"lucky" 7 for 12/16/09
Stock market futures , along with gold and oil appear to be up, so today should be a profitable day.
1. GTE LONG Energy
2. HPJ LONG Honk Kong Power
3. JBII LONG Webs pick , took a 4.62% hit yesterday , could go higher from here ......but onec again NEVER marry any stock or bet the ranch on it!
4. TSL LONG Trina Solar
5. TSTC LONG Technology
6. XRA LONG Gold Stock
7. V LONG Visa
Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful day!
Interesting quote!
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting
the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
--Thomas Jefferson--
Stock market futures , along with gold and oil appear to be up, so today should be a profitable day.
1. GTE LONG Energy
2. HPJ LONG Honk Kong Power
3. JBII LONG Webs pick , took a 4.62% hit yesterday , could go higher from here ......but onec again NEVER marry any stock or bet the ranch on it!
4. TSL LONG Trina Solar
5. TSTC LONG Technology
6. XRA LONG Gold Stock
7. V LONG Visa
Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful day!
Interesting quote!
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting
the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
--Thomas Jefferson--