Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    "lucky" 7 for 12/16/09

    Stock market futures , along with gold and oil appear to be up, so today should be a profitable day.

    1. GTE LONG Energy
    2. HPJ LONG Honk Kong Power
    3. JBII LONG Webs pick , took a 4.62% hit yesterday , could go higher from here ......but onec again NEVER marry any stock or bet the ranch on it!
    4. TSL LONG Trina Solar
    5. TSTC LONG Technology
    6. XRA LONG Gold Stock
    7. V LONG Visa

    Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful day!

    Interesting quote!

    "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting
    the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

    --Thomas Jefferson--


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      LUCKY 7 For 12/18/09

      Can you believe? Christmas is next Friday! Here are 7 positions for today! Iam not considering JBII today becaus it had a 16% loss yesterday and is currently on its 7 day EMA. Trouble could be in the works! I feel the following 7 are MUCH safer picks!

      1. CYBX LONG Inplantable medical devices
      2. FSII LONG Semiconductors
      3. IPXL LONG Pharmaceuticals
      4. MIC LONG Infrastructure
      5. PHO LONG An ETF which hold water resource companies
      6. SKX LONG Sketchers .....They have a popular new back shoe1
      7. ITB LONG An ETF which has the Home Builders, and with construction satrts Up , this one should go!

      Good Luck, God Bless and have a beautiful weekend!

      Tough week chill out crank up the speakers and listen to 2 beautiful songs .........ENJOY!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        MONEY GUSHER 4 Portfolio Results!

        After 19 business days , using 11/20/09 close prices as a start point, 50K divided equally among 12 stocks gained 3.81% or $1,904.50 ! Not too shabby , here are the results 9 wins and 3 losers!

        For best results, choose "Landscape" format, using the Print settings. MONEY GUSHER 4 11/20/09
        Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
        51,904.50 +1,904.50 +3.81% +779.78 +1.53%
        Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
        ADAT 3,132.8321 1.08 +0.07 1.33 -783.21 3,383.46
        CAAS 248.7562 19.01 -0.71 16.75 +562.19 4,728.86
        FSII 2,976.1905 1.94 +0.02 1.40 +1,607.14 5,773.81
        HILL 2,072.9685 1.77 +0.05 2.01 -497.51 3,669.15
        JADE 1,293.9959 2.3366 -0.0634 3.22 -1,143.12 3,023.55
        KERX 1,811.5942 2.64 +0.05 2.30 +615.94 4,782.61
        MOO 97.6715 43.17 +0.17 42.66 +49.81 4,216.48
        NAVI 2,115.0592 2.04 +0.04 1.97 +148.05 4,314.72
        POWI 121.9037 35.65 +0.57 34.18 +179.20 4,345.87
        RBY 949.1268 4.49 +0.19 4.39 +94.91 4,261.58
        TAN 453.3914 10.01 +0.09 9.19 +371.78 4,538.45
        UIS 126.6849 38.41 +1.37 32.89 +699.30 4,865.97

        Last Updated: 7:04 PM on 12/18/09

        Currently I am working on MONEY GUSHER 5 , and hope to publish the stocks on Sunday!


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          Money gusher 5 12/18/09

          MONEY GUSHER 5 Portfolio is designed to give you a nice return in 19 business days . 12/21/09 - 1/15/10 . I have taken $50,000 and divided it equally into 12 stocks, with each stock receiving $4,166.67. I shall announce the results on the close of the markets on 1/15/10. Good Luck To ALL and let the stocks rise to lofty heights! I have used Friday's 12/18/09 CLOSE prices as a start point for all positions!

          Print Preview

          Print U.S. Markets open in 23 hrs, 23 mins
          DJIA 10,328.89 20.63 0.20%
          NASDAQ 2,211.69 31.64 1.45%
          S&P 500 1,102.47 6.39 0.58%

          MONEY GUSHER 5 12/18/09
          Value: Gain/Loss [Since Purchase]: Gain/Loss [Today]:
          50,000.00 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
          Symbol Shares Last/NAV Net Change Pur. Price Gain/Loss Value
          BPZ 468.1648 8.90 +0.45 8.90 0.00 4,166.67
          CSKI 206.7825 20.15 +1.71 20.15 0.00 4,166.67
          ELGX 836.6801 4.98 +0.25 4.98 0.00 4,166.67
          FSII 2,147.7663 1.94 +0.02 1.94 0.00 4,166.67
          HILL 2,354.049 1.77 +0.05 1.77 0.00 4,166.67
          HPJ 496.0318 8.40 +0.98 8.40 0.00 4,166.67
          JBII 1,331.2034 3.13 +0.38 3.13 0.00 4,166.67
          KERX 1,578.2828 2.64 +0.05 2.64 0.00 4,166.67
          MIC 375.0375 11.11 +0.21 11.11 0.00 4,166.67
          SBUX 175.9572 23.68 +1.43 23.68 0.00 4,166.67
          UIS 108.4787 38.41 +1.37 38.41 0.00 4,166.67
          XRA 490.1961 8.50 +1.50 8.50 0.00 4,166.67

