-5

                                So how did the Money Gusher Portfolios perform up to date? .......not too shabby I must admit!

                                1. Money Gusher 1 8/28/09-9/25/09 +20.86%
                                2. Money Gusher 2 9/25/09-1023/09 +10.86 %
                                3. Money Gusher 2 10/23/09-11/20/09 -7.50%
                                4, Money Gusher 4 11/20/09-12/18/09 +3.81%
                                5. Money Gusher 5 12/18/09-01/15/10 +14.00%

                                Total = 42.03%
                                6. Money Gusher 6 1/15/10-2/12/10 ?????

