Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    Mistake Corrected

    Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
    Wow another month , "Shot To Hell" , supposedly December is one of the BEST months for stocks. Hopefully the DUBAI effect is behind us , and the markets will recover tomorrow!

    1. BONT LONG Retail store at 52 week high
    2. CVM LONG Cel Science Corp
    3. FGP LONG Nat Gas ......Beautiful chart!
    4. KERX LONG Bio Pharma
    5. KBX LONG Small miner with POWERFUL UP chart
    6. KGN LONG Keegen Resources
    7. KMGB LONG Chemicals at 52 week high
    8. GAZ LONG A Nat Gas ETF
    9. NLST LONG High Spec Technology
    10. NPD LONG Chinese Drugstore chain
    11. PRGO LONG Healthcare worth putting a few bucks on
    12. PXLW LONG Pixel works ....looks to be breaking out
    13. RINO LONG An old tech favorite at 52 WEEK HIGH
    14. WMZ LONG Williams Pipeline
    15. WX LONG Chinese Pharma

    Well if the markets trend up ....most of these babies should run , God Luck God Bless .....say a prayer for our brave troops .....and do have a beautiful day!
    Please note that I have corrected Keegen Resources from KGH to the correct KGN .....sorry for the TYPO!


    • steelman
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2008
      • 648


      Wow Pete. RINO is up 54% since about November 10!! Did we miss the boat??

      It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        Originally posted by steelman View Post
        Wow Pete. RINO is up 54% since about November 10!! Did we miss the boat??

        Steel having trouble with my computer ....maybe KAREL put the "Gobal Warming Hex" on me LOL ! Bought new computer with Windows 7 64 bit and it is not compatible with my j6480 HP printer? Oh well working on resolving that one . Yes Rino was at 52 week high and may be retrweateing for the moment. DID not sell CAAS yet , but have moved my stop up to 21.25 and it just sold at that price ....DAMN that Mr Market is GOOD!

        MNEAF Steel check it out this miner is moving just bout 1000 shares at .89 Steel have a beautiful day bro!


        • billyjoe
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 9014

          When Mr.Market gets on a roll he is unbeatable. I know he details the criteria for his picks on his personal webpage but there's something intangible going on. Must be related to his hugeness.



          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
            When Mr.Market gets on a roll he is unbeatable. I know he details the criteria for his picks on his personal webpage but there's something intangible going on. Must be related to his hugeness.

            Bilie I think the key is VALUe VALUE VALUE


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              "LUCKY" 7 For 12/3/09

              Furures ,Gold and Oil are up slightly pre market. GOLD is going crazy , but CAUTION please be aware there could be a sharp correction at any time. Keep RAISING those gold stops! Gold is definitely reaching "MANIA" stage, don't get sucked in.... ride it to the top without stops , and lose all you had made when it inevitably drops!

              1. ANV LONG Nevada goldminer which according to Vector Vest is UNDERVALUED at $14.10 and its true value is $18.19 Vector Vest recommends using a stop of $11.60 or about an 18% TSL!
              2. BPZ LONG Another Resource company
              3. DWA LONG Dream Works
              4. MEND LONG Endovascular corp
              5. NPD LONG China Drugstore chain
              6. SORL LONG Auto Parts Remember what happened to Mr MArket's SUPER CAAS pick!
              7. SIRO LONG Dental Systems ,sweet chart

              Wow the new computer is great ,finally resolved most of the conflicts with windows 7. Good luck, God bless an have a beautiful day!


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                8 for 12/4/09

                Amazing the jobs report seems to indicate "LESS" jobs were lost and futures exploded to the upside, with oil up only slightly, but GOLD down about 14 bucks.....maybe good time to pick up some gold as it pulls back?

                1. APKT LONG Undervalued company that provides security for mobile devices
                2. BRF LONG An ETF which holds Brazil stocks
                3. CGLD LONG Undervalued OTCBB GOLD miner with good fundamentals . Curently selling for $1.00 Vector Vest says it is worth $1.93.
                Here is a twitter comment:
                also fundamentals look enticing, anyone holding this baby? Looking Good!