          Last Updated: 10:07 AM on 12/20/09



          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            LUCKY 7 fOR 12/21/09

            Welcome to the first day of winter, but on a positive note, the days will now get longer by approximately 1 minute per day!
            Futures are Up as I write and acccording to Mike Turner and his "Cycle Prophet" we should be in for an end of the year rally, "The CycleProphet forecast shows the market to begin a rally late this month"
            When the markets rise today , the following stocks should put some coin into your Christmas stocking!

            1. BPOP LONG Banking products
            2.CBPO LONG Chinese Biopharma
            3. CTSH LONG Technology
            4. HITK LONG Generic and Rx Drugs
            5. JAKK LONG Consumer products
            6. NTCT LONG Technology
            7. UWM LONG An ETF which bets the Russell 2000 to go up twice

            Good luck , God bless and have a beautiful day!
            With snowfall here in New Jersey, what is more appropriate than a White Christmas Song.....ENJOY!


            • steelman
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2008
              • 648



              I hope you are right on all your picks, especially on NCTC. I bought it about a week ago at $12.82. It had come up in a screen for industries outperforming, decent earnings, revenue, and it's projected at $20 a share, but who knows when that will happen. I will take my 15% and find another one. There was a nice spike in volume on Friday with this one.

              I took a workshop this weekend on charts, options, evaluating stocks and after the class, I asked the instructor about options on NTCT. Anyway, he really liked the stock and from the chart, and said it should go to $15. This was a TD Ameritrde/Investools/Think or Swim workshop. Just some FYI

              It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                Originally posted by steelman View Post

                I hope you are right on all your picks, especially on NCTC. I bought it about a week ago at $12.82. It had come up in a screen for industries outperforming, decent earnings, revenue, and it's projected at $20 a share, but who knows when that will happen. I will take my 15% and find another one. There was a nice spike in volume on Friday with this one.

                I took a workshop this weekend on charts, options, evaluating stocks and after the class, I asked the instructor about options on NTCT. Anyway, he really liked the stock and from the chart, and said it should go to $15. This was a TD Ameritrde/Investools/Think or Swim workshop. Just some FYI

                Steel the only negative I can see is the low volume ......generally stox trading over 500,000 shares seem to fare better!


                • steelman
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 648

                  Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                  Steel the only negative I can see is the low volume ......generally stox trading over 500,000 shares seem to fare better!

                  Very true, but did you see that on 9/23/09 there were 4,459,493 shares traded and it closed higher. 585000 shares were trades on Friday. Let's hope the big boys are sneaking money in!!
                  It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    8 sweet stox for 12/22/09

                    The Chinese culture holds up 8 to be a lucky number just as we consider 7to be lucky in the west! I have examined some charts and have come up with 8 LUCKY SUPER stocks that should bring some fast cash for holiday spending . The Santa Claus rally is coming , and the following picks should place us at the head of the pack!

                    1. CBPO LONG What else a CHINESE BIOPHARMA!
                    2. CSIQ LONG Canadian solar
                    3. GFRE LONG Gulf resources
                    4. HITK LONG Pharmaceuticals
                    5. JBII LONG Webs Super pick with CEO genius John Bordyuik
                    6. HPJ LONG Another Chinese block buster Hong Kong Highpower
                    7. MIC LONG Super infrastructure stock
                    8. ROIAK LONG Radio One ...the chart may be extended , and a pullback could be due .......but WOW WHAT A CHART!

                    Well there ya go my friends .....let's see how these "FAST" horses will run .....all throughbreds here, no glue factory candidates!
                    In keeping with the Christmas Spirit , another beautful song from the KING .........ENJOY!


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      8 for 12/23/09

                      Futures are uP as I write , and it looks like Santa Claus is coming to town!

                      1. DOX LONG Billing Software
                      2. CKSW LONG Stee'ls Pick and according to Vector Vest is UNDERVALUED compared to its current price of $6.60 it should be worth $14.15 , with good fundamentals , this baby should MOVE!
                      3. HTZ LONG Hertz Global at 52 Week High
                      4. IPXL LONG Impax Labs?
                      5. JBII LONG A Webs Pick with very interesting products!
                      6. ROIAK LONG Radio one seems to be extended but moving up
                      7. SGG LONG Sugar Index, with sugar crops low in India, China and Australia Ride this one up to 100 now at $71.91
                      8. VECO LONG Scientific Instrumments at 52 week high!

                      Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful day !

                      Another Christmas song for you!

                      Johnny Mathis , this singer articulates every word perfectly!


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Free free free!

                        Yes I guess they are trying to sell you something , BUT for free you can get stock analyses ...ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL Analysis .....ansd for FREE LOL I have JBII put in ......just enter your stock in top right box and click analyze .....ENJOY ....Just pete again trying to give you another money making tip.........any comments on the following link?


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          12 for 12/24/09

                          Well can you believe, Christmas is almost upon us and a Santa Claus Rally seems to be in progress. Short market hours today, but some HUGE coin can be made with the following , GOLDEN DOZEN picks.

                          1. APWR LONG Power generation systems with a great chart
                          2. CBPO LONG Super Chinese Bio Pharma
                          3. DRWI LONG wow Dragonwave ED gave us this pick and if the cards fall right , MEGA bucks can be made. They will be supplying Globalive with technology to put broadband wireless across Canada! Earnings come out 1/7/10, and this stock could go MOONSHOT! Here is a DRWI link for you!

                          4. ELGX LONG Surgical equipment
                          5. FSII LONG wow this $2.40 is a super winner
                          6. HITK LONG Volatile Hit Tech Pharma
                          7. KERX LONG another biopharma
                          8. KPPC LONG Super paper performer
                          9. MIC LONG Fantastic Infrastructure stock
                          10 JBII LONG Webs super technolgy pick
                          11. TTEC LONG Teletech holdings
                          52 week high BUSTING OUT
                          12. TWTC LONG Time WArner

                          Merry Christmas to all and have a wonderful , happy and safe weekend!
                          One more parting Christmas Song . Crank UP your speakers and listen to this angelic voice...... enjoy!

                          Dragonwave fundamentals .......sweet!
                          Last edited by Peter Hansen; 12-24-2009, 10:00 AM.


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            7 Prize Package Stocks For Monday 12/28/09

                            Well I think the "Santa Claus Rally" still has legs , and just as the fat guy in the red suit blows his final load are 7 of his Prize Package Stox for you.

                            1. CR LONG Super chart at 52 Wk High in nice UPMOVE!
                            2. DRWI LONG Enter Dragon wave ....this company will help to make Canada wireless
                            3. FSII LONG Just keeps busting out!
                            4. JBII LONG WOW Web's super pick .....this week should be verrrrry interesting!
                            5. MIC LONG Beautiful Infrastructure stock at 52 Wk High
                            6. TTEC TLONG tech stock at 52 Wk High
                            7. TWTC LONG Time warner

                            Good Luck , God Bless .....and have a profitable year!

                            For those unfamiliar with HBII go to this site for a nice synopsis of the company.....if the cards fall our way the PROFITS would be awesome , the next 2 months should put some additional icing on the cake$$$$$

                            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 12-27-2009, 03:32 PM. Reason: addition


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              13 for 12/29/09

                              With the year coming to the end and futures up ....I have a "baker's dozen" for you today ......there should be some real winners on this list , and with that ......Show Time!

                              1. DRWI LONG Supplies tech and equiptment to a company putting wireless in Canada
                              2. FSII LONG Just an absolute super performer!
                              3. GFRE LONG This mineral resource company just keeps climbing!
                              4. HITK LONG Pharmaceuticals
                              5. HLCS LONG Low cost $1.03 Speculative Biosciences stock this one
                              6. JBII LONG Web's super pick
                              7. KERX LONG Biopharma
                              8. MIC LONG Infrastructure ...Ya gotta be in this stock
                              9. NEP LONG Chinese petroleum
                              10. SMLC LONG Communications
                              11. SVA LONG Biotech appears to be coming off a bottom
                              12. TSTC LONG Hot Technology
                              13. VICL LONG Bio Pharma SPECULATIVE not for the timid!

                              Good luck, God Bless and enjoy the day!


                              • Websman
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 5545

                                How's JBII doing???