                4. DVNTF LONG Technology
                5. FGP LONG Steady Eddie UPM chart on this GAS stock
                6. GIII LONG Apparel Company
                7. KMGB LONG Chemicals
                8. MED LONG Diet Supplies

                Good Luck , God Bless and have a beautiful day !


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  18 For 12/7/09

                  Well 12/7/09 has historical significance, as 12/7/41 was Japanese bombing of Pearl harbor! Let us hope that the following picks don't ahem......."Bomb Out", but I have confidence that there are many solid picks here that will take your portfolio higher for the week! Show Time , Let The Markets Trend Higher!

                  1. APKT LONG Small cap powerhouse concerned with mobile device solutions. Sales and cash flow increasing ...Watch This One!
                  2. BGT LONG Income Trust for the conservtive steady eddie. Chart is super up
                  3. CYT LONG Specialty chemicals
                  4. DVNTF LONG Risky volatile with sales up 119% over a year ago. Vector Vest says this 90 cent stock is UNDERVALUED and its worth is $1.42. Security for internet transmission
                  5. HPJ LONG Chinese High Power Stock
                  6. ICGE LONG Internet capital, seems to be coming off bottom?
                  7. MEND LONG Medical
                  8. MSM LONG Industrial supplies
                  9. MMV LONG Super chart
                  10. NWBO LONG Explosive OTCBB 83 cent biopharma !
                  11. NX LONG Engineered Bldg products
                  12. POWI LONG Power conversion devices
                  13. PRGO LONG Pharmaceuticals
                  14. SIRO LONG Dental systems
                  15. SORL LONG Auto parts
                  16. SYKE LONG Technical
                  17. UIS LONG IT Systems
                  18. CGLD LONG Small Gold miner that is selling for $1.00 but according to Vector Vest is worth $1.92, took a 3% hit with the downdraft in Gold Friday ..but as gold rises this baby should SOAR....ya may wish to jump in now .....Lock & Load on this one !

                  Good Luck , God Bless, and have a beautiful Monday!
                  Last edited by Peter Hansen; 12-06-2009, 07:56 PM.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    9 for 12/8/09

                    Wow what a tricky market. It is like walking down a road in Afghanistan waiting for the next IED to go off! No Joke , but do say a prayer for our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
                    One email I recieved this morning says the market is "Overvalued" and poised to retrench. It also said a floor of $850 for Giold is possible but a more likely $1100 is probable. Bottom line , even the experts are whistling past the graveyard.
                    The following , picks I believe are fairly safe, BUT dont bet the ranch on anyone of them , and use stops!

                    1. APWR LONG Power generation systems
                    2. CBPO LONG Chinese biologic products
                    3. CYBX LONG Cyberonics
                    4. HITK LONG Hi Tech Pharma
                    5. MIC LONG Infrastructure Chart appears to be trending up after basing
                    6. MOO LONG An ETF Agriculture
                    7. MRX LONG Pharmaceuticals
                    8. POWI LONG Power integration devices
                    9. TAN LONG A global energy ETF index

                    I would wait before buying any GOLD at this time , a correction down to 1100 is possible. Good Luck God Bless and have a beautiful day!


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      12 For 12/9/09

                      Looks like GOLD futures are flat , OIL and the markets appear to be UP as I write. Most of these have nice charts with good fundamentals1

                      1. CGLD LONG Gold
                      2. CYT LONG Specialty Chemicals
                      3. CMFO LONG China Food Products
                      4. HPJ LONG China High Poer Technology
                      5. IOC LONG OIL
                      6. MSM LONG Industrial products
                      7. NTAP LONG Storage and Data Software
                      8. OIL LONG OIl ETF Appears to be bottoming out
                      9. OMN LONG Speciialty Chemicals
                      10. POWI LONG Power Integration
                      11. PRGO LONG Over the Counter and Prescription Drugs
                      12. VECO LONG High Brightness Light Emitting Diodes ....used in panel displays

                      Well there ya go......some real money makers in the list .Good Luck God Bless .and have a beautiful day!


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        9 for 12/11/09

                        Futures for the markets, GOLD and Oil are up .....shaping up to be a good day. These 9 should perform well today ! Extra Extra A BONUS pick by Websman JBII.

                        1. CEVA LONG Technology
                        2. FBR LONG Cellulose , paper
                        3. CGLD LONG Small gold miner
                        4. HPJ LONG Chiinese power company
                        5. IVN LONG Gold miner
                        6. KIRK LONG Retail sales
                        7. MIC LONG Infastructure
                        8. OPNT LONG Technology
                        9. ROSE LONG Oll and Gas

                        BONUS PICK LONG High Spec JBII A new process for converting scrap plastic into oil......A story stock ..who knows? Don't bet the ranch on it, or marry it.

                        Good Luck , God Bless and enjoy the weekend!
                        Last edited by Peter Hansen; 12-11-2009, 10:42 AM.


                        • Thanks for the heads up on HPJ, I am in @ $6.30!



                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            Scanda Thanx , Glad you found a winner !

                            Originally posted by scanda View Post
                            Thanks for the heads up on HPJ, I am in @ $6.30!

                            Scanda the stock is still at a 52 week high and appears to retain momentum, BUT ALWAYS SET a stop to PROTECT PROFITS! For help with stops go to for UNBIASED STOP info!


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              12 for monday 12/14/09

                              I am posting Monday's picks early MOST of these are at 52 week highs with great charts and momemtum . God knows what the markets will do on Monday , but I feel confident that over a 2-10 day period the following stocks should perform well!

                              1. ALK LONG Alaska Airlines , normally I HATE airlines but ALK does have a beautiful chart.
                              2. CNK LONG Motion Picture Exhibitions
                              3. DDS LONG Dillards Dept stores retail
                              4. DUK LONG Duke Energy
                              5. HNT LONG Health Net Managed Health care
                              6. HPJ LONG Hong Kong Power
                              ***> 7. JBII LONG A high Spec Websman pick, basically a procedure for changing plastics into oil? OVER EXTENDED careful with this one!
                              8. KERX LONG Biopharma
                              9. NX LONG Bldg products worldwide
                              10. OKE LONG Storage and shipment of NAT GAS
                              11. SKX LONG Sketchers They have some hot new "Back Sneaker"
                              12. KIRK LONG Retail sales

                              Well there ya go . If any one wishes to comment on any of the picks ......feel free........ Have a great weekend!

                              IMPORTANT ADDITION TO JBII GO TO THIS LINK < YES JOHN BORDYNIUK appears to be a genius!>!

                              Rawnoc: JBII = SEXIEST STORY STOCK I'VE EVER SEEN Massive breakout to happen soon IMO. Here's why: (1) JBII is currently undergoing third party valu...
                              Last edited by Peter Hansen; 12-14-2009, 11:19 AM.


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                13 for 12/15/09

                                Wow 10 days before Christmas .....where has the year gone? I hope to put some "GOLD" into your Christmas stockings with the following picks . Yes there are some speculative stocks here , but most of these should bring to you extra cash for the holidays! Well here is the "BAKERS DOZEN " for you!

                                1. APKT LONG This tech company increased sales 7 times in the last 5 years , added 73 new customes over the last 3 months, and in October SKYPE, selected APKT as SOLE provider for its new Skype SIP Beta!
                                2. CRZO LONG Gezzzz if ya want an oil company , CRZO is the one!
                                3. CSIQ LONG Canadian Solar
                                4. GNBT LONG Generex Biotech......seems to be blasting off a botton HIGH SPEC Nasdaq 64 cent moonshot! Do or Die on this one!
                                5. HPJ LONG Hong Kong Power 11 UP days in a row !
                                6. JBII LONG Yumping Yupiter Websman selected this skyrocket , which is headed by a genius CEO John Bordyuik . The company execs ONLY get paid if the stock makes money.....that takes a big set of nuts!
                                7. KERX LONG Hot bio pharma
                                8. KIRK LONG Sweet retailer with a BUST OUT CHART!
                                9. OKE LONG Such a sweet up chart of the best
                                10. RBY LONG Small cap gold miner
                                11. SKX LONG Sketchers .....they have a new BACK SHOE which actually is featured at MALL kiosks
                                12. UIS LONG Unisys another chart beauty
                                13. V LONG Who doesn't use VISA?

                                Well there ya go , good luck , God bless and have a beautiful profitable day. P.S. If ya have some spare cash , dont forget the Red Kettles , The Salvation Army is a super organization defintely doing God's work!

